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Ballotpedia: Index of Terms

In law, jurisdiction (from Latin ius, iuris meaning "law" and dicere meaning "to speak") is the power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders. Jurisdiction can also be referred to as the territory within which a court or government agency may properly exercise its power.[1]

Types of jurisdiction

There are many different categories of jurisdiction. The most commonly discussed forms are:[1]

  • In rem jurisdiction: Jurisdiction over a thing (i.e., during divorce proceedings, the court exercises in rem jurisdiction over the marriage)
  • In personal jurisdiction: The court's jurisdiction over a person
  • Subject-matter jurisdiction: Jurisdiction over the type of claim brought by the plaintiff (i.e., a small claims court only has subject matter jurisdiction of claims up to a certain dollar amount)
  • Federal or state jurisdiction: The federal courts' jurisdiction over federal questions and suits between diverse parties
  • Original jurisdiction: The court's authority to hear the claim in the first instance, rather than on appeal
  • Pendent jurisdiction: The authority of a federal district court to hear a state claim when it shares a common factual basis with the federal claim

On Ballotpedia, courts are classified in different ways based on jurisdiction:

  • Limited jurisdiction: Trial courts that have authority over only one type of case, such as probate courts or family courts
  • General jurisdiction: Trial courts that that may hear any type of case that arises in its geographic area
  • Intermediate appellate courts: Courts that serve as an intermediate step between the trial courts and the courts of last resort in a state
  • Court of last resort: The highest judicial body within a jurisdiction's court system (a court with the highest appellate authority, meaning that its rulings are not subject to further review by another court)

See also


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