1958 ballot measures

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1958 State
Ballot Measures

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    17 states had ballots measures in 1958. California led the pack with 18 statewide ballot propositions. Oregon came in second, with 13 questions on its ballot, resulting in eight amendments to the Oregon Constitution.

    By state


    See also: Alaska 1958 ballot measures

    August 26

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    FedRef Proposition 1 Statehood Admits Alaska into the United States as a state Approved
    FedRef Proposition 2 Statehood Ratifies the state's boundaries as defined by Congress Approved
    FedRef Proposition 3 Statehood Ratifies other parts of the Alaska Statehood Act Approved


    See also: Arizona 1958 ballot measures

    September 9, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 100 Legislature; Salaries Provide for the increase of state legislators’ salaries to $3,600 per year and $20 per day for special sessions and meetings


    68,207 (59%)

    47,281 (41%)


    Proposition 101 Judiciary; Salaries Provide for the authorization of retired judges receiving retirement pay to serve as Supreme or Superior Court judges without additional compensation


    84,502 (73%)

    31,584 (27%)

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 200 Education Provide for the change of the official name of the Arizona State College at Tempe to Arizona State University


    151,135 (66%)

    78,693 (34%)


    Proposition 201 Labor Provide a merit-based system for state, county, and municipal employees


    79,651 (39%)

    122,071 (61%)


    See also: Arkansas 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Arkansas Repeal of Full Crew Laws Initiative (1958) Admin. of gov't. Would repeal specific laws in the state Defeated
    LRCA Arkansas Prohibition of State Ad Valorem Tax, Proposed Amendment 47 (1958) Taxes Would prohibit state ad valorem tax. Approved
    LRCA Arkansas Legislative Salaries, Proposed Amendment 48 (1958) State legislatures Dealt with salaries for state lawmakers. Approved
    LRCA Arkansas Industrial Development Bonds, Proposed Amendment 49 (1958) Bond issues Development bonds in the state. Approved
    VR Arkansas Sales Tax Repeal, Referred Act 19 (1958) Taxes Repeal of state sales tax. Approved


    See also: California 1958 ballot propositions

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 10 Allow agencies to take property that will be used for schools or airports through eminent domain prior to the owner being paid and require a 90-day notice before such taking occurs.


    1,277,452 (31%)

    2,847,379 (69%)


    Proposition 11 Allow laws that authorize the issuance of bonds for streets and roads and establish that the repayment of such bonds be from the gasoline tax funds,


    1,695,022 (41%)

    2,410,850 (59%)


    Proposition 12 Allow members of the legislature to be notaries public.


    1,798,069 (45%)

    2,195,791 (55%)


    Proposition 13 Establish the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction as a position appointed by the State Board of Education.


    1,519,209 (38%)

    2,522,998 (62%)


    Proposition 14 Eliminate the provision that prevents the compensation for county, township, or municipal officers to be increased during their term.


    1,174,420 (29%)

    2,825,189 (71%)


    Proposition 15 Repeal Penal Code Section 413 ½, allowing for boxing exhibitions on Sundays and Memorial Day.


    1,874,135 (44%)

    2,374,898 (56%)


    Proposition 16 Exempt religious schools under the collegiate level from receiving the property tax exemption for schools.


    1,686,122 (33%)

    3,446,829 (67%)


    Proposition 17 Establish provisions relating to the sales and use tax and the income tax.


    888,523 (18%)

    4,033,101 (82%)


    Proposition 18 Enact a constitutional right-to-work law


    2,079,975 (40%)

    3,070,837 (60%)


    Proposition 1 Issue $300 million in bonds for veterans' home program


    3,133,313 (74%)

    1,103,800 (26%)


    Proposition 2 Allow for bonds up to $220,000,000 for schools for physically or mentally handicapped children and establish the terms of such bonds.


    3,356,141 (74%)

    1,168,786 (26%)


    Proposition 3 Allow for bonds up to $200,000,000 for the building of educational, mental, and correctional institutions and establish the terms of such bonds.


    2,765,865 (64%)

    1,579,031 (36%)


    Proposition 4 Allow for bonds up to $60,000,000 for the San Francisco Harbor and for financing a small craft harbor development program.


    2,440,813 (57%)

    1,878,742 (43%)


    Proposition 5 Allow the legislator to set legislators' salaries and cap the legislators' salaries to the average salary of county supervisors in the five most populous counties.


    1,248,474 (30%)

    2,916,671 (70%)


    Proposition 6 Require bond propositions to be published for 8 weeks before the election in newspapers in at least 50 counties, including the 5 most populous counties.


    1,542,889 (38%)

    2,487,240 (62%)


    Proposition 7 Add provisions to the state Constitution to allow for changes to the administration of government during times of war.


    3,247,586 (78%)

    902,328 (22%)


    Proposition 8 Allow those who have lived in California for at least 54 days and meet all other qualifications to vote in the election of President and Vice-President.


    2,327,120 (55%)

    1,914,294 (45%)


    Proposition 9 Establish regulations regarding the timing of general legislative sessions.


    1,979,119 (50%)

    1,940,351 (50%)


    See also: Colorado 1958 ballot measures

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment No. 1 Amend the state constitution relating to state civil service and the civil service commission.


    218,426 (49%)

    231,725 (51%)


    Amendment No. 2 Allow the General Assembly to set the salaries and term length for certain political subdivision officers.


    146,328 (37%)

    252,903 (63%)


    Amendment No. 3 Allow the General Assembly to create alternative forms of county government and authorize counties to provide local services.


    158,666 (40%)

    241,636 (60%)


    Amendment No. 4 Allow certain non-profit organizations to conduct certain games of chance and establish provisions governing such games of chance.


    244,929 (51%)

    235,482 (49%)


    Amendment No. 5 Establish that membership or non-membership to a labor organization may not be a term of obtaining or retaining employment.


    200,319 (39%)

    318,480 (61%)


    See also: Connecticut 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Question 1 Admin of Gov't Prohibits current officeholders from holding other offices Approved
    LRCA Question 2 Trials Provides for the adjudication of claims against the state Approved
    LRCA Question 3 Gov't Salaries Concerns the salaries of General Assembly members Approved


    See also: Florida 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment 1 Allow the legislature to link proposed constitutional amendments in an election so that all must be approved for any one to be enacted


    78,923 (28%)

    206,830 (72%)


    Amendment 2 Eliminate the Hillsborough County solicitor and transfer the duties to the State Attorney of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida


    147,438 (58%)

    106,761 (42%)


    See also: Georgia 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Veterans Provides homestead tax exemptions for certain disabled veterans Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Education Grants scholarships to students lacking funds for higher education Approved
    LRCA Amendment 3 Education Disburses state funds to employees for graduate or post-graduate educational scholarships Approved
    LRCA Amendment 4 Transportation Creates the Brunswick Port Authority Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 5 Taxes Authorizes counties to levy a tax for school lunches Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 6 Education Grants scholarships to Georgia citizens to study to become teachers Approved
    LRCA Amendment 7 Education Provides scholarships to physicians for specialized training in psychiatry Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 8 Judiciary Provides that chief justices emeritus and judges emeritus of other superior courts be eligible to preside over their courts Approved
    LRCA Amendment 9 Transportation Authorizes any county or municipality to issue revenue certificates for the purchase of buses and other transit equipment Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 10 Environment Authorizes the payment of $100,000 to the first corporation to develop a practical method for eradicating boll weevils Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 11 Education Authorizes certain political subdivisions of the state to establish colleges Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 12 Taxes Authorizes the levy of taxes for paying retirement benefits to state peace officers Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 13 Judiciary Relates to judicial service by judges emeritus of the Atlanta Judicial Circuit Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 14 Taxes Extends the power of taxation over the state to include a tax for school lunches Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 15 Taxes Allows taxation for the purpose of paying pensions under an ordinaries retirement system Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 16 Taxes Exempts certain fraternity and sorority property from ad valorem taxation Defeated


    See also: Idaho 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CISS INIT 1 Labor and unions Gives the right to employment regardless of labor organization membership or non-membership Defeated


    See also: Illinois 1958 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Judiciary Shall major changes to the judicial system be adopted? Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 2 Local Gov't Shall county sheriffs and treasurers be able to be elected to successive terms? Defeated
    LRSS General Banking Law Amendment Banking Shall the banking law be modified? Approved


    See also: Maine 1958 ballot measures

    March 10

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    VR Referendum Question Transportation Increases vehicle registration and license fees Defeated


    See also: Maryland 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Local gov't Allows the mayor of Baltimore to change the compensation of any of its appointed public officers Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Admin of gov't Provides for filling vacancies in the State's Attorneys offices Approved
    LRCA Amendment 3 Admin of gov't Abolishes the office of State Librarian Approved


    See also: Massachusetts 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Require former public employees to refund portions of their pensions, depending upon yearly earnings


    1,011,028 (71%)

    403,519 (29%)


    See also: Michigan 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Constitutional Convention Question Call a constitutional convention to revise the state constitution


    821,282 (57%)

    608,365 (43%)


    See also: Minnesota 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Local gov't Permits the legislature to revise provisions for home rule Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Term limits Provides for four year terms for state constitutional officers Approved
    LRCA Amendment 3 Legislature Permits members of the legislature to hold state offices Defeated


    See also: Missouri 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment 1 Administration Allow a process to withdraw money from the state treasury


    415,126 (56%)

    329,232 (44%)


    Amendment 2 Elections Allow United States citizens who have lived in Missouri for more than 60 days to vote in the presidential election


    561,413 (69%)

    248,733 (31%)


    Proposition 3 Business Allow banking institutions, with approval from the Commissioner of Finance, to establish branches within their home city, county, or certain urban areas with over 400,000 people and nearby territories


    287,931 (30%)

    677,539 (70%)


    See also: Montana 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Education Relates to indebtedness of high school districts Approved
    VR IR-59 Alcohol Establishes an excise tax on the sale of liquor Approved
    LRSS R-61 Education Enacts a levy to benefit the University of Montana Approved


    See also: Nebraska 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 State exec Changes residence requirements of executive officers Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Taxes Cancels unpaid property taxes and assessment charges Approved
    LRCA Amendment 3 State exec Revises line of succession to the office of the governor Approved
    LRCA Amendment 4 Admin of gov't Abolishes the Board of Control Approved
    LRCA Amendment 5 Gov't salaries Increases legislative salaries Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 6 Judiciary Creates a separate juvenile court Approved
    LRCA Amendment 7 Local gov't Allows municipalities to lease property to private enterprises Defeated
    CICA Amendment 8 Utilities Relates to public power districts Approved
    CICA Amendment 9 Gambling Relates to bingo Approved


    See also: Nevada 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Direct democracy Enact a 10% signature rule, require signatures from 75% of counties, and regulate petition circulators.


    37,651 (62%)

    23,168 (38%)


    Question 3 Legislature Repeal the removal of time limits on regular and special legislative sessions.


    41,383 (69%)

    18,201 (31%)


    Question 4 Legislature; Wages Limit legislator pay to 60 days for regular sessions and 20 days for special sessions, regardless of session length.


    41,684 (71%)

    17,420 (29%)


    Question 5 Legislature Require the Nevada Legislature to meet annually instead of every two years.


    36,634 (60%)

    24,919 (40%)

    New Hampshire

    See also: New Hampshire 1958 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CCR Question 1 Constitutional Rights Shall the provision preventing women from voting for state offices be removed? Approved
    CCR Question 2 Local Gov't Shall the name of the elected county legal representative be changed? Approved
    CCR Question 3 Con Language Shall certain obsolete phrases be removed from the constitution? Approved

    New Jersey

    See also: New Jersey 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Question 1 Bond issues on the ballot Allows for $45.85 million in bonds for water supplies. Approved
    LRCA Question 2 Education Allows the use of the state public school fund to invest in local school bonds. Approved

    New York

    See also: New York 1958 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRSS Proposition 1 Housing Creates a state debt of $100 million for slum clearance and low-rent housing Approved
    LRSS Proposition 2 Housing Creates a state debt of $100 million for loans to limited-profit housing companies Approved
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 1 Local Gov't Grants additional powers of home rule to counties Approved
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 2 Bonds Extends payment time of notes or obligations for money borrowed for housing purposes Approved

    North Carolina

    See also: North Carolina 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Judiciary Expands the jurisdiction of justices of the peace Defeated

    North Dakota

    See also: North Dakota 1958 ballot measures

    June 24

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Referendum 1 American Indians Authorizes the legislature to accept jurisdiction over Native American lands as delegated to the state by the U.S. Congress Approved
    LRCA Referendum 2 Suffrage Reforms elective enfranchisement language Approved
    CISS Initiative 3 Education Authorizes the state government to give $450,000 to build a new School for the Blind Approved

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Referendum 1 Taxes Levies a tax to fund college buildings Defeated
    LRCA Referendum 2 Direct Democracy Changes number of signatures to qualify an initiative from 20,000 signatures to 10 percent of votes cast for governor at last general election Defeated
    LRCA Referendum 3 Term limits Changes election terms of most state and county offices from two to four years Defeated
    CICA Initiative 4 Education Changes the name of the North Dakota Agricultural College to the North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Defeated
    CISS Initiative 5 Education Annexes school districts not operating a high school into districts that operate high schools Defeated


    See also: Ohio 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Formation of Metropolitan Federations Amendment Permit the electors of Ohio counties to form metropolitan federations.


    1,108,383 (44%)

    1,410,277 (56%)


    Right-to-Work Law Initiative Forbid labor contracts from establishing union membership as a condition for achieving or continuing employment.


    1,160,324 (37%)

    2,001,512 (63%)


    See also: Oklahoma 1958 ballot measures

    July 1, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    State Question 379 Taxes; Property Limit assessed value for ad valorem taxes to 35% of fair market value and establish penalties for willful errors in assessment.


    251,317 (65%)

    132,972 (35%)


    State Question 380 Water; Local government Authorize cities and towns to jointly own water facilities, enter contracts, and issue bonds (up to 30 years) for purchasing water and securing facilities.


    261,832 (69%)

    117,614 (31%)


    See also: Oregon 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Measure 10 Energy Allow the state to acquire and develop hydroelectric, thermal, and nuclear power facilities for wholesale electrical transmission or direct sale to industries.


    218,662 (43%)

    291,210 (57%)


    Measure 11 Local government Allow counties, with voter approval, to adopt a home rule charter to exercise authority over county-level concerns.


    311,516 (66%)

    157,023 (34%)


    Measure 12 Administration; Healthcare Authorize the Board of Control to discontinue using the Eastern Oregon and University State Tuberculosis Hospitals.


    319,790 (62%)

    195,945 (38%)


    Measure 13 Legislature Allow employees or members of a school board or the Board of Higher Education to serve as legislators.


    320,751 (61%)

    201,700 (39%)


    Measure 1 Administration Adjust the state's boundaries with Washington along the Columbia River


    399,396 (78%)

    114,318 (22%)


    Measure 2 Budgets; Veterans Increase bond issuances from four to six percent of property value to fund farm and home loans for World War II and the Korean War veterans.


    232,246 (42%)

    318,685 (58%)


    Measure 3 Legislature; Salaries Increase the annual salaries of state legislators from $600 to $1,200.


    236,000 (43%)

    316,437 (57%)


    Measure 4 Death penalty Remove the death penalty for first degree murder from the constitution and allow the legislature to determine appropriate penalty.


    264,434 (49%)

    276,487 (51%)


    Measure 5 Taxes; Economic development Implement property taxes on the increased value of property within an urban redevelopment or renewal project to pay debts from the development.


    221,330 (45%)

    268,716 (55%)


    Measure 6 Budgets Authorize the legislature to fix the maximum limitation on county indebtedness incurred.


    252,347 (53%)

    224,426 (47%)


    Measure 7 Trials Authorize the legislature to enact laws permitting the calling of a special grand jury.


    357,792 (72%)

    136,745 (28%)


    Measure 8 Administration Authorize the legislature to alter or terminate any state institution located outside of Marion County ten years after its establishment.


    303,282 (61%)

    193,177 (39%)


    Measure 9 Judiciary Authorize the Oregon Supreme Court to temporarily appoint judges to the Supreme Court and lower courts and outside of their elected districts.


    373,466 (75%)

    125,898 (25%)


    See also: Pennsylvania 1958 ballot measures

    Type Name Subject Description Result
    LRCA Private Forest Reserves Amendment Forests Creates standards and qualifications for private forest reserves Approved

    Rhode Island

    See also: Rhode Island 1958 ballot measures

    November 4:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LBM Proposal 1 Bond issues Approved
    LBM Proposal 2 Bond issues Approved
    LBM Proposal 3 Bond issues Approved
    LBM Proposal 4 Bond issues Approved
    LBM Proposal 5 Bond issues Approved

    South Dakota

    See also: South Dakota 1958 ballot measures

    November 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Municipal Home Rule Local gov't Allows municipal home rule Defeated
    LRCA Tax Exemption for Highway Property Taxes Exempts public highway property from taxation Approved
    LRCA Gubernatorial Succession State exec Changes gubernatorial succession Approved
    LRCA Voting Age Suffrage Reduces voting age to eighteen Defeated
    LRCA Voting Residence Elections Provides for maintaining old voting residence Approved


    See also: Texas 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 1 Legislature; Salaries Provide annual legislative sessions with member compensation and temporary housing for the speaker and lieutenant governor at the Texas State Capitol


    195,993 (31%)

    441,803 (69%)


    Proposition 2 Local government; Pension Allow counties to offer retirement, disability, and death benefits to their employees and officials


    247,506 (40%)

    368,957 (60%)


    Proposition 3 Judiciary; Local government Provide the filling county judge and justices of the peace vacancies by commissioners until the next general election


    453,340 (71%)

    181,437 (29%)


    Proposition 4 Local government Require county officials with more than 1 year remaining in their term who are seeking other offices to resign their current position


    407,875 (65%)

    215,377 (35%)


    Proposition 5 Local government; Term limits Allow home rule cities to set office terms between two and four years for elected and appointed officials


    326,314 (54%)

    275,621 (46%)


    Proposition 6 Law enforcement; Pension Provide pensions to retired Texas Rangers and their widows


    391,378 (62%)

    242,966 (38%)


    Proposition 7 Budgets Authorize the legislature to fund and outline procedures for promoting Texas's resources.


    318,009 (52%)

    296,870 (48%)


    Proposition 8 Healthcare; Welfare Authorize the payment of medical care for recipients of assistance for the elderly, blind, children and disabled


    380,313 (61%)

    244,915 (39%)


    Proposition 9 Healthcare; Local government Allow Amarillo hospital district creation, permit financial support from Potter County, and establish districts in Wichita and Jefferson Counties


    332,091 (56%)

    262,381 (44%)


    See also: Utah 1958 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CISS Initiative A Gambling Permits pari-mutuel wagering at horse races and created a state horse-racing commission Defeated


    See also: Virginia 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Allow County School Boards to Borrow Money from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for School Construction Amendment Allow county school boards to borrow money from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System to fund school construction


    292,281 (69%)

    130,348 (31%)


    See also: Washington 1958 ballot measures

    November 4, 1958

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Initiative 202 Labor Provide for the nullification of agreements that require labor organization membership as a condition of employment.


    339,742 (36%)

    596,949 (64%)


    Initiative 23 Law enforcement; Civil service Provide civil service status for certain county sheriffs' employees and a civil service commission to administer the act and set rules.


    539,640 (65%)

    289,575 (35%)


    Referendum 10 Education; Bonds Provide $25 million for buildings for state charitable, educational, and penal institutions.


    402,937 (51%)

    391,726 (49%)


    Referendum 30 Insurance; Taxes Provide for the taxation of insurance policy proceeds payable upon death under the inheritance tax.


    52,223 (6%)

    811,539 (94%)


    SJR 10 Administration Adjust the state's boundaries with Oregon along the Columbia River.


    395,969 (56%)

    309,922 (44%)


    SJR 14 Religion Provide the legislature with the authority to employ a chaplain for custodial, correctional, and mental institutions.


    492,047 (64%)

    279,700 (36%)


    SJR 18 Labor; Salaries Prohibit the legislature from increasing compensation, excluding pensions, to public employees after they have provided their services.


    388,797 (51%)

    371,652 (49%)


    Substitute HJR 4 Education; Taxes; Property Permit school district electors to authorize excess tax levies at a maximum rate of two years for operation and six years for capital outlay.


    293,386 (38%)

    483,165 (62%)


    SJR 9 Part 1 Legislature; Salaries Provide for the legislature to increase or decrease the compensation of all elected state and county officials.


    199,361 (27%)

    539,483 (73%)


    SJR 9 Part 2 Legislature; Salaries Allow legislators to be elected or appointed to an office where the compensation has increased during their legislative term.


    140,142 (20%)

    570,630 (80%)

    v  e

    1958 ballot measures 1958 ballot measures

    Alabama 1958 ballot measuresAlaska 1958 ballot measuresArizona 1958 ballot measuresArkansas 1958 ballot measuresCalifornia 1958 ballot propositionsColorado 1958 ballot measuresConnecticut 1958 ballot measuresFlorida 1958 ballot measuresGeorgia 1958 ballot measuresIdaho 1958 ballot measuresIllinois 1958 ballot measuresMaine 1958 ballot measuresMaryland 1958 ballot measuresMassachusetts 1958 ballot measuresMichigan 1958 ballot measuresMinnesota 1958 ballot measuresMissouri 1958 ballot measuresMontana 1958 ballot measuresNebraska 1958 ballot measuresNevada 1958 ballot measuresNew Hampshire 1958 ballot measuresNew Jersey 1958 ballot measuresNew Mexico 1958 ballot measuresNew York 1958 ballot measuresNorth Carolina 1958 ballot measuresNorth Dakota 1958 ballot measuresOhio 1958 ballot measuresOklahoma 1958 ballot measuresOregon 1958 ballot measuresPennsylvania 1958 ballot measuresRhode Island 1958 ballot measuresSouth Dakota 1958 ballot measuresTexas 1958 ballot measuresUtah 1958 ballot measuresVirginia 1958 ballot measuresWashington 1958 ballot measuresWest Virginia 1958 ballot measures

    v  e

    Statewide ballot measures

    AAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutFFloridaGGeorgiaHHawaiiIIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKKansasKentuckyLLouisianaMMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOOhioOklahomaOregonPPennsylvaniaRRhode IslandSSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTTennesseeTexasUUtahVVermontVirginiaWWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming

    Ballot Measures overview

    By topic

    AAbortionAdmin of gov'tAffirmative actionAlcoholAnimal rightsAssisted deathBBondsBudgetsBusiness regulationCCampaignsCivil rightsConstitutional conventionsConstitutional languageCounty governmentDDaylight Saving TimeDeath penaltyDirect democracyEEarthquakesEducationElectionsEminent domainEnglishEnvironmentExecutivesFFederal constitutional issuesFirearmsGGamblingGovernment accountabilityHHealthcareHousingHuntingIImmigrationInsuranceJState judiciaryLLGBTLaborLaw enforcementLegislaturesMMarijuanaMarriageMinimum wageMottosMunicipal governmentNNatural resourcesPPensionsPropertyPublic financeRRecallRedistrictingRace and ethnicityReligionRules about SundaySSalaries of elected officialsSmoking bansState budgetsState executivesState judiciaryState legislaturesStem cellsSupermajority requirementsSundaysTTaxesTobaccoTransportationUUnionsUtilitiesVVeteransWWagesWar and peaceWaterWelfare

    By type
    By year

