Daniel Albregts

From Ballotpedia

Daniel Albregts

United States District Court for the District of Nevada


2019 - Present

Term ends


Years in position



Daniel Albregts is a federal magistrate judge on the United States District Court for the District of Nevada. He was appointed to this position effective August 5, 2019.[1]


Albregts received a B.A. in political science/history and a J.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.[1]


Albregts was an attorney in private practice in Las Vegas, Nevada, from 1993 to 2019. He was the assistant federal public defender in Las Vegas from 1990 to 1993 and a deputy public defender in Colorado from 1987 to 1990.[1]

See also

External links


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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Nevada
Active judges

Chief JudgeMiranda Du   •  Gloria M. Navarro  •  Jennifer Dorsey  •  Andrew Gordon (Nevada)  •  Richard Franklin Boulware II  •  Anne Traum  •  Cristina Silva

Senior judges

Roger Hunt (Nevada)  •  Kent Dawson  •  James Mahan (Nevada)  •  Robert C. Jones (Nevada federal district court judge)  •  Howard McKibben  •  

Magistrate judges Cam Ferenbach  •  Nancy J. Koppe  •  Brenda Weksler  •  Elayna Youchah  •  Daniel Albregts  •  Carla Baldwin  •  
Former Article III judges

Alexander White Baldwin  •  Edgar Winters Hillyer  •  George Myron Sabin  •  Thomas Porter Hawley  •  Edward Silsby Farrington  •  Lloyd George  •  Larry Hicks (Nevada)  •  Edward Reed  •  Frank Herbert Norcross  •  Johnnie Rawlinson  •  Harry Claiborne  •  Roger Foley  •  Roger T. Foley  •  David Hagen (Nevada)  •  Bruce Thompson (Nevada)  •  John Rolly Ross  •  Philip Pro  •  Brian Sandoval  •  

Former Chief judges

Roger Hunt (Nevada)  •  Lloyd George  •  Edward Reed  •  Howard McKibben  •  Harry Claiborne  •  Roger Foley  •  Roger T. Foley  •  John Rolly Ross  •  Philip Pro  •