Louis Daniel

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Louis Daniel

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Prior offices

Louisiana 19th Judicial District Court


Louis R. Daniel was a criminal court judge of the 19th Judicial District, Division C in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. He was elected to this position on September 21, 1996.[1][2][3] He retired on March 31, 2019.[4]



See also: Louisiana judicial elections, 2014

Daniel ran for re-election to the 19th Judicial District. As an unopposed candidate, he was automatically re-elected without appearing on the ballot.[5]


Daniel received his B.S. in finance from Louisiana State University in 1975 and his J.D. from the LSU Law School in December of 1978.[6]


Daniel began his career as a law clerk for Judge Moreau, a district court judge. He worked in that position for approximately one and a half years before joining the District Attorney's Office as a misdemeanor assistant in July of 1981. He later became a felony assistant, section chief and then first assistant district attorney and lead section chief at that office. In 1996, he was elected to the district court.[6]

See also

External links


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District courts in Louisiana


Flag of Louisiana.svg
Flag of Louisiana

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State of Louisiana
Baton Rouge (capital)

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