Commission-referred ballot measure

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Types of ballot measures

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Initiated constitutional amendment
Initiated state statute
Veto referendum
Legislative constitutional amendment
Legislative state statute
Legislative bond issue
Advisory question
Automatic ballot referral
Commission-referred measure
Convention-referred amendment

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A commission-referred ballot measures is a ballot measure that a commission votes to place on the ballot. These ballot measures, depending on the commission's powers, could be constitutional amendments or statutes.

The commissions are not legislatures but have been granted the power to propose ballot measures, either through a prior act of a state legislature or state constitutional language.

As of 2025, two states — Arizona and Florida — have commissions that have the power to refer measures to statewide ballots. In Arizona, the commission can refer statutes related to government salaries. In Florida, the commissions can refer state constitutional amendments.

Commission-referred ballot measures on the ballot

See also: 2025 ballot measures and 2026 ballot measures

The following is a list of initiated commission-referred ballot measures certified for the current year and next year:

There are no commission-referred ballot measure certified for the current or next year's ballot.



Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers

See also: Arizona Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers

In Arizona, the Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers (CSESO) has the power to review and recommend salaries for elected state officers, including legislators. The commission's recommendations for non-legislative offices are submitted to the governor, who then decides whether to include the changes in the next state budget proposal. The commission's recommendations for state legislators, including senators and representatives, are referred to voters at the next regular general election.[1]

Article V, Section 12 of the Arizona Constitution provides for the commission's power to refer ballot measures on legislative salaries. The ballot question must be formatted as, "Shall the recommendations of the commission on salaries for elective state officers concerning legislative salaries be accepted?"[1]


In Florida, there are two commissions that have the power to refer constitutional amendments to the ballot. The commissions are the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) and Taxation and Budget Reform Commission (TBRC).

Constitution Revision Commission

See also: Florida Constitution Revision Commission

The Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) is a 37-member commission that has the power to review and propose changes to the Florida Constitution and refer constitutional amendments to voters. The CRC convenes every 20 years on the following schedule: 1977, 1997, 2017, 2037, 2057, and so on, per Article XI, Section 2 of the Florida Constitution.[2]

Taxation and Budget Reform Commission

See also: Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission

The Taxation and Budget Reform Commission (TBRC) is a 25-member commission that has the power to review and propose changes to the state's "budgetary process, the revenue needs and expenditure processes of the state, the appropriateness of the tax structure of the state, and governmental productivity and efficiency." When a proposal would change the Florida Constitution, the constitutional amendment is referred to voters as a ballot measure. The CRC convenes every 20 years on the following schedule: 2007, 2027, 2047, 2067, and so on., per Article XI, Section 6 of the Florida Constitution.[2]

Types of ballot measures

Most ballot measures are placed on the ballot through citizen initiatives or legislative processes. Others are placed on the ballot automatically, by a special commission, or by a state constitutional convention. The following is a list of different types of state ballot measures:

Types of state ballot measures
Citizen-initiated ballot measure
Initiated constitutional amendment
Direct initiated constitutional amendment
Indirect initiated constitutional amendment
Initiated state statute
Direct initiated state statute
Indirect initiated state statute
Combined initiated constitutional amendment and state statute
Veto referendum
Statute affirmation (Nevada)
Legislatively referred ballot measure
Legislatively referred constitutional amendment
Legislatively referred state statute
Legislatively referred bond measure
Advisory question
Other type of state ballot measure
Automatic ballot referral
Constitutional convention question
Commission-referred ballot measure
Convention-referred constitutional amendment

See also
