2002 ballot measures

2002 State
Ballot Measures

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    223 statewide ballot measures were on statewide ballots in 2002.

    By state


    See also: Alabama 2002 ballot measures

    June 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Education Concerning the Education Trust Fund Approved

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Con Language Concerning rules for the adoption of a new constitution Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Gov't Finances Concerning the General Fund Rainy Day Account Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 3 Development Concerning the sheep and goat industry Approved


    See also: Alaska 2002 ballot measures

    August 27:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    IndISS Measure 1 Elections Enacts preferential voting for state and federal elections Defeated

    November 5:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    Alaska BP Bonding Proposition A Bonds Issues $500 million in bonds for veterans' mortgages Approved
    Alaska BP Bonding Proposition B Bonds Issues $226,719,500 in bonds for transportation projects Approved
    Alaska BP Bonding Proposition C Bonds Issues $236,805,441 in bonds for educational and museum facilities Approved
    ConCon Measure 1 Con Con Calls for a constitutional convention Defeated
    IndISS Measure 2 Legislatures Moves all sessions of the state legislature to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Defeated
    IndISS Measure 3 Natural Resources Creates the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority Approved


    See also: Arizona 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 100 Administration Permit cities and towns to become indebted up to 20% of the value of taxable property for the purpose of investing in critical infrastructure


    479,702 (42%)

    659,378 (58%)


    Proposition 101 Environment Permit the exchange of state lands for other public lands if it conserves open space or if the appraisal value is at least equal to that of state lands


    558,658 (49%)

    577,462 (51%)


    Proposition 102 Taxes Clarify senior citizen eligibility for property valuation protection if multiple owners' income does not exceed 500% of the social security supplemental income rate


    907,410 (80%)

    221,281 (20%)


    Proposition 103 Law enforcement Provide for the inclusion of sexual assault, and sexual conduct with and molestation of minors under the age of 15 to the list of non-bailable offenses


    924,161 (80%)

    224,709 (20%)


    Proposition 104 Education Exempt from school districts' total expenditure limitation the funds received from sales tax revenue and the Permanent School Trust Fund


    758,695 (70%)

    323,626 (30%)


    Proposition 200 Gambling; American Indian issues Direct the governor to approve tribal gaming compacts and authorize 3% of tribes' net income to fund programs for education and healthcare


    173,126 (15%)

    995,686 (85%)


    Proposition 201 Gambling; American Indian issues Permit horse and dog racetracks to operate slot machines and permit the governor to approve tribal gaming compacts


    234,935 (20%)

    947,341 (80%)


    Proposition 202 Gambling; American Indian issues Direct the governor to approve tribal gaming compacts and authorize 1% to 8% of tribes' gross income to fund public services statewide


    610,900 (51%)

    590,064 (49%)


    Proposition 203 Marijuana Provide for the decriminalization of marijuana and changes to drug-related sentencing, and require the state to provide free marijuana upon recommendation by a physician


    504,607 (43%)

    678,446 (57%)


    Proposition 300 Education; Budgets Direct state earnings above the level of the 2000-2001 fiscal year to be deposited into the classroom site fund


    855,687 (76%)

    274,316 (24%)


    Proposition 301 Gambling; Lottery Provide for the extension of the State Lottery Commission until July 1, 2012 and the extension of the Arizona State Lottery until January 1, 2013


    845,072 (73%)

    317,246 (27%)


    Proposition 302 Law enforcement; Marijuana Authorize a court to impose a term of incarceration for persons convicted of possession of a controlled substance that refuse treatment or violate probation


    803,354 (70%)

    348,369 (30%)


    Proposition 303 Taxes; Tobacco Provide for the increase of taxation on tobacco products and the provision of tobacco related healthcare and education funding


    791,295 (67%)

    389,619 (33%)


    Proposition 304 Salaries Provide for the increase in legislative salaries from $20,000 per year to $36,000 per year


    391,902 (34%)

    771,274 (66%)


    See also: Arkansas 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Proposed Amendment 1 Elections Repeals provision for the recording of ballots next to name of voter Approved
    LRCA Proposed Amendment 2 State exec Amends the state executive department amendment Defeated
    CICA Proposed Amendment 3 Taxes Eliminates taxes on food and medicine Defeated
    CISS Proposed Initiated Act 1 Animals Makes an act of aggravated animal cruelty a felony Defeated


    See also: California 2002 ballot propositions

    March 5:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Proposition 40 Bonds Issues $2.6 billion for environmental and park projects Approved
    BI Proposition 41 Bonds Issues $200 million in bonds to provide counties with money to purchase new voting equipment Approved
    LRCA Proposition 42 Transportation Requires the state gas sales tax to be allocated for transportation purposes Approved
    LRCA Proposition 43 Elections Amends the constitution to state that "a voter who casts a vote in an election in accordance with the laws of this state shall have that vote counted." Approved
    LRSS Proposition 44 Healthcare Revokes chiropractic licenses for 10 years if a chiropractor is convicted a second time or on multiple counts of insurance fraud and other offenses Approved
    CICA Proposition 45 Term limits Provides for a local legislative option process in which voters of a state House or Senate district could petition the Secretary of State to allow their term-limited Representative or Senator to serve an extra four years. The local legislative option could be used one time per lawmaker Defeated

    November 5:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Proposition 46 Bonds Issues $2.1 billion in bonds for housing projects, including multifamily, individual and farmworker housing Approved
    BI Proposition 47 Bonds Authorizes the issuance of $13.05 billion in bonds for construction and renovation of public school facilities Approved
    LRCA Proposition 48 Judiciary Amends the California Constitution to remove any reference to "municipal courts," which had been eliminated in 1998 Approved
    CISS Proposition 49 Education Increases grants for before and after school programs and making every public school, including charter schools, eligible for grants Approved
    CISS Proposition 50 Bonds Issues $3.4 billion in general obligation bonds for water projects including the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, regional water management, and safe drinking water Approved
    CISS Proposition 51 Transportation Authorizes the state to reallocate 30% of tax revenue from the sale of motor vehicles from the general fund to the Traffic congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Trust Fund authorizing the state to reallocate 30% of tax revenue from the sale of motor vehicles from the general fund to the Traffic congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Trust Fund Defeated
    CISS Proposition 52 Elections Allows eligible voters to register to vote on election day with valid identification, increasing the criminal penalty for committing voter fraud, and creating a fund to implement the measure Defeated


    See also: Colorado 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment 27 Limit the money that can be given to candidates and political organizations and create provisions relating to spending limits by candidates.


    890,390 (66%)

    448,599 (34%)


    Amendment 28 Require most elections to be conducted by mail-in ballot.


    557,573 (42%)

    757,299 (58%)


    Amendment 29 Revise the procedures for selecting primary candidates.


    509,109 (40%)

    768,683 (60%)


    Amendment 30 Allow voters to register to vote on the same day as the election.


    530,442 (39%)

    821,050 (61%)


    Amendment 31 Require all public school students be taught in English, require students who do not speak English to be taught in an English immersion program, and require all students who are learning English be tested yearly on a variety of subjects.


    608,264 (44%)

    781,016 (56%)


    Referendum A Eliminate the term limits for elected district attorneys.


    461,848 (35%)

    847,602 (65%)


    Referendum B Establish provisions relating to local governments entering into agreements with private companies to operate health care facilities.


    510,209 (41%)

    741,568 (59%)


    Referendum C Allow the legislature to establish qualifications for county coroners.


    900,611 (71%)

    369,351 (29%)


    Referendum D Remove obsolete constitutional provisions.


    899,914 (72%)

    351,886 (28%)


    Referendum E Establish March 31 as "Cesar Chavez Day" and make such day a legal holiday for state employees.


    275,947 (21%)

    1,062,780 (79%)


    See also: Florida 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment 10 Establish that no pregnant pig may be confined in a way that it can not turn around, with certain exceptions


    2,608,996 (55%)

    2,155,911 (45%)


    Amendment 11 Establish local boards of trustees to administer each state university and establish a statewide governing board to oversee the entire university system


    2,813,145 (61%)

    1,834,816 (39%)


    Amendment 1 Permit the use of the death penalty for capital crimes and establish that the Florida Constitution provides no greater protections from the death penalty than does the federal Constitution


    3,169,542 (70%)

    1,377,678 (30%)


    Amendment 2 Require that the Legislature create a law requiring economic impact statements for constitutional amendments proposed by initiatives


    3,583,379 (78%)

    1,010,254 (22%)


    Amendment 3 Allow revisions to the Miami-Dade County home rule charter, subject to approval by Miami-Dade County voters


    1,982,160 (48%)

    2,160,512 (52%)


    Amendment 4 Require that laws that provide for exemptions from public records or public meetings requirements must pass both houses of the Legislature by 2/3 majority


    3,474,978 (77%)

    1,059,183 (23%)


    Amendment 6 Prohibit the smoking of tobacco in indoor workplaces, with certain exceptions


    3,501,161 (71%)

    1,431,966 (29%)


    Amendment 7 Allow counties to exempt increases in homestead property values resulting from construction of living quarters for senior parents or grandparents


    3,206,142 (67%)

    1,557,694 (33%)


    Amendment 8 Require that all four-year-old children be offered the ability to attend pre-kindergarten for free


    2,868,500 (59%)

    1,974,408 (41%)


    Amendment 9 Require the Legislature to provide funding so that class sizes do not exceed a set maximum


    2,550,201 (52%)

    2,317,671 (48%)


    See also: Georgia 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Taxes Makes an individual who has defaulted on his or her taxes ineligible to hold public office Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Taxes Allows qualified low-income housing projects to be classified as a separate class of property Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 3 Taxes Allows tax incentives for redeveloped blighted property Approved
    LRCA Amendment 4 Taxes Allows for the separate classification and taxation of property that have had releases of hazardous waste Approved
    LRCA Amendment 5 Taxes Allows commercial dockside facilities to be classified as a separate class of property Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 6 Animals Establishes a program of dog and cat sterilization Approved
    LRSS Referendum A Taxes Changes the income limit for school tax homestead exemptions for persons aged 62 years or older Approved
    LRSS Referendum B Taxes Extends certain ad valorem tax exemptions to surviving spouses of military personnel killed in armed conflict Approved
    LRSS Referendum C Taxes Exempts medical societies and museums housed in historic properties from ad valorem property taxes Defeated
    LRSS Referendum D Taxes Exempts commercial fishing vessels from property taxes Defeated
    LRSS Referendum E Taxes Increases the tax exemption for tangible personal property Approved


    See also: Hawaii 2002 ballot measures

    November 13

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Question 1 Admin of Gov't Candidate for legislature must be a qualified voter of district before filing nomination papers Approved
    LRCA Question 2 Bonds Allow the State to issue SPRBs and use proceeds assist not-for-profit private schools Approved
    LRCA Question 3 Law Enforcement Allow a third method of initiating a felony prosecution Approved


    See also: Idaho 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CISS INIT 1 Gambling Provides for amendment of the State-Tribal Gaming Compact Approved
    VR INIT 2 Term limits Enacts ballot access restrictions that impose term limits Approved


    See also: Kentucky 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Judicial reform Allow the Supreme Court to designate a division of circuit court as a family court Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Business regulation Permitting the General Assembly to provide by general law for regulation of corporations. Approved


    See also: Louisiana 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Legislature Concerning legislative sessions Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Taxes Concerning a modification of state tax law Approved
    LRCA Amendment 3 Gov't Finances Concerning budget deficits Approved
    LRCA Amendment 4 Law Enforcement Concerning the removal of public employees who are convicted of a felony Approved
    LRCA Amendment 5 Taxes Concerning a tax exemption for developers of retirement communities Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 6 Gov't Finances Concerning the funding of supplemental pay for law enforcement officers and firefighters. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 7 Taxes Concerning the homestead exemption for older citizens Approved
    LRCA Amendment 8 Gov't Finances Concerning investment in stocks by public colleges and universities Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 9 Gov't Finances Concerning investment of money from the Medicaid Trust Fund for the Elderly in stocks Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 10 Water Concerning the Drought Protection Trust Fund Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 11 Taxes Concerning property taxes on drilling rigs Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 12 Admin of Gov't Concerning the qualifications of the coroner of Livingston Parish Defeated


    See also: Maine 2002 ballot measures

    June 11

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Question 1 Education Issues $28.5 million in bonds to capitalize the School Revolving Renovation Fund; install sprinkler systems; provide a center for homeless teenagers Approved
    BI Question 2 Bond Issues Issues $34.97 million in bonds to stimulate job growth, renovate buildings, defend against terrorism and promote tourism Approved

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Question 1 Prisons Issues $25 million in bonds to fund a new correctional facility and to make improvements existing facility Defeated
    BI Question 2 Environment Issues $24.1 million in bonds for multiple environmental, water and public health projects Approved
    LRCA Question 3 Gov't Finances Allows the state to issue short-term debt in limited amounts to be repaid by federal funds Approved


    See also: Maryland 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Question 1 Judiciary Expands the powers of District Court commissioners Approved
    LRCA Question 2 Legislature Adopts emergency laws for creating or abolishing any office Approved
    LRCA Question 3 Eminent Domain Authorizes the use of Licensed and Certified Real Estate Appraisers Approved


    See also: Massachusetts 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Prohibit a state personal income tax


    885,683 (45%)

    1,070,668 (55%)


    Question 2 Replace the transitional bilingual education system in public schools with a sheltered English immersion program


    1,359,935 (68%)

    640,525 (32%)


    Question 3 Provide public funding for political campaigns


    517,285 (26%)

    1,462,435 (74%)


    See also: Michigan 2002 ballot measures

    August 6, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposal 02-1 Amend provisions relating to the operation of the State Officers Compensation Commission


    1,057,503 (72%)

    404,682 (28%)


    Proposal 02-2 Allow for the investment of certain funds and increase the allowed amount of spending for outdoor recreation


    925,475 (62%)

    565,971 (38%)

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposal 02-1 Eliminate the straight party ticket voting option


    1,199,236 (40%)

    1,775,043 (60%)


    Proposal 02-2 Authorize up to $1 billion in bonds for water quality projects


    1,774,053 (60%)

    1,172,612 (40%)


    Proposal 02-3 Give state employees the right to collectively bargain with binding arbitration


    1,336,249 (46%)

    1,591,756 (54%)


    Proposal 02-4 Establish the allocation of funds from tobacco settlement revenue


    1,018,644 (34%)

    2,011,105 (66%)


    See also: Mississippi 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Term limits Increases the terms of office of circuit and chancery court judges Defeated


    See also: Missouri 2002 ballot measures

    August 6, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition A Taxes Establish a fee of up to $0.50 for every wireless telephone number to fund a wireless enhanced 911 service


    318,875 (35%)

    600,274 (65%)


    Proposition B Taxes; Transportation Increase the sales and use taxes by 0.5% and fuel taxes to $0.04 per gallon to fund highways and transportation until July 2013, unless extended by voters, and creates an inspector general for the transportation department


    255,575 (27%)

    674,779 (73%)

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment 1 Local government Authorize the citizens of St. Louis to amend or revise their city charter to reorganize county functions and offices in accordance with state constitution and laws


    1,173,822 (69%)

    516,584 (31%)


    Amendment 2 Labor Allow firefighters, ambulance personnel, and emergency dispatchers the right to collectively bargain with their employers but prohibit them from striking


    840,493 (49%)

    881,395 (51%)


    Amendment 3 Term limits Exclude service of less than half a legislative term due to a special election from the calculation of term limits for Missouri General Assembly members


    879,162 (54%)

    740,941 (46%)


    Amendment 4 Administration; Bonds Authorize joint boards or commissions formed by political subdivisions to own projects, issue bonds without creating state or local debt, and operate without Public Service Commission regulation


    927,715 (58%)

    678,137 (42%)


    Constitutional Amendment Constitutional conventions Initiate a convention to revise and amend the Missouri State Constitution


    569,598 (35%)

    1,079,085 (65%)


    Constitutional Convention Question Constitutional conventions


    569,598 (35%)

    1,079,085 (65%)


    Proposition A Healthcare; Taxes; Tobacco Enact a law to increase tobacco taxes to fund healthcare, emergency preparedness, medical research, smoking prevention, and early childhood education through a Healthy Families Trust Fund


    881,701 (49%)

    912,210 (51%)


    See also: Montana 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA C-36 Gov't Finances Allows for the investment of assets of a local government group self-insurance plan in private corporate capital stock. Defeated
    LRCA C-37 Direct democracy Changes the signature gathering requirements for placing a constitutional amendment on the ballot. Approved
    LRCA C-38 Direct democracy Changes the signature gathering requirements for placing a statutory initiative on the ballot. Approved
    LRCA C-39 Gov't Finances Allows pension fund and state compensation insurance fund investments in private corporate capital stock. Defeated
    CISS I-145 Utilities Creates an elected public power commission to determine whether purchasing hydroelectric dams is in the public interest Defeated
    CISS I-146 Tobacco Dedicates funds from the tobacco settlement funds for statewide tobacco-use prevention programs Approved
    VR IR-117 Utilities Approves (yes) or Rejects (no) HB 474, relating to electrical energy Defeated


    See also: Nebraska 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 English Eliminates language requirements in private schools Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 2 Bonds Authorizes municipalities to issue revenue bonds for non profit enterprises Defeated


    See also: Nevada 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Question 1 Bonds Issue up to $200 million in bonds for conservation projects, including water quality, wildlife habitat, parks, and historic sites.


    291,262 (59%)

    200,143 (41%)


    Question 2 Marriage and family; LGBTQ Provide that only marriage between a male and female person shall be recognized in the state


    337,197 (67%)

    164,573 (33%)


    Question 3 Taxes Exempt farm machinery used for agriculture from sales and use taxes.


    190,541 (40%)

    285,921 (60%)


    Question 4 Taxes Exempt professional racing vehicle parts and transport vehicles from sales and use taxes.


    104,245 (22%)

    373,587 (78%)


    Question 5 Property Repeal the rule against perpetuities, allowing indefinite property transfers.


    183,552 (40%)

    270,352 (60%)


    Question 6 Judiciary Delay elections for appointed justices and judges until they serve 12 months, unless appointed in the last year of a 6-year term.


    192,284 (41%)

    279,233 (59%)


    Question 7 Education; Budgets Exempt state borrowing for public school construction from Nevada’s debt limit.


    203,560 (43%)

    273,647 (57%)


    Question 8 Taxes Allow the legislature to grant property tax reductions for homeowners facing severe economic hardship.


    284,346 (59%)

    200,968 (41%)


    Question 9 Marijuana Legalize possession of up to three ounces of marijuana for adults 21+ and regulate its sale, taxation, and distribution.


    196,371 (39%)

    305,479 (61%)

    New Hampshire

    See also: New Hampshire 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Question 1 Judiciary Administrative authority of chief justice of state supreme court Approved
    ABR Question 2 ConCon Shall a constitutional convention be called? Defeated

    New Mexico

    See also: New Mexico 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Property Taxes Increase $2,000 property tax exemption for honorably discharged veterans. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Elections Establish 18 years, rather than 21 years, as the age of eligibility to vote. Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 3 Judicial reform Decrease the number of judicial districts in the state from 13 to 8. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 4 Property Rights Aliens who are not eligible to become citizens allowed to acquire real property Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 5 Property Tax Property tax exemption for certain veterans. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 6 Admin of gov't State and local governments allowed to provide land, buildings or infrastructure to create affordable housing. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 7 Admin of gov't Last Friday in March designated as a legal holiday in honor of Cesar Chavez Defeated
    LRCA Amendment 8 Admin of gov't Eligibility requirements for the Vietnam veterans' scholarship program. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 9 Admin of gov't Name of state highway commission changed to state transportation commission. Approved
    BI Bond A Bond issue Capital expenditures for senior citizen facility improvements and acquisitions projects. Approved
    BI Bond B Bond issue Bonds for state public educational capital improvements and acquisitions Approved
    BI Bond C Bond issue $16,080,000 bond issue for public school, higher education and public library acquisitions. Approved
    BI Bond D Bond issue $6,592,000 bond issue for state facilities and equipment. Defeated
    BI Bond E Bond issue $13,103,000 bond issue for water projects Approved

    North Carolina

    See also: North Carolina 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Admin. of gov't Updates procedures for accepting lands into the State Nature and Historic Preserve Approved

    North Dakota

    See also: North Dakota 2002 ballot measures

    June 11

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Constitutional Measure 1 Elections Provides for the election of a county elective officer, other than the sheriff Approved
    VR Referred Measure 2 Banking Changes the definitions of “customer” of a financial institution and “customer information” to be similar to that provided in federal law Defeated

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Constitutional Measure 1 Taxes Eliminates constitutional status of property tax exemption of land held for conservation or wildlife purposes Approved
    CICA Initiated Constitutional Measure 2 Lottery Authorizes the state to join a multi-state lottery for the benefit of the state Approved
    CISS Initiated Statutory Measure 3 Education Creates a college loan reimbursement program for young working residents Defeated


    See also: Ohio 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Issue No. 1 Authorize persons charged with or convicted of illegal possession or use of a drug to choose treatment in lieu of incarceration in certain circumstances


    1,012,682 (33%)

    2,048,770 (67%)


    See also: Oklahoma 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    State Question 687 Animals Make cockfighting a felony, ban training, owning, or assisting, and penalize spectators as misdemeanants.


    565,967 (56%)

    441,220 (44%)


    State Question 693 Economic development; Bonds Allow local bonds for development with voter-approved taxes and permit regional districts to issue bonds.


    489,883 (51%)

    464,248 (49%)


    State Question 696 Taxes; Property Exempt up to 100 square feet of a tornado storm shelter installed after January 1, 2002, from property taxes.


    635,841 (66%)

    326,198 (34%)


    State Question 697 Taxes; Property Allow counties, with voter approval, to use up to one-fourth of property tax from exempt business property for development.


    514,895 (55%)

    428,659 (45%)


    State Question 698 Direct democracy Require 15% of voters to propose laws banning hunting, fishing, trapping, or animal-related activities.


    447,394 (46%)

    515,746 (54%)


    State Question 701 Budgets; Tobacco Allow tobacco trust fund spending up to 5.5% of its average market value and permit payments to vendors and financial managers.


    425,717 (45%)

    518,280 (55%)


    State Question 702 Legislature; Taxes Allow tax abatements for bankruptcy, insolvency, uncontrollable factors, unfair liability, or good-faith errors.


    506,911 (54%)

    428,670 (46%)


    State Question 703 Business Allow the legislature to limit the liability of individuals or entities contracting with the state for information technology services.


    412,742 (44%)

    519,816 (56%)


    State Question 704 Education; Budgets Allow school district building funds to cover costs related to property inspections by county assessors as prescribed by law.


    415,388 (44%)

    538,297 (56%)


    See also: Oregon 2002 ballot measures

    May 21, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Measure 10 Education Allow Oregon’s public universities and colleges to receive stock in exchange for technology they create.


    608,640 (77%)

    177,004 (23%)


    Measure 11 Healthcare; Bonds Authorize the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds to help finance the Oregon Health & Science University medical research capital costs.


    589,869 (76%)

    190,226 (24%)


    Measure 13 Budgets Convert the education endowment fund into an education stability fund and transfer $220 million to the School Fund.


    376,605 (48%)

    411,923 (52%)

    September 17, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Measure 19 Budgets Convert the education endowment fund into a stability fund and transfer $150 million from stability fund to the State School Fund.


    496,815 (62%)

    306,440 (38%)


    Measure 20 Healthcare; Taxes; Tobacco Increase cigarette taxes by 60 cents per 20-cigarette pack, allocating revenues to the Oregon Health Plan.


    522,613 (64%)

    289,119 (36%)

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Measure 14 Race and ethnicity; Constitutional language Remove historical racial references, such as “negroes,” “mulattoes” and “whites," from the Oregon Constitution.


    867,901 (71%)

    352,027 (29%)


    Measure 15 Earthquakes; Bonds Authorize the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds for seismic rehabilitation of public education buildings.


    671,640 (56%)

    535,638 (44%)


    Measure 16 Earthquakes; Bonds Authorize the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds for seismic rehabilitation of emergency services buildings.


    669,451 (56%)

    530,587 (44%)


    Measure 17 Legislature Reduce minimum age to serve as a state legislator from 21 to 18 years.


    341,717 (27%)

    910,331 (73%)


    Measure 18 Taxes; Property Allow certain taxing districts to establish permanent tax rate limits and to divide into tax zones.


    450,444 (39%)

    704,116 (61%)


    Measure 21 Judiciary; Elections Require filling judicial vacancies through elections within 90 days, adding "None of the Above" as a ballot option.


    526,450 (44%)

    668,256 (56%)


    Measure 22 Judiciary; Elections Create judicial districts based on population and require Oregon Supreme Court judges and appellate judges to be elected.


    595,936 (49%)

    610,063 (51%)


    Measure 23 Healthcare; Taxes Create the Oregon Comprehensive Health Care Finance Plan, funded by new individual progressive income and payroll taxes for medically necessary health services.


    265,310 (21%)

    969,537 (79%)


    Measure 24 Healthcare; Business Authorize dentist-denturist joint cooperative businesses and allow licensed denturists to install partial dentures to replace missing teeth.


    907,979 (76%)

    286,492 (24%)


    Measure 25 Minimum wage Increase the minimum wage to $6.90 and require annual increases for inflation in future years, based on consumer price index.


    645,016 (51%)

    611,658 (49%)


    Measure 26 Direct democracy Prohibit payment based on number of signatures collected on initiative and referendum petitions.


    921,606 (75%)

    301,415 (25%)


    Measure 27 Business; Food and agriculture Require "Genetically-Engineered" label on sold or distributed foods derived from or processed using genetically-engineered material.


    371,851 (30%)

    886,806 (70%)


    See also: Pennsylvania 2002 ballot measures

    Type Name Subject Description Result
    BI Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services Bond Measure Bond issues Issues up to $100 million in bonds to establish a capital program to improve the delivery of volunteer fire and volunteer emergency services Approved

    Rhode Island

    See also: Rhode Island 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LBM Question 1 Bond issues Provide funds for the State support of the construction of the new State Municipal Fire Academy. Approved
    LBM Question 2 Bond issues Authorize the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation bonds, refunding bonds, and temporary notes. Approved
    LBM Question 3 Bond issues Provide funds to the Department of Transportation to match available federal funds. Approved
    LBM Question 4 Bond issues Provide funds to the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation for road and utility infrastructure. Defeated
    AQ Question 5 Admin. of gov't Provide for separate and co-equal legislative, executive and judicial branches of State government. Approved

    South Carolina

    See also: South Carolina 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment Question 1 Admin. of gov't Relating to benefits and funding of public employee pension plans. Defeated
    LRCA Amendment Question 2 Administration of government Relating to restrictions on pledging the credit. Approved

    South Dakota

    See also: South Dakota 2002 ballot measures

    June 4

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment A Business reg Prohibits certain corporations and other limited liability business entities from farming Defeated

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment A Law enforcement Guarantees certain rights to a person accused of a crime Defeated
    LRCA Amendment B Legislature Adopts a new plan for establishing legislative districts Defeated
    LRCA Amendment C State exec Extends the time allowed for the governor's review of legislation passed by the legislature. Approved
    CISS Initiative 1 Marijuana Allows certain activities with industrial hemp. Defeated


    See also: Tennessee 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Gambling Net proceeds of the lottery's revenues are allocated to provide financial assistance. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 State judiciary Prescribe the maximum fine that, absent waiver, may be assessed without a jury Approved


    See also: Texas 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 1 Law enforcement; Local government Authorize county commissioners to declare vacant constable offices dormant after seven years, with provisions for reinstatement.


    2,431,757 (79%)

    639,414 (21%)


    See also: Utah 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Amendment 1 Education; Budgets End fund retainment requirement and allow spending dividend revenue for education system


    294,811 (63%)

    174,737 (37%)


    Amendment 2 Local government Change the process to adjust county boundary lines


    371,151 (73%)

    138,714 (27%)


    Amendment 3 Constitutional language; Taxes; Local government Clarify state tax code and update county boards of equalization


    349,418 (70%)

    148,860 (30%)


    Amendment 4 Administration; Legislature; Government accountability Require public notice from the governor for special legislative sessions


    392,491 (77%)

    114,309 (23%)


    Amendment 5 Taxes; Local government; Budgets Change debt limits for small cities


    326,341 (66%)

    166,349 (34%)


    Amendment 6 Taxes; Property Allow the legislature to create property tax exemptions for property used and not owned by the government


    211,838 (42%)

    286,654 (58%)


    Initiative 1 Taxes; Nuclear issues Regulate radioactive waste storage and disposal


    172,307 (32%)

    364,729 (68%)


    See also: Vermont 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Constitutional Amendment Judicial reform General Assembly to prescribe by law the retirement age for justices of the Supreme Court. Approved


    See also: Virginia 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposed Bond 1 Allow for the issuance of up to $900,488,645 in bonds for educational facility projects


    1,114,402 (73%)

    415,668 (27%)


    Proposed Bond 2 Allow for the issuance of up to $119,040,000 in bonds for parks and recreational facility projects


    1,039,975 (69%)

    472,300 (31%)


    Question 1 Give the state Supreme Court original jurisdiction over claims from felons of actual innocence (when new scientific or DNA evidence that is discovered after the conviction is able to prove innocence)


    1,091,828 (73%)

    409,807 (27%)


    Question 2 Allow localities to exempt from taxation property used for charity and certain other purposes


    964,441 (64%)

    534,956 (36%)


    See also: Washington 2002 ballot measures

    November 5, 2002

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    HJR 4220 Taxes; Property Submit property tax for fire protection districts for up to four years or six years for fire facility construction.


    1,173,499 (70%)

    498,145 (30%)


    Initiative 776 Taxes; Transportation Require an annual $30 license tab fees for motor vehicles.


    901,478 (51%)

    849,986 (49%)


    Initiative 790 Labor; Pension Establish a board of trustees to oversee the police and firemen's retirement system.


    903,113 (53%)

    800,105 (47%)


    Referendum 51 Taxes; Transportation Increase fuel taxes, vehicle sales tax, and large vehicle weight fees to fund transportation improvements.


    674,724 (38%)

    1,080,580 (62%)


    Referendum 53 Business; Taxes; Labor; Welfare Establish new employer rate classes, raise taxable wage bases, and implement surcharges in specific situations.


    665,760 (41%)

    966,901 (59%)

    West Virginia

    See also: West Virginia 2002 ballot measures

    November 5

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment 1 Admin of gov't Authorize municipalities to use economic development tools to help created jobs. Approved
    LRCA Amendment 2 Admin of gov't Authorizes municipal governments to pass excess levies for up to five years Approved


    See also: Wyoming 2002 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Amendment A Legislature A majority of members of each house of the Wyoming State Legislature can call a special session Approved
    LRCA Amendment B Elections The legislative leaders of each house can call a special session to resolve disputes about presidential electors. Approved
    LRCA Amendment C Budget Limits the governor's partial veto authority (line item veto authority) to apply only to general appropriations bills. Defeated
    LRCA Amendment D Constitution Amendments to Wyoming Constitution proposed by Wyoming Legislature require no gubernatorial consideration Defeated

    2002 voter guides

    External links

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    2002 ballot measures 2002 ballot measures

    Alabama 2002 ballot measuresAlaska 2002 ballot measuresArizona 2002 ballot measuresArkansas 2002 ballot measuresCalifornia 2002 ballot propositionsColorado 2002 ballot measuresFlorida 2002 ballot measuresGeorgia 2002 ballot measuresHawaii 2002 ballot measuresIdaho 2002 ballot measuresKentucky 2002 ballot measuresLouisiana 2002 ballot measuresMaine 2002 ballot measuresMaryland 2002 ballot measuresMassachusetts 2002 ballot measuresMichigan 2002 ballot measuresMississippi 2002 ballot measuresMissouri 2002 ballot measuresMontana 2002 ballot measuresNebraska 2002 ballot measuresNevada 2002 ballot measuresNew Hampshire 2002 ballot measuresNew Mexico 2002 ballot measuresNorth Carolina 2002 ballot measuresNorth Dakota 2002 ballot measuresOhio 2002 ballot measuresOklahoma 2002 ballot measuresOregon 2002 ballot measuresPennsylvania 2002 ballot measuresRhode Island 2002 ballot measuresSouth Carolina 2002 ballot measuresSouth Dakota 2002 ballot measuresTennessee 2002 ballot measuresTexas 2002 ballot measuresUtah 2002 ballot measuresVermont 2002 ballot measuresVirginia 2002 ballot measuresWashington 2002 ballot measuresWest Virginia 2002 ballot measuresWyoming 2002 ballot measures

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    Statewide ballot measures

    AAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutFFloridaGGeorgiaHHawaiiIIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKKansasKentuckyLLouisianaMMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOOhioOklahomaOregonPPennsylvaniaRRhode IslandSSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTTennesseeTexasUUtahVVermontVirginiaWWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming

    Ballot Measures overview

    By topic

    AAbortionAdmin of gov'tAffirmative actionAlcoholAnimal rightsAssisted deathBBondsBudgetsBusiness regulationCCampaignsCivil rightsConstitutional conventionsConstitutional languageCounty governmentDDaylight Saving TimeDeath penaltyDirect democracyEEarthquakesEducationElectionsEminent domainEnglishEnvironmentExecutivesFFederal constitutional issuesFirearmsGGamblingGovernment accountabilityHHealthcareHousingHuntingIImmigrationInsuranceJState judiciaryLLGBTLaborLaw enforcementLegislaturesMMarijuanaMarriageMinimum wageMottosMunicipal governmentNNatural resourcesPPensionsPropertyPublic financeRRecallRedistrictingRace and ethnicityReligionRules about SundaySSalaries of elected officialsSmoking bansState budgetsState executivesState judiciaryState legislaturesStem cellsSupermajority requirementsSundaysTTaxesTobaccoTransportationUUnionsUtilitiesVVeteransWWagesWar and peaceWaterWelfare

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