Gary Katzmann

From Ballotpedia

Gary S. Katzmann

Image of Gary S. Katzmann

United States Court of International Trade


2016 - Present

Years in position




Gary Stephen Katzmann is a judge on the United States Court of International Trade. Katzmann was confirmed on a voice vote of the United States Senate on June 6, 2016, and received his commission on September 15, 2016. Prior to his service on the Court of International Trade, Katzmann served as an associate justice on the Massachusetts Appeals Court, the intermediate appellate court for the state of Massachusetts.[1][2][3][4]


Katzmann earned an A.B. degree from Columbia College, an M.Litt. from Oxford University, an M.P.P.M. from the Yale School of Management, and a J.D. from Yale Law School.[3]

Professional career

1989-1992: Chief legal counsel to U.S. Attorney
1989: Deputy chief, criminal division
1983-1993, 1997-1998: Chief appellate attorney

Judicial career

Court of International Trade

Nomination Tracker


Nominee Information
Name: Gary Katzmann
Court: United States Court of International Trade
Confirmed 312 days after nomination.
ApprovedNominated: July 30, 2015
ApprovedABA Rating: Unanimously Well Qualified
Questionnaire: Questionnaire
ApprovedHearing: January 27, 2016
QFRs: QFRs (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedReported: April 7, 2016 
ApprovedConfirmed: June 6, 2016
ApprovedVote: Voice vote

Katzmann was nominated to the United States Court of International Trade on July 30, 2015, to succeed Judge Jane Restani. On the nomination:

I am proud to nominate these outstanding candidates to serve on the Court of International Trade. I am confident that they will serve the American people with integrity and distinction.[5]
—President Barack Obama, [4]

The American Bar Association rated Katzmann Unanimously Well Qualified for the position.[6]

Hearings on Katzmann's nomination were held before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on January 27, 2016, and his nomination was reported by U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on April 7, 2016. Katzmann was confirmed on a voice vote of the U.S. Senate on June 6, 2016, and he received his commission on September 15, 2016.[2][3]

Awards and associations

  • Recipient, Department of Justice Director's Award for excellence in appellate advocacy and for successful terrorism prosecution
  • Member, Board of Visitors of the Discovering Justice Program
  • Member, Board of the Thomas J. Drinan Fellowship at Suffolk University Law School
  • Past member, Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee[3]

Recent news

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See also

External links


Barack Obama

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Federal judges nominated by Barack Obama

Federal judges nominated by Barack Obama

Flag of Massachusetts-cropped.png

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Massachusetts Appeals Court
Judicial selection in MassachusettsMassachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
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