Judiciary Committee, California State Assembly

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The Judiciary Committee is a standing committee of the California State Assembly.

Per the Assembly Rules, committees of the California State Assembly are assigned by the House Speaker. The Speaker has the power to appoint the chair and vice chair of each committee.[1] The Speaker is considered an ex officio member of all assembly committees of which he or she is not a regular member but does not have voting rights and is not counted for purposes of determining a quorum.[2] A majority of members of a committee constitutes a quorum.[3]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Standing Rules of the Assembly


The duty of the Judiciary Committee is to investigate and study proposed bills relating to family law, product liability, tort liability, Civil Code, and Evidence Code (excluding criminal procedure).[4]


Edwin Chau (D) left this committee on December 11, 2021. [Source]

Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D) left this committee on January 05, 2022. [Source]

Jay Obernolte (R) left this committee on December 07, 2020.

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Judiciary Members, 2017
Democratic members (8)Republican members (3)
Mark Stone, ChairJordan Cunningham, Vice chair
Edwin ChauKevin Kiley
David ChiuBrian Maienschein
Cristina Garcia
Chris Holden
Ash Kalra
Eloise Reyes
Phil Ting

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Judiciary Members, 2015
Democratic members (7)Republican members (3)
Mark Stone, ChairDonald P. Wagner, Vice chair
Luis AlejoJames Gallagher
Edwin ChauBrian Maienschein
David Chiu (California)
Cristina Garcia
Chris Holden
Patrick O'Donnell


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Judiciary Members, 2013
Democratic members (7)Republican members (3)
Bob Wieckowski, ChairDonald Wagner, Vice chair
Luis AlejoJeff Gorell
Edwin ChauBrian Maienschein
Roger Dickinson
Cristina Garcia
Al Muratsuchi
Mark Stone


The following table describes committee membership for the 2011 legislative session.

Judiciary Members, 2011
Democratic members (7)Republican members (3)
Mike Feuer, ChairDonald P. Wagner, Vice chair
Toni AtkinsJeff Gorell
Roger DickinsonBrian Jones
Alyson Huber
Jared Huffman
Bill Monning
Bob Wieckowski

External links


Majority Leader:Cecilia Aguiar-Curry

Minority Leader:James Gallagher


Democratic Party (60)

Republican Party (20)