Fred J. Hirsh

From Ballotpedia

Fred J. Hirsh

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Prior offices

Nassau County District Court


Fred J. Hirsh was a judge for the Nassau County District Court in Nassau County, New York. He was first appointed to the court in 2002, but lost the election later that year. He was appointed again in March 2008, and elected in November 2008.[1][2] Hirsh was defeated in the 2014 election and stepped down at the end of his last term on December 31, 2014.[3]



See also: New York judicial elections, 2014
Hirsh ran for re-election to the Nassau County District Court.
Primary: He was defeated in the Independence primary on September 9, 2014, receiving 5.1 percent of the vote. He competed against Eileen J. Goggin, Robert E. Pipia, Darlene D. Harris, Tricia Ferrell, C. William Gaylor, Ignatius L. Muscarella and Michael A. Ciaffa. Additionally, he ran on the Democratic party line, though there was no primary for that party. 
General: He was defeated in the general election on November 4, 2014, after receiving 11.6 percent of the vote. He competed against Eileen J. Goggin, Robert E. Pipia, Darlene D. Harris, Tricia Ferrell, C. William Gaylor, Ignatius L. Muscarella and Michael A. Ciaffa for four open seats. [3][4] 


Hirsh received a B.A. from Hamilton College in 1974 and a J.D. degree from the Brooklyn Law School in 1977.[2]


See also

External links
