Health and Human Services Committee, Rhode Island State Senate

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The Health and Human Services Committee is a standing committee of the Rhode Island State Senate.

Per Section 5 of the Senate Rules, committees of the Rhode Island State Senate are assigned by the President of the Senate.[1] Senators are appointed to standing committees every two years. Each standing committee is made up of the President of the Senate and the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate.[1] These three leaders are considered to be ex officio members with voting rights in all committees. Any vacancies that have occurred shall be filled by the President of the Senate.[2] The President of the Senate has the power to appoint the chair, vice chair, and secretary among the membership of each committee.[3]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Senate Rules


It shall be the duty of the committee on health and human services to consider the appointments of the governor referred to it by the senate which require the advice and consent of the senate and to consider all reports of the departments of health, of human services, of mental health, retardation and hospitals, of children and their families, and of elderly affairs; to consider all legislation and matters expanding or defining further areas of responsibility of the foregoing and to consider all legislation and matters relative to public health and welfare; health care and human service access and quality; health and human service professional standards of practice, and facility standards of care; to maintain oversight over the application, execution and operation of the laws within its jurisdiction; and to consider such other matters as may be referred to it by the senate.[4][5]


Gayle Goldin (D) left this committee on August 17, 2021.

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Health and Human Services Members, 2017
Democratic members (7)Republican members (1)
Joshua Miller, ChairThomas Paolino
Gayle Goldin, Vice chair
Jeanine Calkin
Elizabeth Crowley
Adam J. Satchell
James Sheehan
V. Susan Sosnowski

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Health and Human Services Members, 2015
Democratic members (8)Republican members (1)
Joshua Miller, ChairChristopher Scott Ottiano
James C. Sheehan, Secretary
Donna M. Nesselbush, Vice Chair
Cynthia Armour Coyne
Elizabeth Crowley
Gayle L. Goldin
Adam J. Satchell
V. Susan Sosnowski


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Health and Human Services Committee Members, 2013
Democratic members (7)Republican members (1)
Joshua Miller, ChairChristopher Scott Ottiano
James C. Sheehan, Secretary
Donna M. Nesselbush, Vice Chair
Catherine Cool Rumsey
Gayle L. Goldin
Adam J. Satchell
V. Susan Sosnowski


Health and Human Services Committee Members, 2011
Democratic members (7)Republican members (1)
Rhoda Perry, ChairBethany Moura
Donna Nesselbush, Secretary
James Sheehan, Vice Chair
Francis Maher, Jr.
Joshua Miller
Juan Pichardo
V. Susan Sosnowski


Health and Human Services Committee Members, 2009
Democratic members (6)Republican members (2)
V. Susan SosnowskiFrancis Maher, Jr.
James SheehanLeo Blais
Juan Pichardo
Rhoda Perry
Joshua Miller
Charles Levesque

External links



Senate President:Dominick Ruggerio

Majority Leader:Valarie Lawson

Minority Leader:Jessica de la Cruz


Democratic Party (34)

Republican Party (4)

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Providence (capital)

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