Annice Wagner

From Ballotpedia

Annice Wagner

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Prior offices

District of Columbia Court of Appeals

Annice Wagner was a senior judge on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. She was appointed to the court by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. Wagner served as Chief Judge of the court from 1994 to 2005, and took on senior status that year.[1]


Appointed by President Jimmy Carter
  • 1975-1977: People's Counsel, District of Columbia
  • 1973-1974: General Counsel, National Capital Housing Authority[2]

Awards and associations

Judge Wagner has an annual award named in her honor, The Honorable Annice M. Wagner Pioneer Award, presented by The Bar Association of the District of Columbia. According to the DC Bar Association:

Consistent with the example set by Chief Judge Wagner, candidates for this award have made extraordinary community and public service contributions. It is designed to recognize an individual who has taken risks, the benefits of which provide significant contributions to the advancement of others in the legal profession. This award recognizes an individual whose character places him/her in a position of leadership.[3] [4]

See also

External links


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District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Judicial selection in Washington, D.C.CaseloadsSenior justices

Chief JudgeAnna Blackburne-Rigsby   •  Corinne Ann Beckwith  •  Catharine Easterly  •  Roy W. McLeese  •  Joshua Deahl  •  John Howard (District of Columbia)  •  Vijay Shanker  •  Loren AliKhan (District of Columbia)