Arizona 2018 ballot measures

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In 2018, five statewide ballot measures were certified to appear on the Arizona ballot in 2018. Three of the ballot measures were approved and two were defeated.


  • Voters rejected Proposition 127, which would have required electric utilities to acquire 50 percent of their electricity from renewable resources by 2030.
  • Proposition 305 was rejected, thus repealing a law enacted by the state legislature to expand of the state's Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) program to make all public school students eligible to apply for an ESA.
  • Voters approved Proposition 126, prohibiting the state and local governments from enacting new taxes or increasing tax rates on services performed in the state.
  • On the ballot

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Proposition 125 Pension Allow for adjustments to the Elected Officials’ Retirement Plan and Corrections Officer Retirement Plan Approved
    CICA Proposition 126 Taxes Prohibits the government from increasing taxes on services in the future Approved
    CICA Proposition 127 Energy Requires 50 percent of energy to come from renewable resources by 2030 Defeated
    VR Proposition 305 Education Upholds SB 1431, expanding Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program Defeated
    LRSS Proposition 306 Elections Designates unlawful contributions from clean election accounts and removes commission exemption from rulemaking requirements Approved

    Summary of campaign contributions

    See also: Ballot measure campaign finance, 2018

    The following chart illustrates how much support and opposition committees had amassed in campaign contributions for each measure on the ballot:

    Ballot Measure:Support contributions:Opposition contributions:Outcome:
    Arizona Proposition 125$0.00$0.00Approved
    Arizona Proposition 126$$Approved
    Arizona Proposition 127$$Defeated
    Arizona Proposition 306$$Approved
    Arizona Proposition 305$$Defeated

    Cost per required signature

    See also: Ballot measure signature costs, 2018

    The cost-per-required signature (CPRS) is a comparison of the amount of money spent on the petition drive to the number of signatures the state requires for an initiative to make the ballot. The following chart illustrates the CPRS for ballot initiatives and veto referendums:

    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Arizona Proposition 126TaxesAZ Petition Partners, LLC$1,256,249.98225,963$5.56
    Arizona Proposition 127EnergyFieldWorks, LLC$5,843,652.00225,963$25.86
    Arizona Proposition 305Charter schools and vouchersInnovative Quotient Management, LLC$25,050.0075,321$0.33

    Removed from the ballot

    The following ballot measure was certified for the general election ballot but was later removed per court order:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CISS Proposition 207 Taxes Increase income tax rates on incomes exceeding $250,000 for teacher salaries and school operations Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    Getting measures on the ballot

    Citizens of Arizona may initiate legislation as either a state statute or a constitutional amendment. In Arizona, citizens also have the power to repeal legislation via veto referendum. The Arizona State Legislature may place measures on the ballot as legislatively referred constitutional amendments or legislatively referred state statutes. In addition, the Arizona Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers is one of only a few state committees that have the power to place measures on the ballot.

    To qualify a measure for the ballot, citizens were required to file at least 150,642 valid signatures for initiated state statutes, 75,321 valid signatures for veto referendums, and 225,963 valid signatures for initiated constitutional amendments.

    The 2018 state legislative session ran from January 8, 2018, to April 17, 2018, during which time the Arizona State Legislature was able to place legislative referrals on the ballot.

    Historical facts

    See also: List of Arizona ballot measures and History of Initiative & Referendum in Arizona
    • A total of 111 measures appeared on statewide ballots in Arizona from 1996 to 2016.
    • From 1996 to 2016, the number of measures on statewide ballots ranged from three to 19.
    • Between 1996 and 2016, an average of 10 measures appeared on the ballot in Arizona during even-numbered election years.
    • Between 1996 and 2016, about 57 percent (63 of 111) of the total number of measures that appeared on statewide ballots during even-numbered years were approved, and about 43 percent (48 of 111) were defeated.

    Not on the ballot

    See also: Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CICA Right to Know Source of Campaign Contributions Initiative Campaign Finance Right to know source of campaign contributions and require their disclosure Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Legalization of All Drugs Initiative Business Legalize all drugs Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Marijuana Legalization and Regulations Ban Initiative Marijuana Legalize marijuana Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Citizen Grand Jury Initiative Trials Citizen petition drives to summon a Citizen Grand Jury Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Medical Marijuana Expansion Initiative Marijuana Medical marijuana expansion Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS National Popular Vote Interstate Agreement Initiative Elections Presidental national popular vote interstate compact Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Marijuana Legalization Initiative Marijuana Legialize marijuana Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Industrial Hemp Initiative Agriculture Legalize industrial hemp Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Assess and Regulate Agricultural Chemicals Initiative Agriculture Agricultural chemicals regulations Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Prevent Mining at Oak Flat Initiative Natural resources Prohibit mining at Oak Flat Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Legal Tender Initiative Admin of gov't Define what counts as legal tender Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS School Funding and Teacher Salaries Initiative Education Eliminate sales tax exemptions to increase school funding and teacher salaries Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Limits on Charges for Dialysis Initiative Healthcare Limit how much dialysis clinics can charge patients Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Ban Hunting Wild Cats Initiative Hunting Ban hunting wild cat species Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    VR Payment of Petition Circulators Referendum (R-01) Direct democracy Uphold HB 2404, banning the payment of petition circulators on a per-signature basis Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    VR Payment of Petition Circulators Referendum (R-03) Direct democracy Uphold HB 2404, banning the payment of petition circulators on a per-signature basis Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    VR Strict Compliance Initiative Process Referendum Direct democracy Uphold HB 2244, requiring strict compliance for initiative process Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Repeal Proposition 105 Requirements for Initiatives and Referendums Amendment Direct Democracy Repeal Proposition 105 (1998) requirements for initiatives and referendums Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Repeal Proposition 105 Requirements for Referendums Amendment Direct Democracy Repeal Proposition 105 (1998) requirements for referendums Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Distribution Requirement for Initiatives and Referendums Amendment Direct Democracy Distribution requirement for initiative and referendum signature drives Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Requirements to Implement Increased Renewable Energy Standards Amendment Energy Allow commission to disregard mandate for increased renewably standards Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Size of Independent Redistricting Commission Amendment Redistricting Increase membership on redistricting commission Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Property Tax Exemption for Agricultural, Trade, and Business Uses Amendment Taxes Exempt first $2 million from taxes for property used for business and agriculture Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Definition of Nontaxable Income Sources for Senior Property Valuation Freeze Amendment Taxes Define nontaxable income to determine eligibility for senior property valuation freeze program Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA State Militia Age Requirement Amendment Military Remove age limit for state militia Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Four-Year Terms for State Legislators Amendment Legislatures Four-year terms for state legislators Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Four-Year Terms for State Senators Amendment Terms Four-year terms for state senators Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Start Date of Legislative Sessions Amendment Legislatures Legislative session start date Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Industrial Pursuits of Municipal Corporations Amendment Municipal Require municipal corporations' industrial pursuits to serve public purpose Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRSS Repeal Presumption of Employer Retaliation Provision of Minimum Wage Law Measure Labor Repeal provision of minimum wage law that provides for a presumption of employer retaliation cases Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    State profile

    Demographic data for Arizona
    Total population:6,817,565316,515,021
    Land area (sq mi):113,5943,531,905
    Race and ethnicity**
    Black/African American:4.2%12.6%
    Native American:4.4%0.8%
    Pacific Islander:0.2%0.2%
    Two or more:3.2%3%
    High school graduation rate:86%86.7%
    College graduation rate:27.5%29.8%
    Median household income:$50,255$53,889
    Persons below poverty level:21.2%11.3%
    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2010-2015)
    Click here for more information on the 2020 census and here for more on its impact on the redistricting process in Arizona.
    **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

    Presidential voting pattern

    See also: Presidential voting trends in Arizona

    Arizona voted Republican in six out of the seven presidential elections between 2000 and 2024.

    More Arizona coverage on Ballotpedia

    See also


    External links

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