Jillyn Schulze

From Ballotpedia

Jillyn Schulze

United States District Court for the District of Maryland


1994 - Present

Term ends


Years in position




Jillyn K. Schulze is a recalled federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. She was appointed to this position on October 24, 1994, and she retired from active service on March 24, 2016. Since March 25, 2016, she has served as a recalled federal magistrate judge.[1] From May 6, 1999 to May 6, 2006, she was the chief magistrate judge.[2]

Biography and Education

Judge Schulze was born on March 24, 1951 in Birmingham, Alabama. She received her B.A. degree from Western Maryland College in 1973 and her J.D. degree from the University of Maryland School of Law in 1980.[2]


Judge Schulze began her career in 1980 as a law clerk to U.S. District Judge Roszel Thomsen of the District of Maryland. She became an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland in 1981. In 1991, she became a Legal Advisor to the Governor of Maryland, serving in various positions until 1994, when she became a magistrate judge.

Schulze has also taught at the University of Baltimore School of Law, was a member of the Vehicle Inspection Procurement Committee, and has served on the Governor's Commission to Study State Assumption of the Circuit Courts[1][2]

See also

External links


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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Maryland
Active judges

Chief JudgeGeorge L. Russell, III   •  Julie Rubin  •  Theodore Chuang  •  Stephanie A. Gallagher  •  Lydia Kay Griggsby  •  Paula Xinis  •  Deborah Boardman  •  Matthew Maddox  •  Brendan Hurson  •  Adam Abelson

Senior judges

Richard Bennett (Maryland)  •  Catherine Blake  •  William M. Nickerson  •  Deborah Chasanow  •  Ellen Hollander  •  James Bredar  •  

Magistrate judges Charles Day  •  Thomas M. DiGirolamo  •  Susan Gauvey  •  Jillyn Schulze  •  Timothy J. Sullivan  •  C. Bruce Anderson  •  David Copperthite  •  Mark Coulson  •  Gina Simms  •  
Former Article III judges

Alexander Williams  •  William Paca  •  James Winchester  •  James Houston  •  Theodorick Bland  •  Elias Glenn  •  Upton Scott Heath  •  John Glenn (Maryland)  •  William Fell Giles  •  Thomas John Morris  •  Paul Niemeyer  •  John Carter Rose (Maryland)  •  Benson Legg  •  Walter Black  •  Andre Davis  •  Marvin Garbis  •  Alex Harvey  •  William Quarles  •  Roger Titus  •  Peter Messitte  •  Joseph Young (Maryland)  •  Morris Ames Soper  •  William Caldwell Coleman  •  William Calvin Chesnut  •  Joseph Clemens Howard  •  Harrison Winter  •  Charles Blair  •  John Hargrove  •  Shirley Jones  •  Frank Kaufman  •  James Rogers Miller, Jr.  •  Herbert Murray  •  Edward Northrop  •  Norman Ramsey  •  Roszel Thomsen  •  Robert Watkins  •  Frederic Smalkin  •  Paul Grimm  •  George Jarrod Hazel  •  

Former Chief judges

Benson Legg  •  Catherine Blake  •  Walter Black  •  Alex Harvey  •  Frederick Motz  •  William Caldwell Coleman  •  Frank Kaufman  •  Edward Northrop  •  Roszel Thomsen  •  Robert Watkins  •  Frederic Smalkin  •  James Bredar  •