Herman Weber

From Ballotpedia

Herman Weber

Image of Herman Weber

United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio (senior status)


2002 - Present

Years in position


Prior offices

United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio



Herman Jacob Weber is a federal judge on senior status with the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. He joined the court in 1985 after being nominated by President Ronald Reagan.[1]

Early life and education

A native of Lima, Ohio, Weber received his bachelor's degree from Otterbein College in 1949 and his J.D. from Ohio State University's College of Law in 1952.[1]

Military service

Weber served in the Navy from 1945 to 1946.[1]

Professional career

  • 2002-Present: Senior judge
  • 1985-2002: Judge

Judicial career

Southern District of Ohio

Nomination Tracker


Nominee Information
Name: Herman J. Weber
Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
Confirmed 198 days after nomination.
ApprovedNominated: September 17, 1984
DefeatedABA Rating:
ApprovedHearing: September 26, 1984
QFRs: (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedReported: April 3, 1985 
ApprovedConfirmed: April 3, 1985
ApprovedVote: Voice vote
DefeatedReturned: October 18, 1984

Weber was first nominated by President Ronald Reagan on September 17, 1984, to a new judgeship created by 98 Stat. 333. Hearings on Weber's nomination were held before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 26, 1984. On October 18, 1984, pursuant to Rule XXXI, paragraph six of the standing rules of the Senate, Weber's nomination was returned to the president. President Reagan resubmitted Weber's nomination on February 28, 1985, and his nomination was reported by U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) on April 3, 1985, without additional hearings. Weber was confirmed on a voice vote of the U.S. Senate on April 3, 1985, and he received his commission on April 4, 1985. Weber elected to take senior status on January 1, 2002.[1][2][3] Weber was succeeded in this position by Judge Thomas Rose.

See also

External links


Political offices
Preceded by:
NA-New Seat
98 Stat. 333
Southern District of Ohio
Seat #7
Succeeded by:
Thomas Rose


v  e

Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
Active judges

Chief JudgeAlgenon Marbley   •  Edmund Sargus  •  Michael Watson (Ohio)  •  Matthew McFarland  •  Jeffery P. Hopkins  •  Michael Newman (Ohio)  •  Sarah Daggett Morrison  •  Douglas Cole

Senior judges

Sandra Beckwith  •  Herman Weber  •  James Graham (Ohio federal judge)  •  Walter Rice  •  Susan Dlott  •  Thomas Rose  •  Michael Barrett (Ohio)  •  Timothy S. Black  •  

Magistrate judges Karen L. Litkovitz  •  Caroline Helen Gentry  •  Elizabeth Preston Deavers  •  Stephanie Bowman (Ohio)  •  Kimberly Jolson  •  Chelsey Vascura  •  Peter Silvain  •  
Former Article III judges

S. Arthur Spiegel  •  John Holschuh  •  George Smith  •  Humphrey Howe Leavitt  •  Philip Bergen Swing  •  George Read Sage  •  Albert Clifton Thompson  •  John Elbert Sater  •  Howard Clark Hollister  •  John Weld Peck  •  Smith Hickenlooper  •  Benson Hough  •  Robert Reasoner Nevin  •  Mell Underwood  •  John Druffel  •  Lester Cecil  •  Robert Duncan (Ohio)  •  Timothy Hogan (United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio)  •  Joseph Kinneary  •  John Peck II  •  David S. Porter  •  Carl Rubin  •  Carl Weinman  •  

Former Chief judges

Sandra Beckwith  •  John Holschuh  •  James Graham (Ohio federal judge)  •  Walter Rice  •  Robert Reasoner Nevin  •  Mell Underwood  •  Timothy Hogan (United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio)  •  Joseph Kinneary  •  David S. Porter  •  Carl Rubin  •  Carl Weinman  •  

Ronald Reagan

v  e

Federal judges nominated by Ronald Reagan





BaldockBarbourBarryBowmanCarmanCarterCurranDavisDorseyFeldmanFishFlaumGibbonsHallananHarrisHinojosaHullHuppKatzKeenanKellyKramLaffitteLimbaugh, Sr.Limbaugh, Sr.MilburnNesbittNevasO'NeillRymerSharpStarrVinsonVukasinWexler


BarkerBeezerBiggersBillingsBissellBoyleBrewsterBrowningDiCarloDuheGarciaGeorgeHallHargroveHigginsHillHollandIdemanJarvisKellerLeavyLeeLeggeLeisureLittleLivaudaisLongobardiMcKibbenMilburnNewmanNorglePradoReaRosenblattRovnerSciricaSmith, Jr.SneedenStotlerSuhrheinrichTorruellaWigginsWilkinson


AlleyAltimariAndersonAquilinoArcherArnoldBaldockBatchelderBatteyBroomfieldBrownBrownBrunettiBuckleyCobbConmyCowenDavidsonDimmickDuffEasterbrookEdgarFarnanFernandezFitzpatrickFusteGreeneGunnGuyHallHiltonHoldermanHughesJohnsonJonesKormanKozinskiLa PlataLeinenweberLettsLovellLudwigMaloneyMansmannMarcusMcDonaldMeredithMillerMillsMinerMotzNelsonNoonanPorfilioRevercombRhoadesRippleRodriguezRosenbaumRothRyanSamScottSentelleSilbermanSporkinStantonStapletonStrandStromTachaTevrizianThompsonToddTsoucalasWalkerWalterWeberWilliamsWilsonWingateWolfWollmanYoungZloch




AlesiaBeamBellConboyCowenCummingsDaroncoDotyDwyerEbelEllisGadolaGawthropGreenbergHarringtonHowardHoytHutchinsonKanneKellyLarimerLeavyLewMarshMayerMcKinneyMichelMukaseyMusgraveNiemeyerParkerPhillipsPolitanProRaggiReasonerReedSciricaSentelleSmithSmithStadtmuellerStandishTinderTorresTrottTurnerVan AntwerpenVoorheesWebbWhippleWolinWolleWoodZagel

