Kenneth Stephan

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Kenneth Stephan

Image of Kenneth Stephan

Prior offices

Nebraska Supreme Court District 1


Kenneth Stephan was a justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court. He was appointed to the court in March of 1997 by Governor Ben Nelson. He was last retained in 2012. Stephan retired from the bench on July 1, 2015.[1]


Stephan received his undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska in 1968 and his J.D. from the University of Nebraska College of Law in 1972.[2]




Stephan was retained in the general election on November 6, winning 77.57 percent of the vote.[3][4]

See also: Nebraska judicial elections, 2012

2012 judicial performance evaluation

Every two years, the Nebraska State Bar Association compiles responses from lawyers to evaluate judges in the state. Subjects are rated in seven categories, then a determination is made for whether the judge should be retained. The seven categories considered are: legal analysis; impartiality; attentiveness; opinions; judicial temperament and demeanor; appropriate communication; and timeliness.

94.4 percent of respondents stated that Justice Stephan should be retained in office. To read the full evaluation, see: Nebraska State Bar Association, 2012 Evaluation Results.


Stephan was retained by voters in 2006, with 75 percent of the vote.[5]


He was retained by voters in 2000, 76 percent of the vote.[6]

Political ideology

See also: Political ideology of State Supreme Court Justices

In October 2012, political science professors Adam Bonica and Michael Woodruff of Stanford University attempted to determine the partisan ideology of state supreme court justices. They created a scoring system in which a score above 0 indicated a more conservative-leaning ideology, while scores below 0 were more liberal.

Stephan received a campaign finance score of -0.41, indicating a liberal ideological leaning. This was more liberal than the average score of -0.18 that justices received in Nebraska.

The study was based on data from campaign contributions by the judges themselves, the partisan leaning of those who contributed to the judges' campaigns, or, in the absence of elections, the ideology of the appointing body (governor or legislature). This study was not a definitive label of a justice, but an academic summary of various relevant factors.[7]

See also

External links


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Nebraska Supreme Court
Judicial selection in Nebraska2024 electionsCourts in Nebraska
Current judges William Cassel, John Freudenberg, Jeffrey Funke, Lindsey Miller-Lerman, Jonathan Papik, Stephanie Stacy
Former judges William Connolly, Jeffrey Funke, Michael Heavican, Max Kelch, Michael McCormack, Kenneth Stephan, John F. Wright