New York City, New York ballot measures

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See also: Local ballot measure elections in 2025


See also: New York 2024 local ballot measures

November 5

New York, New York, Proposal 2, Street Cleaning and Requirement of Waste Containers Amendment (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported amending the charter to expand and clarify the Department of Sanitation's power to clean streets and other city property, and require disposal of waste in containers.

A "no" vote opposed amending the charter to expand and clarify the Department of Sanitation's power to clean streets and other city property, and require disposal of waste in containers.

New York, New York, Proposal 3, Fiscal Analysis and Budget Deadline Amendment (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported amending the city charter to require fiscal analysis from the city council before hearings and votes on laws, authorizing fiscal analysis from the mayor, and updating budget deadlines.

A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to require fiscal analysis from the city council before hearings and votes on laws, authorizing fiscal analysis from the mayor, and updating budget deadlines.

New York, New York, Proposal 4, Additional Public Notice Before City Council Vote on Public Safety Amendment (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported amending the city charter to require additional public notice and time before the City Council votes on laws regarding public safety operations of the Police Departments, Correction Departments, or Fire Departments.

A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to require additional public notice and time before the City Council votes on laws regarding public safety operations of the Police Departments, Correction Departments, or Fire Departments.

New York, New York, Proposal 5, Capital Planning Amendment (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported amending the city charter to update process in the annual assessment of city facilities, mandating that facility needs inform capital planning, and updating capital planning deadlines.

A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to update process in the annual assessment of city facilities, mandating that facility needs inform capital planning, and updating capital planning deadlines.

New York, New York, Proposal 6, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise and Film Permits Amendment (November 2024):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported amending the city charter to establish the Chief Business Diversity Officer (CBDO), authorize the Mayor to designate the office that issues film permits, and combine archive boards.

A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to establish the Chief Business Diversity Officer (CBDO), authorize the Mayor to designate the office that issues film permits, and combine archive boards.


See also: New York 2022 local ballot measures

November 8

New York City, New York, Ballot Question 1, "Just and Equitable City for All" Charter Preamble Amendment (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported adding the Racial Justice Commission's proposed preamble to the NYC Charter.

A "no" vote opposed this amendment, meaning the NYC Charter would continue to not have a preamble. 

New York City, New York, Ballot Question 2, Racial Equity Office, Commission, and Plans Amendment (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported this amendment to create an Office of Racial Equity, with a Chief Equity Officer; establish a Commission on Racial Equity; and require the city government and city agencies to produce Racial Equity Plans every two years.

A "no" vote opposed this amendment, thus not creating an Office of Racial Equity; not establishing a Commission on Racial Equity; and not requiring Racial Equity Plans.

New York City, New York, Ballot Question 3, "True Cost of Living Measure" Amendment (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported this amendment to create an index called the "True Cost of Living Measure" and have the city government report the cost each year.

A "no" vote opposed this amendment, thus not creating the "True Cost of Living Measure" index.


November 5

See also: November 5, 2019 ballot measures in New York

Ballot Question 1, New York City Elections Charter Amendment: Ranked-Choice Voting, Vacancies, and City Council Redistricting Timeline Approved

A yes vote was a vote in favor of amending the city charter to do the following:
  • establish ranked-choice voting to be used for primary and special elections beginning in 2021;
  • increase the time between a city office vacancy and the special election to fill it from 45 days (60 for mayor) to 80 days; and
  • change the timeline for city council redistricting to complete it prior to city council nominating petition signature collection.
A no vote was a vote against amending the city charter regarding elections policy, thereby
  • leaving in place a plurality (or first-past-the-post) system for most city elections;
  • leaving the time between a city office vacancy and the special election to fill it at 45 days (60 days for mayor); and
  • leaving the timeline for city council redistricting unchanged.

Ballot Question 4, New York City City Budget Charter Amendment: Revenue Stabilization Fund, Public Advocate and Borough President Budgets, and Reporting by Mayor Approved

A yes vote was a vote in favor of amending the city charter to do the following:
  • authorize a rainy day fund to go into effect with required state law changes;
  • set minimum Public Advocate and Borough President budgets based on the 2020 fiscal year adjusted based on inflation or the total change in the city's total budget;
  • move the deadline for the mayor's revenue report (excluding property taxes) to the city council from June 5 to April 26; and
  • set a deadline of 30 days for the mayor to submit changes to the city's financial plan requiring budget changes to the city council.
A no vote was a vote against amending the city charter regarding certain elements of the city budget, thereby
  • leaving charter provisions precluding a rainy-day fund in place;
  • leaving the Public Advocate and Borough President budgets set through the standard budget process;
  • leave the deadline for the mayor's revenue report to the city council at June 5; and
  • leaving no specification about when the mayor must submit certain budget changes to the city council.

Ballot Question 2, New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board Charter Amendment Approved

A yes vote was a vote in favor of amending the city charter to do the following:
  • add two members to the 13-member Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)—one appointed by the Public Advocate and one jointly by the mayor and speaker of the council;
  • allow the city council to appoint members directly without the mayor having final appointing authority;
  • require the CCRB annual budget to be enough to hire employees for at least one CCRB for every 154 police officers (0.65% of the city's police force) unless the mayor determines that fiscal necessity prevents it;
  • add to the city charter the requirement that the city police commissioner to provide an explanation to the CCRB whenever the board's disciplinary recommendations aren't followed;
  • authorize the CCRB to investigate the truthfulness of statements made during its investigation of complaints; and
  • allow the CCRB to delegate its authority to issue and enforce subpoenas.
A no vote was a vote against amending the city charter regarding the CCRB, thereby
  • leaving 13 board members, with five designated by the city council and three designated by the police commissioner and all final appointments made by the mayor;
  • leaving no minimum budget requirements based on a ratio to police officers;
  • leaving a 2012 agreement in place that the city police commissioner provide a report to the CCRB when disciplinary recommendations aren't followed but without a provision requiring it in the city charter;
  • leaving existing practices of the CCRB in place to forward evidence of false statements during investigations to the NYPD for investigation; and
  • leaving the CCRB, but not certain CCRB staff such as the CCRB executive director, with authority to issue and enforce subpoenas.

Ballot Question 5, New York City Land Use Charter Amendment: Uniform Land Use Review Procedure Requirements Approved

A yes vote was a vote in favor of amending the city charter to do the following:
  • require the Department of City Planning (DCP) to provide a summary of Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) projects to the Borough President, Board and Community Board affected by the project 30 days prior to when the project application is certified for review by the public and
  • increase the amount of time allowed for review of the ULURP projects by the affected Community Boards from 60 days to either 75 days or 90 days, depending on timing.
A no vote was a vote against amending the city charter concerning certain elements of reporting and review timing with regard to ULURP projects.

Ballot Question 3, New York City Ethics and Government Charter Amendment Approved

A yes vote was a vote in favor of amending the city charter to do the following:
  • increase the amount of time after leaving service before elected city officials and senior appointed officials can appear before the city agencies in which they served from one year to two years;
  • replace two of five members of the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) appointed by the mayor with a member appointed by the comptroller and a member appointed by the public advocate;
  • prohibit members of the COIB from involvement with city office campaigns and restrict contributions from COIB members to campaigns to between $250 and $400 depending on the office;
  • add to the city charter a requirement that the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) to report directly to the mayor and to require a mayoral office for the M/WBE; and
  • require city council confirmation of the city's corporation counsel appointed by the mayor.
A no vote was a vote against amending the city charter concerning the Conflicts of Interest Board and the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE), thereby
  • leaving the block of time required before certain city officials can appear before their former agencies at one year;
  • leaving all five existing mayoral appointments to the COIB;
  • leaving COIB members without additional restrictions on campaign involvement and contribution limits;
  • leaving no requirements concerning reporting by the director of the M/WBE to the mayor or concerning supporting roles for the M/WBE in the charter; and
  • continuing to authorize the mayor to appoint the corporation counsel without city council confirmation.


November 6

See also: November 6, 2018 ballot measures in New York

Ballotpedia did not cover any measures in this county on November 6, 2018.


November 2

See also: November 2, 2010 ballot measures in New York

Approved New York City Term Limits Reduction (November 2010)


November 3

New York City, New York, Question 2, Proportional Representation Amendment (November 1936):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported adopting a system of proportional representation for electing members of the New York City Council.

A "no" vote opposed adopting a system of proportional representation for electing members of the New York City Council.

Not on Ballot

Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot NYC 9/11 Referendum, New Commission Probe (November 2009)

External links

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Local ballot measures in New York

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State of New York
Albany (capital)

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