John Davis (South Carolina state House candidate)

One of the primary points of my campaign is the legalization of marijuana. First off, there is a growing body of research that shows medical use of marijuana has a profound beneficial effect on the lives of those suffering from a variety of illnesses.
Far too many people would benefit from medical marijuana, whether it’s to help a veteran through PTSD or depression, a young child reduce the number and frequency of seizures, or to help cancer patients with their post Chemo nausea, there’s proof that allowing marijuana use for medicinal purposes would be a major benefit to our communities.
In states that have fully legalized the recreational use of marijuana, the number one unintended consequence that various departments of health and police agencies noticed was a dramatic decline in overdose deaths. That’s right, when people who are addicted to harder drugs have access to marijuana, they are far less likely to overdose on the harder stuff. These addicts are human beings, worthy of life, and we should treat addiction like the healthcare issue it is, not a criminal justice issue. Having said that, they deserve our compassion, and they deserve a chance at life.