Governmental Organization Committee, California State Assembly

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The Governmental Organization Committee is a standing committee of the California State Assembly.

Per the Assembly Rules, committees of the California State Assembly are assigned by the House Speaker. The Speaker has the power to appoint the chair and vice chair of each committee.[1] The Speaker is considered an ex officio member of all assembly committees of which he or she is not a regular member but does not have voting rights and is not counted for purposes of determining a quorum.[2] A majority of members of a committee constitutes a quorum.[3]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Standing Rules of the Assembly


The duty of the Governmental Organization Committee is to investigate and study proposed bills relating to alcohol, Indian gaming, horseracing, gambling, tobacco, public records, open meetings laws, state holidays, outdoor advertising and emergency services/natural disasters (shared with the Housing and Community Development Committee and Local Government Committee).[4]


Jim Frazier (D, Chair) left this committee on December 31, 2021. [Source]

Rob Bonta (D) left this committee on April 22, 2021. [Source]

William Brough (R) left this committee on May 27, 2020.

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Governmental Organization Members, 2017
Democratic members (15)Republican members (6)
Adam Gray, ChairFrank Bigelow, Vice chair
Cecilia Aguiar-CurryDante Acosta
Raul BocanegraWilliam Brough
Rob BontaJames Gallagher
Ken CooleyKevin Kiley
Jim CooperMarie Waldron
Tom Daly
Eduardo Garcia
Mike Gipson
Todd Gloria
Reginald Jones-Sawyer
Marc Levine
Evan Low
Blanca Rubio
Rudy Salas

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Governmental Organization Members, 2015
Democratic members (14)Republican members (7)
Adam Gray, ChairEric Linder, Vice chair
Luis AlejoK.H. Achadjian
Nora CamposFrank Bigelow
Ken CooleyChad Mayes
Jim Cooper (California)Marc Steinorth
Tom DalyMarie Waldron
Cristina GarciaScott Wilk
Eduardo Garcia
Mike Gipson
Roger Hernandez
Reginald Jones-Sawyer
Marc Levine (California)
Henry T. Perea
Rudy Salas


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Governmental Organization Members, 2013
Democratic members (12)Republican members (5)
Isadore Hall, III, ChairBrian Nestande, Vice chair
Wesley ChesbroFrank Bigelow
Ken CooleyCurt Hagman
Adam GrayBrian Jones
Roger HernandezMarie Waldron
Reginald Jones-Sawyer
Marc Levine
Jose Medina
Henry Perea
Manuel Perez
Rudy Salas
Norma Torres


The following table describes committee membership for the 2011 legislative session.

Governmental Organization Members, 2011
Democratic members (12)Republican members (5)
Isadore Hall, III, ChairBrian Nestande, Vice chair
Toni AtkinsPaul Cook
Martin BlockMartin Garrick
Bob BlumenfieldKevin Jeffries
Wesley ChesbroJim Silva
Cathleen Galgiani
Mike Gatto
Gerald Hill
Fiona Ma
Henry T. Perea
Manuel Perez
Norma Torres

External links


Majority Leader:Cecilia Aguiar-Curry

Minority Leader:James Gallagher


Democratic Party (60)

Republican Party (20)