Dale Sandstrom

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Dale V. Sandstrom

Image of Dale V. Sandstrom

Prior offices

North Dakota Supreme Court


Dale Sandstrom was a justice on the North Dakota Supreme Court. He was first elected to the court in 1992 to fill a vacancy.[1] He retired at the end of his term on December 31, 2016.[2]


Sundstrom received his B.A. from North Dakota State University and his J.D. from the University of North Dakota School of Law in 1975.[3]


After graduating from law school, Sandstrom worked for Milton R. Young of the United States Senate. From there he served on the staff of the North Dakota Criminal Justice Commission, then as assistant attorney general. He became state securities commissioner in 1981, when appointed to the position by Governor Allen I. Olsen. Sandstrom was appointed to the Public Service Commission in 1983 and was subsequently elected to two terms. He was elected to the North Dakota Supreme Court in 1992.[4]



Sandstrom was re-elected to the supreme court on November 7, 2006, after running unopposed.[1]


Sandstrom was re-elected to the supreme court in 1996.[4]


Sandstrom was elected to the supreme court to fill a vacancy.[4]

Political ideology

See also: Political ideology of State Supreme Court Justices

In October 2012, political science professors Adam Bonica and Michael Woodruff of Stanford University attempted to determine the partisan ideology of state supreme court justices. They created a scoring system in which a score above 0 indicated a more conservative-leaning ideology, while scores below 0 were more liberal.

Sandstrom received a campaign finance score of 2.47, indicating a conservative ideological leaning. This was more conservative than the average score of 1.00 that justices received in North Dakota.

The study was based on data from campaign contributions by the judges themselves, the partisan leaning of those who contributed to the judges' campaigns, or, in the absence of elections, the ideology of the appointing body (governor or legislature). This study was not a definitive label of a justice, but an academic summary of various relevant factors.[5]

Recent news

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See also

North Dakota Judicial Selection More Courts

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Courts in North Dakota North Dakota Court of Appeals North Dakota Supreme Court Elections: 202520242023202220212020201920182017 Gubernatorial appointments Judicial selection in North Dakota Federal courts State courts Local courts

External links


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North Dakota Supreme Court
Judicial selection in North Dakota2022 elections2020 electionsNoteworthy casesCourts in North Dakota
Current judges Douglas Bahr, Daniel Crothers, Jon Jay Jensen, Lisa Fair McEvers, Jerod Tufte
Former judges Mary Muehlen Maring, Carol Ronning Kapsner, Dale V. Sandstrom, Gerald VandeWalle