California 2004 ballot propositions

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    Twenty (20) statewide ballot propositions were on the California ballot in 2004. Four were on the March 2 primary ballot and 16 were on the November 2 general election ballot. Of the four measures on the March 2 ballot, three were approved and one was defeated. Of the 16 measures on the November 2 ballot, nine measures were approved and seven were defeated.

    Of the 20 measures, seven were legislative referrals, 12 were initiatives, and one was a veto referendum. Of the 12 initiatives, seven were amendments to the California Constitution and five were initiated state statutes.

    On the ballot

    March 2

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    BI Proposition 55 Bonds Issues $12.3 billion in bonds for school and college facilities Approved
    CICA/SS Proposition 56 State spending Decreases legislative vote needed to pass state budget from 2/3 to 55% Defeated
    BI Proposition 57 Bonds Issues $15 billion in bonds for the state government's deficit Approved
    LRCA Proposition 58 State spending Requires the passage of balanced budgets Approved

    November 2

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Proposition 1A State budget Adds language to constitution stating that local property and sales tax revenue is to remain with local governments Approved
    LRCA Proposition 59 Admin of gov't Creates a state constitutional right to public information and access to public meetings Approved
    LRCA Proposition 60 Elections Creates a state constitutional right for political parties that participated in primaries to participate in general elections Approved
    LRCA Proposition 60A Admin of gov't Dedicates revenue from government property surplus sales to paying for Proposition 57 Approved
    CISS Proposition 61 Bonds Issues $750 million bonds for children's hospitals Approved
    CICA/SS Proposition 62 Elections Adopts a top-two primary systems Defeated
    CISS Proposition 63 Tax increase Adopts a 1% tax on income above $1 million for mental healthcare services Approved
    CISS Proposition 64 Business regulation Changes the rules governing California's Unfair Competition Law Approved
    CICA Proposition 65 State budget Requires voter approval of legislation that decreases local governments' revenues from the state from specific taxes Defeated
    CISS Proposition 66 Law enforcement Amends the state's three-strikes criminal sentencing law to reduce the number of crimes for which someone can be sentenced for lifes Defeated
    CICA/SS Proposition 67 Taxes Creates a 3% surcharge on telephone calls to provide emergency medical services funding Defeated
    CICA/SS Proposition 68 Gambling Creates scenarios for tribal gaming compacts and non-tribal gaming Defeated
    CISS Proposition 69 Law enforcement Requires that DNA be collected from persons convicted of felonies and submitted to a state database Approved
    CICA/SS Proposition 70 Gambling Requires governor to execute American Indian tribe gaming compacts Defeated
    CICA/SS Proposition 71 Stem cells Establishes a constitutional right to conduct stem cell research, creates the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), and issues a $3.00 billion bond to fund CIRM Approved
    VR Proposition 72 Healthcare Requires employer contributions to healthcare insurance Defeated

    Getting measures on the ballot

    Legislative referrals

    The California State Legislature may refer constitutional amendments to the ballot with a two-thirds (66.67%) vote in each chamber.

    The legislature can refer statutes and bond issues with a simple majority vote, but the governor's signature is also required.

    In California, changes to voter-approved ballot initiatives need to be referred to voters for approval or rejection unless the changes further the initiative's purpose.


    See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in California

    The number of valid signatures for citizen-initiated measures in California are based on the votes cast for governor in the last gubernatorial election, which are held every four years. Initiated constitutional amendments require 8% of that total while initiated state statutes and veto referendums require 5%. The requirements for each type in 2004 were as follows:

    Historical facts

    As of the end of 2004, a cumulative total of 293 citizen initiatives (counting citizen-initiated constitutional amendments and citizen-initiated state statutes and not counting veto referenda) had appeared on California ballots since the first initiatives in 1912.

    See also

    External links


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    2004 ballot measures 2004 ballot measures

    Alabama 2004 ballot measuresAlaska 2004 ballot measuresArizona 2004 ballot measuresArkansas 2004 ballot measuresColorado 2004 ballot measuresFlorida 2004 ballot measuresGeorgia 2004 ballot measuresHawaii 2004 ballot measuresIndiana 2004 ballot measuresKentucky 2004 ballot measuresLouisiana 2004 ballot measuresMaine 2004 ballot measuresMaryland 2004 ballot measuresMassachusetts 2004 ballot measuresMichigan 2004 ballot measuresMississippi 2004 ballot measuresMissouri 2004 ballot measuresMontana 2004 ballot measuresNebraska 2004 ballot measuresNevada 2004 ballot measuresNew Hampshire 2004 ballot measuresNew Mexico 2004 ballot measuresNorth Carolina 2004 ballot measuresNorth Dakota 2004 ballot measuresOhio 2004 ballot measuresOklahoma 2004 ballot measuresOregon 2004 ballot measuresPennsylvania 2004 ballot measuresRhode Island 2004 ballot measuresSouth Carolina 2004 ballot measuresSouth Dakota 2004 ballot measuresUtah 2004 ballot measuresVirginia 2004 ballot measuresWashington 2004 ballot measuresWest Virginia 2004 ballot measuresWyoming 2004 ballot measures

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