City council recall, Flint, Michigan (2019)

From Ballotpedia

Flint City Council recall

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Monica Galloway
Santino Guerra
Allan Griggs
Kate Fields
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2019
Recalls in Michigan
Michigan recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

Efforts in Flint, Michigan, to recall Council members Monica Galloway, Santino Guerra, Allan Griggs, and Kate Fields were initiated in June 2019. Petitions against the four officials were approved for circulation in June, though at different points of the month.[1] Petitioners have 180 days from the point in which each petition was approved to begin gathering signatures, at which point they have 60 days to submit enough signatures to put each recall on the ballot.

On August 26, 2019, Genesee County Clerk John Gleason found the number of valid signatures turned in against Fields was insufficient to put the recall on the ballot.[2]

Recall supporters

The recall efforts against Guerra, Griggs, and Fields began in response to their vote to extend a $12 million waste removal project with Republic Services.[1][3]

Galloway was targeted for recall over missing a vote on a $5.6 million contract with W.T. Stevens Inc. to replace lead service lines.[1][4]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Michigan

Michigan law says that petitioners have 60 days beginning on the date the first signature is collected to submit a number of signatures equal to 25 percent of the votes cast in the district for governor in the last gubernatorial election.

On August 26, 2019, Genesee County Clerk John Gleason found the number of valid signatures turned in against Fields was insufficient to put the recall on the ballot. Recall organizers submitted 825 signatures, with 332 signatures being found valid. They needed 556 valid signatures to move the recall forward.[2]

See also

External links


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