Natural Resources Committee, Iowa House of Representatives

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Senate Committees

The Natural Resources Committee is a standing committee of the Iowa House of Representatives.

Per the House Rules, committees of the Iowa House of Representatives are assigned by the Speaker of the House.[1] The rules do not specify how often committees are assigned. A majority of appointed members make up a committee's quorum.[2] The Speaker is not recognized as an ex officio member of any committee.

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: House Rules


Wesley Breckenridge (D) left this committee on September 10, 2021. [Source]

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Natural Resources Members, 2017
Democratic members (8)Republican members (12)
Curt HansonRobert Bacon, Iowa, Chair
Bruce BearingerDean Fisher, Vice chair
Wesley BreckenridgeClel Baudler
David JacobyTerry Baxter
Helen MillerPeter Cownie
Scott OurthDaniel Huseman
Todd PrichardDavid Kerr
Phyllis ThedeDavid Maxwell
Norlin Mommsen
Mike Sexton
John H. Wills
Louis Zumbach

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Natural Resources Members, 2015
Democratic members (9)Republican members (12)
Curt HansonBrian Moore, Chair
Liz BennettDean Fisher, Vice chair
Chris HallRobert Bacon
Lisa HeddensClel Baudler
Jim LykamBrian Best
Helen MillerDaniel Huseman
Scott OurthJarad Klein
Patti RuffKevin Koester
Phyllis ThedeDavid Maxwell
Norlin Mommsen
Ross C. Paustian
John H. Wills


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Natural Resources Members, 2013
Democratic members (9)Republican members (12)
Curtis HansonHenry Rayhons, Chair
Chris HallDean Fisher, Vice chair
Daniel LundbyRobert Bacon
Jim LykamClel Baudler
Helen MillerJoshua Byrnes
Scott OurthCecil Dolecheck
Patti RuffJake Highfill
Phyllis ThedeDaniel Huseman
Roger ThomasDavid Maxwell
Sandy Salmon
Tom W. Shaw
Jeff Smith


The following table describes committee membership for the 2011 legislative session.

Natural Resources Members, 2011
Democratic members (9)Republican members (12)
Curt HansonHenry Rayhons, Chair
Mark SmithJeff Smith, Vice chair
Phyllis ThedeJim Van Engelenhoven
Mary GaskillRichard Arnold
John WittnebenBob Hager
Helen MillerJoel Fry
Dan KelleyMark S. Lofgren
Chris HallClel Baudler
Jim LykamGuy Vander Linden
Steven Lukan
Dan Rasmussen
Annette Sweeney


The following table describes committee membership for the 2009 legislative session.

Natural Resources Members, 2009
Democratic members (11)Republican members (9)
John BeardHenry Rayhons
Wesley WhiteadRoyd Chambers
Dolores MertzMike May
Sharon SteckmanDave Deyoe
Gene FickenAnnette Sweeney
Ray ZirkelbachDaniel Huseman
Eric PalmerJason Schultz
Phyllis ThedeClel Baudler
Jim LykamRichard Arnold
Larry Marek
Curt Hanson

External links



Majority Leader:Matt Windschitl


Republican Party (66)

Democratic Party (33)

Vacancies (1)