Idaho 2022 ballot measures

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Two statewide ballot measures were certified to appear on the ballot in Idaho on November 8, 2022. They were both approved.


  • On September 1, 2022, the state legislature passed House Bill 1, sending an advisory question to the ballot regarding changes to the income and corporate tax structure and education funding.
  • An initiative to increase the state's income tax on incomes above $250,000 and the state's corporate tax qualified for the ballot on July 22. However, it was withdrawn from the ballot on September 7, following the passage of House Bill 1, which increased education funding.
  • The Idaho State Legislature referred a constitutional amendment to the ballot that was designed to allow the state legislature to call itself into a special session when 60% of members from each chamber request to do so.
  • Between 1996 and 2020, 27 of the 37 ballot measures appearing on Idaho ballots were approved by voters.
  • On the ballot

    Type Title Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Advisory Ballot Advise the Legislature on a bill to enact a flat income and corporate tax structure, send tax rebates to qualifying taxpayers, and dedicate an annual $400 million to education


    454,746 (80%)

    115,381 (20%)


    Constitutional Amendment SJR 102 Allow the Senate president and House speaker to convene a special legislative session upon receiving a joint written request from 60% of each chamber's legislators


    287,194 (52%)

    267,623 (48%)

    Referral of 2022 ballot measures

    The following table illustrates the vote requirements for the legislative referrals certified for the ballot, the votes that the referrals received, and how Democrats and Republicans voted on the referrals in each legislative chamber:

    No measures to list

    Getting measures on the ballot

    Idaho allows citizen initiatives in the form of initiated state statutes and veto referendums. Idaho petition signature requirements are determined by calculating 6% of the registered voters in the state's last general election. For 2022, initiative supporters needed to gather 64,945 valid signatures and needed to submit signatures no later than close of business on May 1, 2022, in order to qualify initiatives for the ballot. Proponents were able to collect signatures through April 30, 2022.

    The Idaho Legislature has the power to place constitutional amendments on the ballot when both houses of the legislature approve the amendment by a two-thirds majority vote. Once on the ballot, the amendment must be approved by a simple majority of the electors. The 2021 state legislative session convened on January 11, 2021, and adjourned on April 24, 2021. The 2022 state legislative session convened on January 10,2022.

    Historical facts

    See also: List of Idaho ballot measures and History of Initiative & Referendum in Idaho

    In Idaho, a total of 65 ballot measures appeared on statewide ballots between 1985 and 2020. Forty-eight ballot measures were approved, and 17 ballot measures were defeated.

    Idaho statewide ballot measures, 1985-2020
    Total number Annual average Annual minimum Annual maximum Approved Defeated
    # % # %
    65 1.85 0 9 48 73.85 17 26.15

    Ballot initiative certification rates

    See also: Ballot initiatives filed for the 2022 ballot

    The following table shows the rate of certification for ballot initiatives in Idaho between 2010 and 2020:

    Idaho statewide ballot initiatives filed and certified, 2010-2020
    Year Ballot initiatives filed Certified
    # %
    2020 3 0 0.0
    2018 4 2 50.0
    2016 6 0 0.0
    2014 2 0 0.0
    2012 7 3 42.9
    2010 20 0 0.0
    Averages 7.0 0.8 15.5

    Not on the ballot

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CISS Proposition 1 Taxes and Education Increases income tax rate for individuals with incomes above $250,000; increases corporate income tax rate; creates and funds the Quality Education Fund Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Ban on Certain Psychoactive Drugs Amendment Drug crime policy Amends the Idaho Constitution to prohibit the production, manufacture, transportation, sale, delivery, dispensing, distribution, possession, or use of certain psychoactive drugs depending on its status with the Food and Drug Administration and state law Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Medical Marijuana Initiative Marijuana Creates a medical marijuana program in Idaho Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Marijuana Legalization Initiative Marijuana Legalizes the use of recreational marijuana for adults 21 years of age or older Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Initiative Signature Requirements Measure Direct democracy measures Change initiative signature requirements to 6% of registered voters statewide at the time of the last general election Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Minimum Wage Initiative Minimum wage Increases the minimum wage incrementally Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    VR Increased Signature Distribution Requirement for Citizen Initiatives Referendum Direct democracy A referendum on Senate Bill 1110, which require signatures from 6% of voters from all 35 legislative districts for ballot initiatives and veto referendums instead of the existing requirement of 6% of voters from 18 of the state's legislative districts Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    State profile

    Demographic data for Idaho
    Total population:1,652,828316,515,021
    Land area (sq mi):82,6433,531,905
    Race and ethnicity**
    Black/African American:0.6%12.6%
    Native American:1.3%0.8%
    Pacific Islander:0.1%0.2%
    Two or more:2.6%3%
    High school graduation rate:89.5%86.7%
    College graduation rate:25.9%29.8%
    Median household income:$47,583$53,889
    Persons below poverty level:16.9%11.3%
    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2010-2015)
    Click here for more information on the 2020 census and here for more on its impact on the redistricting process in Idaho.
    **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

    Presidential voting pattern

    See also: Presidential voting trends in Idaho

    Idaho voted Republican in all seven presidential elections between 2000 and 2024.

    More Idaho coverage on Ballotpedia

    See also


    External links


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