Education spending per pupil

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In May of 2013 the U.S. Census Bureau issued its report on per-pupil education spending and revenues for each state for fiscal year 2011. This report covers financial activity for the operation and support of public school systems providing elementary and/or secondary programs and includes: the instruction of prekindergarten through twelfth-grade children, support activities, such as guidance counseling, administration, transportation, plant operation and maintenance, and food services.[1]

It should be noted that these figures are reported by state agencies, whose accounting methods may vary. In addition, the statistics in this report were not adjusted for price and wage changes, do not account for discrepancies in cost of living and do not include capital outlays, interest on debts and payments to other governments. Appendix B of the Census Bureau’s report on education finances lists state-by-state differences.[2]

State per pupil spending, 2012-2013

Between 2012 and 2013 the education spending in the United States rose slightly to $10,700 per pupil. The state with the highest per pupil spending was New York which spent $19,818 per pupil, while the state with the lowest per pupil spending was Utah at $6,555.

Note: In comparing dollar amounts across the states, it is important to note that the cost of living can from state to state and within a state. The amounts given on this page have not been adjusted to reflect these differences. For more information on "regional price disparities" and the Consumer Price Index, see the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Per pupil spending by state, 2012-2013
State Rank 2013 per pupil spending 2012 per pupil spending Change in dollar amount Percentage Change
Alabama 39 $8,755 $8,562 $193 2.3%
Alaska 2 $18,175 $17,390 $785 4.5%
Arizona 49 $7,208 $7,559 -$351 –4.6%
Arkansas 34 $9,394 $9,411 -$17 –0.2%
California 36 $9,220 $9,183 $37 0.4%
Colorado 40 $8,647 $8,548 $99 1.2%
Connecticut 5 $16,631 $16,274 $357 2.2%
Delaware 11 $13,833 $13,865 -$32 –0.2%
District of Columbia 3 $17,953 $17,468 $485 2.8%
Florida 42 $8,433 $8,372 $61 0.7%
Georgia 37 $9,099 $9,247 -$148 –1.6%
Hawaii 17 $11,823 $12,054 -$231 –1.9%
Idaho 50 $6,791 $6,659 $132 2.%
Illinois 14 $12,288 $12,015 $273 2.3%
Indiana 31 $9,566 $9,719 -$153 –1.6%
Iowa 27 $10,313 $10,038 $275 2.7%
Kansas 28 $9,828 $9,748 $80 0.8%
Kentucky 35 $9,316 $9,391 -$75 –0.8%
Louisiana 26 $10,490 $11,379 -$889 –7.8%
Maine 15 $12,147 $12,189 -$42 –0.3%
Maryland 12 $13,829 $13,609 $220 1.6%
Massachusetts 8 $14,515 $14,142 $373 2.6%
Michigan 24 $10,948 $10,855 $93 0.9%
Minnesota 21 $11,089 $10,796 $293 2.7%
Mississippi 47 $8,130 $8,164 -$34 –0.4%
Missouri 30 $9,597 $9,436 $161 1.7%
Montana 25 $10,625 $10,464 $161 1.5%
Nebraska 18 $11,579 $11,275 $304 2.7%
Nevada 44 $8,339 $8,223 $116 1.4%
New Hampshire 13 $13,721 $13,593 $128 0.9%
New Jersey 4 $17,572 $17,266 $306 1.8%
New Mexico 38 $9,012 $8,899 $113 1.3%
New York 1 $19,818 $19,552 $266 1.4%
North Carolina 43 $8,390 $8,200 $190 2.3%
North Dakota 16 $11,980 $11,679 $301 2.6%
Ohio 19 $11,197 $11,204 -$7 –0.1%
Oklahoma 48 $7,672 $7,466 $206 2.8%
Oregon 32 $9,543 $9,490 $53 0.6%
Pennsylvania 10 $13,864 $13,340 $524 3.9%
Rhode Island 9 $14,415 $14,005 $410 2.9%
South Carolina 33 $9,514 $9,147 $367 4.%
South Dakota 41 $8,470 $8,446 $24 0.3%
Tennessee 46 $8,208 $8,294 -$86 –1.0%
Texas 45 $8,299 $8,261 $38 0.5%
Utah 51 $6,555 $6,206 $349 5.6%
Vermont 6 $16,377 $16,040 $337 2.1%
Virginia 23 $10,960 $10,656 $304 2.9%
Washington 29 $9,672 $9,637 $35 0.4%
West Virginia 20 $11,132 $11,445 -$313 –2.7%
Wisconsin 22 $11,071 $11,042 $29 0.3%
Wyoming 7 $15,700 $15,897 -$197 –1.2%
U.S. averages N/A $10,700 $10,608 $92 0.9%
Note: A disclaimer from p.x of the report: "A strict ranking or per pupil analysis that does not take into account varying fiscal and structural elationships between the local, state, and federal government in each state can lead to an invalid analysis and incorrect conclusions. Finance amounts in this report also do not take into account demographic, socioeconomic, or geographic differences between state and local governments." Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Public Education Finances: 2013,Economic Reimbursable Surveys Division Reports" (Table 20).

State per pupil spending, 2011-2012

Between 2011 and 2012 the education spending in the United States remained constant at $10,608 per pupil. The state with the highest per pupil spending was New York which spent $19,552 per pupil, while the state with the lowest per pupil spending was Utah at $6,206.

Per pupil spending by state, 2011-2012
State Rank 2012 per pupil spending 2011 per pupil spending Change in dollar amount Percentage Change
Alabama 39 $8,562 $8,813 -$251 –2.8
Alaska 3 $17,390 $16,674 $716 4.3
Arizona 48 $7,559 $7,666 -$107 –1.4
Arkansas 33 $9,411 $9,353 $58 0.6
California 36 $9,183 $9,149 $34 0.4
Colorado 40 $8,548 $8,724 -$176 –2.0
Connecticut 5 $16,274 $15,617 $657 4.2
Delaware 10 $13,865 $12,685 $1,180 9.3
Washington, D.C. 2 $17,468 $18,475 -$1,007 –5.4
Florida 42 $8,372 $8,887 -$515 –5.8
Georgia 35 $9,247 $9,253 -$6 –0.1
Hawaii 15 $12,054 $12,004 $50 0.4
Idaho 50 $6,659 $6,824 -$165 –2.4
Illinois 16 $12,015 $11,834 $181 1.5
Indiana 29 $9,719 $9,372 $347 3.7
Iowa 27 $10,038 $9,807 $231 2.4
Kansas 28 $9,748 $9,498 $250 2.6
Kentucky 34 $9,391 $9,309 $82 0.9
Louisiana 19 $11,379 $10,723 $656 6.1
Maine 14 $12,189 $12,630 -$441 –3.5
Maryland 11 $13,609 $13,871 -$262 –1.9
Massachusetts 8 $14,142 $13,941 $201 1.4
Michigan 23 $10,855 $10,823 $32 0.3
Minnesota 24 $10,796 $10,712 $84 0.8
Mississippi 47 $8,164 $7,928 $236 3
Missouri 32 $9,436 $9,410 $26 0.3
Montana 26 $10,464 $10,639 -$175 –1.6
Nebraska 20 $11,275 $10,825 $450 4.2
Nevada 45 $8,223 $8,527 -$304 –3.6
New Hampshire 12 $13,593 $13,224 $369 2.8
New Jersey 4 $17,266 $15,968 $1,298 8.1
New Mexico 38 $8,899 $9,070 -$171 –1.9
New York 1 $19,552 $19,076 $476 2.5
North Carolina 46 $8,200 $8,312 -$112 –1.3
North Dakota 17 $11,679 $11,420 $259 2.3
Ohio 21 $11,204 $11,223 -$19 –0.2
Oklahoma 49 $7,466 $7,587 -$121 –1.6
Oregon 31 $9,490 $9,682 -$192 –2.0
Pennsylvania 13 $13,340 $13,467 -$127 –0.9
Rhode Island 9 $14,005 $13,815 $190 1.4
South Carolina 37 $9,147 $8,986 $161 1.8
South Dakota 41 $8,446 $8,805 -$359 –4.1
Tennessee 43 $8,294 $8,088 $206 2.6
Texas 44 $8,261 $8,671 -$410 –4.7
Utah 51 $6,206 $6,212 -$6 –0.1
Vermont 6 $16,040 $15,980 $60 0.4
Virginia 25 $10,656 $10,364 $292 2.8
Washington 30 $9,637 $9,483 $154 1.6
West Virginia 18 $11,445 $11,846 -$401 –3.4
Wisconsin 22 $11,042 $11,774 -$732 –6.2
Wyoming 7 $15,897 $15,849 $48 0.3
United States average N/A $10,608 $10,608 $0 0.0
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Public Education Finances: 2012,Governments Division Reports," issued May 2014 Note: The information on this chart is taken from Table 20 on the Census document.

State per pupil spending, 2010-2011

Between 2010 and 2011 the education spending in the United States remained relatively constant at just under $11,000 per pupil. The state with the highest per pupil spending was New York which spent $19,076 per pupil, while the state with the lowest per pupil spending was Utah at $6,212.

Note: Click on a column heading to sort the data.

Per pupil spending by state, 2010-2011
State Rank 2011 per pupil spending 2010 per pupil spending Change in dollar amount Percentage Change
Alabama 40 $8,813 $8,881 -68.04 -0.8
Alaska 3 $16,674 $15,783 891.46 5.6
Arizona 48 $7,666 $7,848 -182.24 -2.3
Arkansas 33 $9,353 $9,143 210.17 2.3
California 36 $9,139 $9,375 -235.93 -2.5
Colorado 42 $8,724 $8,853 -129.03 -1.5
Connecticut 7 $15,600 $14,906 693.79 4.7
Delaware 13 $12,685 $12,383 302.28 2.4
District of Columbia 2 $18,475 $18,667 -191.77 -1
Florida 39 $8,887 $8,741 145.21 1.7
Georgia 35 $9,253 $9,394 -141.1 -1.5
Hawaii 14 $12,004 $11,754 250.45 2.1
Idaho 50 $6,824 $7,106 -281.98 -4
Illinois 22 $10,774 $11,634 -860.33 -7.4
Indiana 32 $9,370 $9,611 -241.61 -2.5
Iowa 27 $9,807 $9,763 43.68 0.4
Kansas 29 $9,498 $9,715 -217.09 -2.2
Kentucky 34 $9,309 $8,948 360.96 4
Louisiana 23 $10,723 $10,638 84.75 0.8
Maine 17 $11,438 $12,259 -820.45 -6.7
Maryland 9 $13,871 $13,738 133.09 1
Massachusetts 8 $13,941 $13,590 350.97 2.6
Michigan 21 $10,823 $10,644 179.9 1.7
Minnesota 24 $10,712 $10,685 27.04 0.3
Mississippi 47 $7,928 $8,119 -191.15 -2.4
Missouri 31 $9,410 $9,634 -224.14 -2.3
Montana 25 $10,639 $10,497 141.74 1.4
Nebraska 20 $10,825 $10,734 91.21 0.8
Nevada 44 $8,527 $8,483 43.79 0.5
New Hampshire 12 $13,224 $12,383 840.25 6.8
New Jersey 4 $15,968 $16,841 -872.73 -5.2
New Mexico 37 $9,070 $9,384 -313.41 -3.3
New York 1 $19,076 $18,618 457.79 2.5
North Carolina 45 $8,312 $8,409 -96.36 -1.1
North Dakota 18 $11,420 $10,991 429.07 3.9
Ohio 19 $11,223 $11,030 192.49 1.7
Oklahoma 49 $7,587 $7,896 -308.84 -3.9
Oregon 28 $9,682 $9,624 58.38 0.6
Pennsylvania 11 $13,467 $12,995 471.73 3.6
Rhode Island 10 $13,815 $13,699 116.79 0.9
South Carolina 38 $8,986 $9,143 -156.95 -1.7
South Dakota 41 $8,805 $8,858 -53.7 -0.6
Tennessee 46 $8,242 $8,065 177.47 2.2
Texas 43 $8,671 $8,746 -74.51 -0.9
Utah 51 $6,212 $6,064 148.56 2.4
Vermont 5 $15,925 $15,274 651.72 4.3
Virginia 26 $10,364 $10,597 -232.4 -2.2
Washington 30 $9,483 $9,452 30.87 0.3
West Virginia 15 $11,846 $11,527 319.2 2.8
Wisconsin 16 $11,774 $11,364 409.41 3.6
Wyoming 6 $15,849 $15,169 679.97 4.5
United States average N/A $10,608 $10,600 $8 0.1
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Public Education Finances: 2011,Governments Division Reports," issued May 2013 Note: The information on this chart is taken from Table 20 on the Census document.

See also

External links


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