Democratic Socialists of America

From Ballotpedia

Democratic Socialists of America
Basic facts
Location:New York, NY
Type:National Political Committee, 501 (c)(3), 501(c)(4)
Top official:Maria Svart, National Director
Founder(s):Michael Harrington
Year founded:1982
Website:Official website

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States, claiming 46,000 members as of July 2018.[3] The DSA "fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people."[4] The DSA was founded in 1982 by the unification of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC), founded in 1973 by Michael Harrington, and the New American Movement, founded in 1971.[5]

The DSOC was formed after Harrington resigned as National Co-Chairman of the Socialist Party of America (SPA)[6] Harrington advocated for immediate withdrawal from the Vietnam War, while the majority of the party, who became the Social Democrats USA (SDUSA), advocated U.S. presence as support for anti-communists and labor organizations in the country.[7] Harrington also criticized the SDUSA for what he called "obsessive anti-communism," and supported dealing with the Soviet Union in a diplomatic manner.[8]

The DSA made a "decision in late 2014 to make its number one priority the movement to support Bernie Sanders running for president" in the 2016 election, according to the DSA website, and saw its membership increase from 6,500 to 8,500 by election day. In the eight months following the election, an additional 13,000 people joined the organization.[5]

Political activity

Candidate endorsements

The following table details the DSA's national endorsement of candidates in elections known to Ballotpedia:

Candidates endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America
Candidate Year Office Status
Cynthia Nixon (D)[9] 2018 New York gubernatorial election Defeated Lost primary
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) 2018 New York's 14th Congressional District Approved Won general election
Bernie Sanders (D) 2016 President of the United States Defeated Lost primary

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms 'Democratic Socialists of America'. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.
