Lindsey Tichenor

From Ballotpedia

Lindsey Tichenor

Image of Lindsey Tichenor

Candidate, Kentucky State Senate District 6

Kentucky State Senate District 6


2023 - Present

Term ends


Years in position




Elections and appointments



Lindsey Tichenor (Republican Party) is a member of the Kentucky State Senate, representing District 6. She assumed office on January 1, 2023. Her current term ends on January 1, 2027.

Tichenor (Republican Party) is running for re-election to the Kentucky State Senate to represent District 6. She declared candidacy for the 2026 election.[source]


Lindsey Tichenor was born in Louisville, Kentucky. Tichenor's career experience includes working as a realtor with Covenant Realty, LLC, the executive regional vice president of Arbonne International, and an international missionary with Water Step/Edge Outreach. She has served as a precinct and education chair of the Oldham County GOP and has been a standing member of the Oldham County Republican Women’s Club.[1][2][3]

The following table lists bills this person sponsored as a legislator, according to BillTrack50 and sorted by action history. Bills are sorted by the date of their last action. The following list may not be comprehensive. To see all bills this legislator sponsored, click on the legislator's name in the title of the table.

Committee assignments

Note: This membership information was last updated in September 2023. Ballotpedia completes biannual updates of committee membership. If you would like to send us an update, email us


Tichenor was assigned to the following committees:



See also: Kentucky State Senate elections, 2026

Note: At this time, Ballotpedia is combining all declared candidates for this election into one list under a general election heading. As primary election dates are published, this information will be updated to separate general election candidates from primary candidates as appropriate.

General election

The general election will occur on November 3, 2026.


Ballotpedia is gathering information about candidate endorsements. To send us an endorsement, click here.


See also: Kentucky State Senate elections, 2022

General election

Republican primary election

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Lindsey Tichenor has not yet completed Ballotpedia's 2026 Candidate Connection survey. If you are Lindsey Tichenor, click here to fill out Ballotpedia's 2026 Candidate Connection survey.

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Any candidate running for elected office, at any level, can complete Ballotpedia's Candidate Survey. Completing the survey will update the candidate's Ballotpedia profile, letting voters know who they are and what they stand for.  More than 21,000 candidates have taken Ballotpedia's candidate survey since we launched it in 2015. Learn more about the survey here.

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Candidate Connection

Lindsey Tichenor completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Tichenor's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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Lindsey Tichenor is a native Oldham County, is married to her husband Bowin of 24yrs. Their family, including four children, served as missionaries in the Dominican Republic for four years. They assisted during the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, helping with disaster relief in the country and mobilizing emergency relief teams from their home base in Santo Domingo. They primarily worked to bring potable water to areas of need and trained local Dominican leaders in Transformational Development. After returning to the United States in 2013, Lindsey taught in private schools and her and her husband began building their real estate business. Lindsey’s motivation to serve as a State Senator is rooted in her drive to reverse the usurpation of Kentuckians’ rights and liberties by executive overreach and unilateral school board decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic and restore the power of government to “We The People” and the inclusion of parents’ voices to their children’s education. Lindsey Tichenor is an excellent communicator whose personal and professional life experiences have honed her logistical and leadership skills preparing her for this position. As a wife, mother, businesswoman, Oldham County native, Kentuckian, patriotic American, community servant, and unapologetic Christian, Lindsey will bring a much needed tenacity and work ethic to the Kentucky Senate and she respectfully asks for your vote and support.

  • Ensure Parental Rights in Education
  • Fight for Medical Freedom
  • Election Integrity

Our education system has been failing our students and needs an overhaul. Parental involvement is becoming less valued in our public schools and we need to ensure parent's have full transparency in their child's education and that their parental rights are regarded as such. School choice needs to become an option for parents to find a school that can meet the needs of their children when the public school can not.
Medical Freedom has become a huge issue for so many in the work force and in our schools. Current law that allows for medical freedom has been ignored, businesses and schools have been allowed to discriminate based off of personal medical decisions. This needs to be remedied.
Voters have lost confidence in our election process and need assurance that their vote is valid and protected.
I will always fight for protections of the unborn and a continued effort to overturn abortion laws and end the killing of our most vulnerable.
I will vote to protect our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms as our protection against an authoritarian government.
Our first amendment right of free speech has been under attack; a disagreement or a question is not a green light censorship, our constitutional first amendment right needs to be upheld.

The apostle Paul was bold in his proclamation of the gospel of Christ and was unafraid to speak the truth and was willing to go where he was called in order to share that gospel. In the face of intense opposition, he stood strong and refused to back down on what was right and true. He was honest and sincere in his struggles, yet took up the calling on his life and continued forward to fulfill his purpose.

To listen to and communicate with their constituents and to be active in their districts and know what issues are directly affecting those they represent. Our job as a representative of the people, is to be their voice in government and write legislation that upholds the rights granted within the constitution for them to have the best opportunities to prosper.

I am not seeking political office to attain a title in government. The decision to run for the KY State Senate was bathed in prayer as are all of the path's that my life have taken me on. I am running for this position because I see the issues so many of us are dealing with and I am a person who will put in the effort and work necessary to bring about resolution to those problems. The communication, networking and leadership skills that I attained as a top level sales executive will serve me well in working with other legislators and will be beneficial in connecting constituents in my district to the governmental process. I was taught a strong work ethic from my family and have always been a boots on the ground type of person. Our time as missionaries in the Dominican Republic honed those skills as well as developed new skills as we were thrust into positions of providing disaster relief to neighboring Haiti after the devastating earthquake. I have seen hardship and struggle and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty, get to work, and make a difference.

Learn, research, listen, communicate and be a representative for your constituents.

My greatest legacy will be left to my children. That they would learn from me the importance of getting involved and doing what you can to make a lasting difference in the world, to take a stand for what is right and not be afraid to take steps to bring about change.

I was 5 when the attempted assignation of Ronald Reagan happened.

My first job was at Hometown Pizza in LaGrange as a hostess and server. I worked there through high school.

The Chronicles of Narnia Series, these books draw a connection for the fantasy world of Narnia and the Christian faith. CS Lewis was a brilliant author and theologian.

What a Beautiful Name , Hillsong

In my travels of the world and our time as missionaries, I often struggled with the blessings that I have. It is hard to reconcile how I have been blessed with so much and others so little. The American way of life has recently been under attack, which is hard to see. Although I am gravely aware of disparities within our own nation, America truly is a place like no other. When you see the struggles of third world and developing nations, you gain an immense appreciation for what America represents.

I believe the legislature and governor should both operate to serve the people, writing and approving laws that will uphold constitutional rights and create opportunities for citizens to prosper. When there is overreach of our governorship, legislature should step in and create safe guards that prevent this overreach.

To reign in the overreach of government in the lives of citizens. To stop the infiltration of dangerous ideologies within our schools and universities that are creating division within our commonwealth and nation.

The benefits would be an open debate with all members of the assembly. The drawback; less representatives and there would be one less step in the law making process for accountability and oversight.

No, I believe government should be by the people for the people. Not all of the founders had experience in government, but the experience of tyrannical overreach that led them to create the most prosperous and free nation on earth. What is beneficial for state legislators, is the desire to make a difference and the willingness to learn.

Of course. Legislating should operate with free and open debate. If relationships based out of respect for one another do not exist, it could hinder the process.

Education, Natural Resources & Energy, Licensing and Occupations, Veterans Military Affairs & Public Protection, Health and Welfare, Economic Development & Tourism

Calloway, Southworth, Maddox, Raeborn, Wesley

There are so many stories that I've heard from within my district. The direct affect on the lives of people regarding the pandemic has been eye opening. From school policies that created divisiveness, discrimination, and was detrimental to learning, to students at universities being blocked from campus activities based off "non-compliance", to healthcare workers and employees being fired for their personal medical decisions; people have been impacted. We have been witness to what an overreach of government can do to a society.

Yes. Emergency powers should come with limitations. Too much power is a dangerous commodity.

Sadly, compromise has become the name of the game in politics. I do not like it, but in some policy making it may be necessary. Many issues I will refuse to compromise and if that means a bill does not pass, so be it.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign finance summary

Ballotpedia LogoNote: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.


See also: State legislative scorecards and State legislative scorecards in Kentucky

A scorecard evaluates a legislator’s voting record. Its purpose is to inform voters about the legislator’s political positions. Because scorecards have varying purposes and methodologies, each report should be considered on its own merits. For example, an advocacy group’s scorecard may assess a legislator’s voting record on one issue while a state newspaper’s scorecard may evaluate the voting record in its entirety.

Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. Some states have a limited number of available scorecards or scorecards produced only by select groups. It is Ballotpedia’s goal to incorporate all available scorecards regardless of ideology or number.

Click here for an overview of legislative scorecards in all 50 states.  To contribute to the list of Kentucky scorecards, email suggestions to


To view all the scorecards we found for this legislator in 2024, click [show].   

In 2024, the Kentucky State Legislature was in session from January 2 to April 15.

Legislators are scored on their stances on conservative fiscal policy.
Legislators from the Louisville area are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to family issues.


To view all the scorecards we found for this legislator in 2023, click [show].   

In 2023, the Kentucky State Legislature was in session from January 3 to March 30.

Legislators from the Louisville area are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to family issues.

See also

External links

  • Search Google News for this topic
  • Footnotes

    1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on March 18, 2022
    2. Ballotpedia staff, "Email communication with Lindsey Tichenor," March 24, 2022
    3. LinkedIn, "Lindsey Tichenor," accessed March 27, 2023


    Senate President:Robert Stivers

    Majority Leader:Max Wise

    Minority Leader:Gerald Neal


    Republican Party (31)

    Democratic Party (7)

    Flag of Kentucky

    v  e

    State of Kentucky
    Frankfort (capital)

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