Humphreys Award

  • ️Wed Aug 21 2024
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Humphreys Award2024-08-21T14:45:59+00:00

Gweneth Humphreys Awards

For Mentorship of Undergraduate Women

M. Gweneth Humphreys (1911-2006) graduated with honors in mathematics from the University of British Columbia in 1932, earning the prestigious Governor General’s Gold Medal at graduation. After receiving her master’s degree from Smith College in 1933, Humphreys earned her Ph.D. at age 23 from the University of Chicago in 1935. She taught mathematics to women for her entire career, first at Mount St. Scholastica College, then for several years at Sophie Newcomb College, and finally for over thirty years at Randolph Macon Woman’s College, now Randolph College.

Carol  Wood initiated creation of the award, with contributions from other Randolph-Macon Woman’s College alumnae and faculty.   Gwen’s impact went well beyond academia. She believed in her students, and encouraged her majors toward successful careers involving mathematics. These students have made lasting contributions in a wide range of areas, including  K-12 education, publishing, software and the legal profession.

The Association for Women in Mathematics established this award in memory of M. Gweneth Humphreys to recognize outstanding mentorship activities. This award, funded by contributions from her former students and colleagues at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, recognizes Humphreys’ commitment to and profound influence on undergraduate students of mathematics.

Nomination Period: April 1 – May 15

Nomination Location: All nominations can be made at To locate the nomination form in MathPrograms, click on  “View Programs” at the top right of the page. Scroll down to the programs listed for “Association for Women in Mathematics” and click “Nominate” next to the Humphreys Award.

Nominator: Any person can be a nominator! People of any gender can be a nominator, self-nominations are allowed, and you do not need to be an AWM member to nominate someone for this award.

Nomination Packet: A nomination packet should include:

  • A one to three-page letter of nomination highlighting the exceptional contributions of the candidate to be recognized; the name, position, institution, address, phone, and e-mail address of the nominee and the nominator should be included in the cover letter;
  • A list of female students mentored by the nominee during their undergraduate years, with a brief account of their post-baccalaureate mathematical careers and/or graduate study in the mathematical sciences;
  • Supporting letters from colleagues and/or students; at least one letter from a current or former student of the candidate must be included.
  • A curriculum vitae of the candidate not to exceed three pages.
  • Login to as a Program applicant, Program nominator, or as Writer of reference letters or proxies (creating an account if you don’t already have one).
  • Using the menu bar across the top (or bottom) click “Programs.”
  • Search through the list for Association for Women in Mathematics (good, because you see what else there is to apply for!), or in the upper right search bar, search on “Association for Women in Mathematics” to see all current AWM listings on

All submitted materials become the property of the AWM.

Award Criteria: This prize will be awarded annually to a mathematics teacher (of any gender) who has encouraged female undergraduate students to pursue mathematical careers and/or the study of mathematics at the graduate level.

Nominee Requirements. The award is open to all regardless of nationality and citizenship. Nominations of women from underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged. Nominees must be living at the time of their nomination.

Presentation of Award. The award will be presented at the Joint Prize Session at the Joint Mathematics Meetings each January. The recipient will receive a $500 prize, honorary certificate, and will be featured in an article in the AWM Newsletter.

At the request of the nominator, nominations can remain active for two additional years, and the nominator can update the application materials.

2025 Dewey Taylor, Virginia Commonwealth University
2024  Cristina Villalobos, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
2023  Erika Tatiana Camacho, Institut de la Vision-Sorbonne Université and Arizona State University
2022  Maria Helena Noronha, California State University at Northridge
2021  Raegan Higgins, Texas Tech University
2020  Margaret M. Robinson, Mount Holyoke College
2019   Suzanne Weekes, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2018   Erica Flapan, Pomona College
2017   Helen G. Grundman, Bryn Mawr College
2016   Naomi Jochnowitz, University of Rochester
2015   Ruth Haas, Smith College
2014   William Yslas Vélez, University of Arizona
2013   James Morrow, University of Washington
2012   Deanna Haunsperger, Carleton College
2011   Rhonda Hughes, Bryn Mawr College

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