1983 ballot measures

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1983 State
Ballot Measures

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    By state


    See also: Alabama 1983 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Local Gov't Concerning the Alabama State Docks Department Approved


    See also: Alaska 1983 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Bonding Proposition A Bonds Issues $500 million in bonds for residential mortgages for veterans Approved


    See also: Louisiana 1983 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Judiciary Concerning elections for judicial vacancies Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Property Concerning the return of expropriated property Approved
    LRCA Amendment 3 Energy Concerning revenues resulting from the deregulation of oil and gas prices Approved


    See also: Maine 1983 ballot measures

    November 8

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    IndISS Initiative 1 Hunt & Fish Repeals state moose hunting season Defeated
    BI Bond Issue 2 Bonds Issues $720,000 to make county courthouses handicap accessible Approved
    BI Bond Issue 3 Transportation Issues $24.6 million in bonds for bridge and highway improvements Approved
    BI Bond Issue 4 Bonds Issues $21,094,000 in bonds for several state and municipality facilities projects Defeated
    BI Bond Issue 5 Development Issues $11,875,000 in bonds for a variety of economic development projects Approved
    LRCA Constitutional Amendment 6 Taxes Allows a property tax exemption for watercraft without reimbursement of municipalities Defeated
    LRCA Constitutional Amendment 7 Gov't Finance Requires two-thirds vote of legislature for expenditures of principle of Mining Excise Tax Trust Fund Approved
    LRCA Constitutional Amendment 8 Resources Changes municipal property tax loss reimbursement provisions including exemptions or credits for unextracted minerals Approved


    See also: Nevada 1983 ballot measures

    June 7, 1983

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Judiciary Establish staggered terms for district judges.


    26,887 (42%)

    37,198 (58%)


    Question 2 Taxes Tax sales to governmental contractors and impose a use tax on out-of-state sales that would be taxable if made in Nevada.


    29,335 (46%)

    34,616 (54%)

    New Jersey

    See also: New Jersey 1983 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Question 1 Bond issues Allows for $135 million in bonds to acquire and develop land for recreational and conservational use. Approved
    BI Question 2 Bond issues Allows for $50 million in bonds for shore protection projects. Approved
    LRSS Question 3 Bond issues Amends a 1981 water bond act to allow additional uses of bond funds. Approved
    BI Question 4 Bond issues Allows for $135 million in bonds for bridge rehabilitation and improvements. Approved
    LRCA Question 5 State judiciary Creates a family part of the Chancery Division of the Superior Court and transfers judges with related jurisdictions. Approved
    LRCA Question 6 State and local government budgets, spending and finance Allows the state legislature to refinance bond debts without public approval if a debt service savings results. Approved
    LRCA Question 7 Taxes Allows veterans' surviving spouses to receive the veterans' real and personal property tax deduction. Approved
    LRCA Question 8 State executive officials Allows the Governor seven extra days to consider legislation passed within 10 days of the end of a legislative term. Approved

    New York

    See also: New York 1983 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Proposal 1 Bond issues Issues a bond to improve the state's infrastructure Approved
    LRCA Proposal 2 State and local government Excludes from the Constitution limits of indebtedness by municipalities relating to sewage facilities Approved
    LRCA Proposal 3 Banking Removes restrictions on the issuance of capital stock by savings banks Approved
    LRCA Proposal 4 State judiciary Allows certain judges and justices that have retired to continue serving after appointment by the administrative board of courts. Defeated
    LRCA Proposal 5 State judiciary Allows for the temporary assignment of family court judges to the supreme court in the judicial section of his residence Approved
    LRCA Proposal 6 Forest and Parks Allows for the exchange of Adirondack Park Land between the state and Sagamore Institute, Inc. Approved
    LRCA Proposal 7 State judiciary Raises the monetary jurisdictional limitations of certain courts Approved
    LRCA Proposal 8 State and local government Authorizes a new way for municipalities to finance public improvements and redevelopment plans Approved


    See also: Ohio 1983 ballot measures

    November 8, 1983

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Minimum Age for Alcohol Consumption Initiative Raise the minimum age for the consumption of beer to 21 years old


    1,386,959 (41%)

    1,965,469 (59%)


    Repeal 1982 Tax Increases Initiative Repeal all taxes passed since 1982


    1,452,061 (44%)

    1,883,270 (56%)


    Supermajority Requirement for Tax Increases Initiative Require a 3/5ths supermajority in the state legislature to increase taxes.


    1,354,320 (41%)

    1,967,129 (59%)


    See also: Texas 1983 ballot measures

    November 8, 1983

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 10 Local government; Utilities Allow localities to replace sewer laterals on private property if the connected sewer main is replaced, with owners repaying within five years


    380,448 (52%)

    345,149 (48%)


    Proposition 11 Administration; Law enforcement Transfer the board of pardons and paroles from constitutional to statutory status and grant it authority to revoke paroles


    498,998 (68%)

    235,344 (32%)


    Proposition 1 Local government Authorize reducing the number of justice of the peace and constable precincts in small counties with populations under 30,000


    570,347 (77%)

    170,910 (23%)


    Proposition 2 Property Replace the previous limitation on urban homesteads based on value with a limitation based on size


    434,332 (61%)

    281,819 (39%)


    Proposition 3 Business; Food and agriculture Allow agricultural producer associations to conduct refundable assessments on product sales for research, marketing, and educational programs


    463,357 (64%)

    255,468 (36%)


    Proposition 4 Administration; War Authorize statutory provisions for succession of public offices during enemy attacks or disasters and suspend certain legislative rules in such emergencies


    449,631 (62%)

    280,790 (38%)


    Proposition 5 Bonds Authorize the use of the permanent school fund to guarantee bonds issued by individual school districts.


    457,590 (63%)

    269,037 (37%)


    Proposition 6 Law enforcement; Marriage and family Allow for the garnishment of wages for the purpose of court ordered child support payments


    607,219 (79%)

    157,826 (21%)


    Proposition 7 Veterans; Bonds Issue $800 million in bonds to finance the veteran's land program and veteran's housing assistance program


    533,509 (71%)

    219,342 (29%)


    Proposition 8 Taxes Exempt veteran organizations and certain fraternal organizations from property taxation


    346,337 (47%)

    388,197 (53%)


    Proposition 9 Judiciary Provide for statutory probate court judges to be assigned to other statutory courts with probate jurisdiction and other county courts


    485,540 (69%)

    222,275 (31%)


    See also: Washington 1983 ballot measures

    November 8, 1983

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    SJR 103 Redistricting Provide for the establishment of an independent commission to redistrict the legislature based on equal population after each federal census.


    639,981 (61%)

    407,916 (39%)


    SJR 105 Property Provide for an increase of the maximum term for state harbor leases from thirty to fifty-five years.


    383,081 (38%)

    622,840 (62%)


    SJR 112 Energy; Local government Permit local governments to fund energy conversation by any individual, association or corporation.


    405,820 (40%)

    602,719 (60%)


    See also: Wisconsin 1983 ballot measures

    April 5, 1983

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Allow the construction of a radioactive waste disposal site in the state


    78,327 (11%)

    628,414 (89%)

    v  e

    Statewide ballot measures

    AAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutFFloridaGGeorgiaHHawaiiIIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKKansasKentuckyLLouisianaMMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOOhioOklahomaOregonPPennsylvaniaRRhode IslandSSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTTennesseeTexasUUtahVVermontVirginiaWWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming

    Ballot Measures overview

    By topic

    AAbortionAdmin of gov'tAffirmative actionAlcoholAnimal rightsAssisted deathBBondsBudgetsBusiness regulationCCampaignsCivil rightsConstitutional conventionsConstitutional languageCounty governmentDDaylight Saving TimeDeath penaltyDirect democracyEEarthquakesEducationElectionsEminent domainEnglishEnvironmentExecutivesFFederal constitutional issuesFirearmsGGamblingGovernment accountabilityHHealthcareHousingHuntingIImmigrationInsuranceJState judiciaryLLGBTLaborLaw enforcementLegislaturesMMarijuanaMarriageMinimum wageMottosMunicipal governmentNNatural resourcesPPensionsPropertyPublic financeRRecallRedistrictingRace and ethnicityReligionRules about SundaySSalaries of elected officialsSmoking bansState budgetsState executivesState judiciaryState legislaturesStem cellsSupermajority requirementsSundaysTTaxesTobaccoTransportationUUnionsUtilitiesVVeteransWWagesWar and peaceWaterWelfare

    By type
    By year



    If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email