Cheryl Renae Zwart

From Ballotpedia

Cheryl Renae Zwart

United States District Court for the District of Nebraska


2010 - Present

Term ends


Years in position



Cheryl Renae Zwart is a federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska. She has served in this position since January 15, 2010. Her current term will expire on January 14, 2026.[1]

See also

External links


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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska
Active judges

Chief JudgeRobert F. Rossiter, Jr.   •  Susan Bazis  •  Brian Buescher

Senior judges

John Gerrard  •  Joseph Bataillon  •  

Magistrate judges Cheryl Renae Zwart  •  Michael Nelson (Nebraska)  •  
Former Article III judges

Laurie Smith Camp  •  Richard Kopf  •  Lyle Strom  •  Warren Urbom  •  William Cambridge  •  Arlen Beam  •  Elmer Scipio Dundy  •  William Douglas McHugh  •  William Henry Munger  •  Thomas Charles Munger  •  Joseph William Woodrough  •  James Donohoe  •  Thomas Shanahan  •  John Delehant  •  Robert Denney  •  Richard Dier  •  Albert Schatz  •  Robert Van Pelt  •  Richard Robinson (Nebraska)  •  

Former Chief judges

John Gerrard  •  Joseph Bataillon  •  Laurie Smith Camp  •  Richard Kopf  •  Lyle Strom  •  Warren Urbom  •  William Cambridge  •  Arlen Beam  •  James Donohoe  •  John Delehant  •  Richard Robinson (Nebraska)  •