John Bailey (West Virginia)

From Ballotpedia

This page is about the Article III federal judge. If you are looking for information on the Chester County Magisterial District judge, please see John Bailey (Pennsylvania). If you are looking for information on the Texas Eleventh District Court of Appeals, please see John Bailey (Texas).

John Bailey

United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia


2007 - Present

Years in position




John Preston Bailey is an Article III federal judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. He joined the court in 2007 after being nominated by President George W. Bush. From 2008 to 2015, Bailey served as the chief judge of the district court.[1]

Early life and education

A native West Virginian, Bailey graduated from Dartmouth College with his bachelor's degree in 1973 and later graduated from the West Virginia University College of Law with his juris doctor degree in 1976.[1]

Professional career

After law school, Bailey became a law clerk for former federal judge Charles Haden IIom both the Northern and Southern District US Courts of West Virginia from 1976-1978. From 1978 till his appointment to the federal bench in 2007, Bailey was a private practice attorney licensed in the State of West Virginia. In addition to his private practice work, Bailey served as a part-time Assistant prosecuting attorney in Ohio County from 1985 to 1986 and also as a part-time Special assistant prosecuting attorney for Marshall County from 1985 to 1990.[1]

Judicial career

Northern District of West Virginia

Bailey was nominated by President George W. Bush on January 9, 2007 to a seat vacated by Frederick Stamp as Stamp went on senior status. Bailey was confirmed by the Senate on March 15, 2007 and received commission on March 19, 2007. Bailey has been the Chief Judge of the Court since 2008.[1]

See also

External links



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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia
Active judges

Chief JudgeGina Marie Groh   •  John Bailey (West Virginia)  •  Thomas Kleeh

Senior judges

Frederick Stamp  •  Irene Keeley  •  

Magistrate judges Michael Aloi  •  
Former Article III judges

John Jay Jackson  •  Alston Gordon Dayton  •  Robert Maxwell  •  William Eli Baker  •  Harry Watkins  •  Herbert Boreman  •  W. Craig Broadwater  •  Sidney Christie  •  Charles Haden II  •  William Kidd  •  Charles Paul  •  

Former Chief judges

John Bailey (West Virginia)  •  Robert Maxwell  •  Frederick Stamp  •  Irene Keeley  •  William Eli Baker  •  Harry Watkins  •  Charles Paul  •  

George W. Bush

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Federal judges nominated by George W. Bush

ArmijoBatesBeistlineBlackburnBowdreBunningBuryCaldwellCampCassellCebullClementCliftonCraneEaganEngelhardtFriotGibbonsGranadeGregoryGritznerHaddonHartzHeatonHicksHowardJohnsonJorgensonKriegerLandLeonMahanMartinezMartoneMcConnellMelloyMillsO'BrienParkerPayneProstReevesRileyRobinsonRogersRoyalSheddB. SmithL. SmithWaltonWootenZainey


AfrickAndersonAutreyBaylsonCerconeCheslerClarkCollyerConnerContiCorriganDavisDavisDorrEnglandEricksenFullerGardnerGodbeyGriesbachHanenHovlandHudsonJonesJordanKinkeadeKlausnerKuglerLeightonLinaresMosesMarraMartinezMartiniMaysMcVerryPhillipsRaggiReadeRoseRufeSavageSchwabSmithSt. EveWalterWhiteWolfson


AdamsAltonagaBeaBenitezBennettBoyleBrackBreenBrowningBurnsBybeeCallahanCampbellCardoneCarneyCastelChertoffCohnCollotonConradCooglerCookCookeCroneDer-YeghiayanDrellDuffeyDuncanEricksonFeuersteinFigaFilipFischerFisherFlanaganFloydFrostGibsonGreerGruenderGuirolaHallHardimanHayesHerreraHicksHolmesHolwellHopkinsHoustonIrizarryJonesJunellKarasKravitzMartinezMcKnightMinaldiMontalvoMosmanOteroPickeringPradoPratterProctorQuarlesRobartRobertsRobinsonRodgersRodriguezSabrawSanchezSaylorSelnaSharpeSimonSpringmannStanceuSteeleStengelSukoSuttonSykesTitusTownesTymkovichVan AntwerpenVarlanWakeWesleyWhiteWoodcock




AlitoBarrettBattenBiancoBrownBurgessConradCoxCrottyDelgado-ColonDeverDuBoseGriffinGriffithJohnstonKendallLarsonLudingtonMatticeMcKeagueNeilsonOwenPryorRobertsSandovalSchiltzSeabrightSmoakVan TatenhoveVitalianoWatkinsZouhary


BesosaBumbChagaresCoganGelpiGoldenGordonGorsuchGuilfordHillmanHolmesIkutaD. JordanK. JordanKavanaughMillerMooreShepherdSheridanSmithWhitneyWigenton


AndersonAycockBaileyBryantDavisDeGiustiDowElrodFairbankFischerFrizzellGutierrezHallHardimanHaynesHowardJarveyJonesJonkerKapalaKaysLaplanteLimbaughLioiLivingstonMaloneyMauskopfMendezMillerNeffO'ConnorO'GradyO'NeillOsteenOzerdenReidingerSammartinoSchroederSettleSmithSnowSouthwickSuddabySullivanThaparTinderVan BokkelenWoodWrightWu

