James O'Hara (Kansas)

From Ballotpedia

James O'Hara

United States District Court for the District of Kansas


2000 - Present

Years in position




James O'Hara is the chief magistrate judge of the United States District Court for the District of Kansas. He has served on the court since 2000.[1][2]

See also

External links


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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Kansas
Active judges

Chief JudgeEric Melgren   •  Daniel D. Crabtree  •  Holly Lou Teeter  •  John Broomes  •  Toby Crouse

Senior judges

Kathryn Vratil  •  Monti Belot  •  John Lungstrum  •  Julie Robinson  •  

Magistrate judges James O'Hara (Kansas)  •  Kenneth Gale  •  Teresa J. James  •  Gwynne Birzer  •  Angel Mitchell  •  
Former Article III judges

Wesley Brown  •  Sam Crow  •  John Marten  •  Carlos Murguia  •  Mark W. Delahay  •  Archibald Williams  •  Cassius Gaius Foster  •  William Cather Hook  •  John Calvin Pollock  •  George Thomas McDermott  •  Richard Joseph Hopkins  •  Guy Helvering  •  Delmas Hill  •  Patrick Kelly (Kansas)  •  Arthur Mellott  •  Earl O'Connor  •  Dale Saffels  •  Arthur Stanley  •  Henry Templar  •  Frank Theis  •  George VanBebber  •  

Former Chief judges

Wesley Brown  •  John Lungstrum  •  Julie Robinson  •  Delmas Hill  •  Patrick Kelly (Kansas)  •  Arthur Mellott  •  Earl O'Connor  •  Arthur Stanley  •  Frank Theis  •  George VanBebber  •