Alfredo Pedroza recall, Napa County, California (2022-2023)

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Napa County Board of Supervisors recall

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Alfredo Pedroza
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
Signature requirement
3,232 valid signatures of residents of Napa County Board of Supervisors District 4 by February 9, 2023
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2023
Recalls in California
California recall laws
County commission recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall Napa County supervisor Alfredo Pedroza began in 2022. The Napa County Elections Division approved the circulation of a recall petition on October 11, 2022, giving recall supporters until February 9, 2023, to gather signatures. The petition needed 3,232 signatures by residents of Napa County Board of Supervisors District 4 for the recall to appear on the ballot.[1]

The recall effort ended after supporters did not submit signatures to the Napa County Elections Division by the February 9, 2023, deadline.[2]

Recall supporters

Supporters of the recall posted the following on their website:[3]

1) Supervisor Alfredo Pedroza voted repeatedly to approve the infamous Walt Ranch project, a huge vineyard development project in the county’s eastern hills. That the project is highly questionable environmentally is hard to dispute, but, along with other supervisors, Pedroza voted in favor of development. For him, it’s not terrific optics given that the land is owned by the Hall family, his largest campaign donors (around $43,500).

2) Much worse: while he was voting to approve the Walt Ranch project, he arranged to buy a 400+ acre parcel directly adjacent, with his father-in-law heading up the LLC that would own it. He said nothing about the purchase publicly, nor did recuse himself from voting on Walt Ranch issues even after the purchase. He recused himself only after he was caught and the story came to light. It is certain he and his family will benefit hugely from development of lands next door to Walt Ranch.

3) He and his father-in-law bought the land from Peter Read, Pedroza’s 3rd largest donor ($23,000). They bought it for $2 million, though the appraised value was $3.5 million. Could he have done this without his political position? Supervisors are paid a bit over $8,000/mo after taxes. Somehow, he was able to refinance his personal home for $2.7M, double its worth, with Poppy Bank in October 2021, despite having refinanced $702,000 in April 2021 and $655,400 in September 2020.

4) At least as disturbing as everything noted here is the fact that, even now, he refuses to own his actions. He admits to nothing, not even to say he made some bad judgements. In fact, he told many lies to distance himself from the situation, all printed in the Napa Register. Among them, he said he had no involvement with the LLC after May of 2021, when in fact it was discovered he was signing property tax checks for the land in December 2021. The Grant Deed and other important documents were mailed to his home, not to his father-in-law. [4]

Recall opponents

Pedroza responded to recall supporters by issuing the following statement:[5]


Thank you for taking time to learn more about us, the work Alfredo is doing, and the inappropriate recall targeting Alfredo (and indirectly our family).

We’re your neighbors, we grew up here, and we love this community.

The pride we feel making a difference in our hometown community is why we’re in public service.

In Alfredo’s work as your elected Napa County Supervisor that’s meant moving Napa County forward on climate change, traffic improvements, fire prevention, and much more.

But a small, vocal group has taken disagreement with Alfredo’s leadership and made their opposition to him personal. For them, division and hate have become tools to stop progress.

In that process, they’re attacking our family’s reputation, and wrongly trying to recall Alfredo from office. We want you to hear directly from us that their recall is based on lies. They want to divide our community while Alfredo works to bring our community together.

As a voter, it’s sometimes hard to know who to believe. We understand that, so we’ve recorded a series of interviews (see below). You’ll hear our side of the story and get your own take on who we are and why we’re dedicated to making Napa better for all of us.

And of course, if you ever have questions about county services or need help, you can always reach Alfredo at 707-225-2019.

Thank you so much for your time.

Yours, Brenda & Alfredo Pedroza [4]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in California

The Napa County Elections Division approved the circulation of a recall petition on October 11, 2022. Recall supporters had until February 9, 2023, to collect 3,232 valid signatures of residents of Napa County Board of Supervisors District 4 to get the recall on the ballot.[1]

See also

External links


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