Jeff Goodman recall, Big Bend, Wisconsin (2018)

From Ballotpedia

Big Bend Town Trustee recall

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Jeff Goodman
Recall status
Recall defeated
Recall election date
October 2, 2018
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2018
Recalls in Wisconsin
Wisconsin recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

An effort in Big Bend, Wisconsin, to recall Town Trustee Jeff Goodman was initiated in July 2018. Recall organizers began gathering signatures on July 11, 2018.[1] Petitioners submitted enough signatures to put the recall on the ballot on October 2, 2018.[2] Goodman defeated his challenger, Trenton Sobczak, in the recall election.

Recall vote

The recall election was held on October 2, 2018. Goodman defeated his challenger in the recall election, Trenton Sobczak.[3]

Jeff Goodman recall
Red x.svg Retain22259.68%

Recall supporters

Resident Harry Rauworth initiated the recall process. He accused Goodman of entering negotiations on a fire and emergency medical services contract without village President James Soneberg or Clerk Brad Calder.[1]

Recall opponents

Goodman rebutted the accusation that Soneberg was not present during all negotiations. He offered timestamps of each meeting where the contract was discussed.[1]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Wisconsin

Circulation of a recall petition must be completed within 60 days after registration. Recall petitioners began gathering signatures on July 11, 2018, and were required to collect 165 signatures to trigger a recall election. At least 207 signatures were submitted.[1]

See also

External links


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