New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance

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New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance

Seal of New Mexico.gif
General information
Office Type:  Nonpartisan
Office website:  Official Link
Compensation:  $169,614
2025 FY Budget:  $151,816,700
Term limits:  None
Length of term:   4 years
Selection Method:  Appointed by the insurance nominating committee
Current Officeholder

New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance Alice Kane
Assumed office: July 6, 2023

Other New Mexico Executive Offices
GovernorLieutenant GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralTreasurerAuditorCommissioner of Public LandsSecretary of EducationAgriculture SecretaryInsurance SuperintendentSecretary of Energy, Minerals and Natural ResourcesSecretary of Workforce SolutionsPublic Regulation CommissionPublic Education Commission

The New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance is an appointed state executive position in the New Mexico state government. The superintendent leads the Office of Superintendent of Insurance, a consumer protection agency for insurance in New Mexico.

The superintendent, as head of the office, oversees private health and life, business, auto, home, and title insurance in the state. Protections offered by the Office of Superintendent of Insurance include consumer assistance, complaint processing, appeals and grievances resolution, and fraud control.[1]

Current officeholder

The current New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance is Alice Kane (nonpartisan). Kane assumed office in 2023.

The superintendent of insurance's establishment and authority is derived from Article XI, Section 20 of the New Mexico Constitution.

Article XI, Section 20:

The office of "superintendent of insurance" is created as of July 1, 2013. The superintendent of insurance shall regulate insurance companies and others engaged in risk assumption in such manner as provided by law ...[2]


Chapter 59A, Article 2 of the New Mexico Statutes establishes the qualifications of the office:

The superintendent shall:

A. be a resident of New Mexico at the time of appointment;
B. be bonded as provided in the Surety Bond Act [10-2-13 to 10-2-16 NMSA 1978];
C. not have a direct financial interest in an insurer, insurance agency or insurance transaction except as a policyholder or a claimant under a policy or as an owner of less than one percent of the shares of an insurer that is a publicly traded corporation; and
D. not have a spouse who:
(1) has a direct financial interest in an insurer or insurance agency regulated by the office of superintendent of insurance, except as an owner of less than one percent of the shares of an insurer that is a publicly traded corporation; or
(2) is licensed as an individual by the office of superintendent of insurance.


New Mexico state government organizational chart

The superintendent of insurance is appointed by the Insurance Nominating Committee.[2] The nominating committee consists of nine members, including four insurance industry representatives and four insurance consumer advocates, appointed in equal number by the New Mexico legislative council and the governor. The eight appointed members select the ninth member of the committee to serve as its chair.[3]


Details of vacancy appointments are addressed under Chapter 59A, Article 2 of the New Mexico Statutes. In the event of a vacancy in the office, the nominating committee must meet within thirty days following the vacancy and must appoint a successor within sixty days after that meeting. The successor serves the remainder of the term.[3]


The superintendent of insurance, as head of the office of superintendent of insurance, oversees private health and life, business, auto, home, and title insurance in the state.[1] The superintendent is responsible for enforcing the provisions established in New Mexico's Insurance Code, which includes the regulation of the insurance industry, licensure of providers, and cooperation with interstate and federal insurance officials, associations, and agencies.[4] Additional duties include, but are not limited to:[5]

  • Organizing and managing the office of superintendent of insurance;
  • Conducting examinations and investigations on insurance matters either expressly authorized authorization or based on probable cause of violations;
  • Making, entering into, and enforcing contracts or agreements in order to exercise the office's powers under the Insurance Code; and
  • Preparing an annual budget for the office of superintendent of insurance.


The office of superintendent of insurance consists of the following divisions:

  • Civil Investigations
  • Company Licensing Bureau
  • Consumer Assistance Bureau
  • Criminal Division
  • Examinations Bureau
  • Financial Audit Bureau
  • Information Technology
  • Patient Compensation Fund
  • Property & Casualty Bureau
  • Producer Licensing
  • Healthcare Reform
  • Life & Health Product Filings Breau
  • Managed Health Care Bureau
  • Title Insurance

State budget

See also: New Mexico state budget and finances

The budget for the Office of Superintendent of Insurance in Fiscal Year 2025 was $151,816,700.[6]


See also: Compensation of state executive officers


In 2023, the officer's salary was $169,614, according to the Council of State Governments.[7]


In 2022, the officer's salary was $158,340, according to the Council of State Governments.[8]


In 2021, the superintendent received a salary of $156,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[9]


In 2020, the superintendent received a salary of $156,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[10]


In 2019, the superintendent received a salary of $116,280, according to the Council of State Governments.[11]


In 2018, the superintendent received a salary of $114,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[12]


In 2017, the superintendent received a salary of $114,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[13]


In 2016, the superintendent received a salary of $114,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[14]

Historical officeholders

Note: Ballotpedia's state executive officials project researches state official websites for chronological lists of historical officeholders; information for the New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance has not yet been added because the information was unavailable on the relevant state official websites, or we are currently in the process of formatting the list for this office. If you have any additional information about this office for inclusion on this section and/or page, please email us.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms New Mexico 'Superintendent of Insurance'. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

Contact information

Physical Address:
1120 Paseo de Peralta, Ste. 428
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Phone: 1-855-427-5674
Email: Contact form

See also

New Mexico State Executive Elections News and Analysis

Seal of New Mexico.png


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New Mexico State Executive Offices New Mexico State Legislature New Mexico Courts 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016 New Mexico elections: 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016 Party control of state government State government trifectas State of the state addresses Partisan composition of governors

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Office of Superintendent of Insurance, "What Does OSI Do?" accessed Jan. 29, 2021
  2. 2.0 2.1 Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State, "NM Constitution," accessed Jan. 27, 2021
  3. 3.0 3.1 Justia, "NM Stat § 59A-2-2.1 (2019)," accessed Jan. 29, 2021
  4. Justia, "NM Stat § 59A-2 (2019)," accessed Jan. 29, 2021
  5. Justia, "NM Stat § 59A-2-8 (2019)," accessed Jan. 29, 2021
  6. New Mexico State Legislature, "New Mexico General Appropriation Act of 2024," accessed January 22, 2025
  7. Council of State Governments, "Book of the States 2023 Table 4.11: Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed January 21, 2025
  8. Council of State Governments, "Book of the States 2022 Table 4.11: Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," provided to Ballotpedia by CSG personnel
  9. Issuu, "The Book of the States 2021," accessed September 28, 2022
  10. Issuu, "The Book of the States," Sept. 30, 2020
  11. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2019," accessed Jan. 27, 2021
  12. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2018," accessed Jan. 27, 2021
  13. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2017," accessed Jan. 27, 2021
  14. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2016," accessed August 27, 2016

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Insurance Commissioners
Elected (by voters)
Appointed (by gov.)



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State executive offices
OfficesStateExecLogo transparent.png



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Editorial Content

Geoff Pallay, Director of Editorial Content and Editor-in-ChiefKen Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology StrategyNorm Leahy, Senior EditorDaniel Anderson, Managing EditorRyan Byrne, Managing EditorCory Eucalitto, Managing EditorMandy Gillip, Managing EditorDoug Kronaizl, Local Elections Project ManagerJaclyn BeranMarielle BrickerJoseph BrusgardEmma BurlingameKelly CoyleThomas EllisFrank FestaNicole FisherBrianna HoseaJoseph GreaneyThomas GrobbenJaime Healy-PlotkinTyler KingGlorie MartinezNathan MaxwellEllie MikusJackie MitchellEllen MorrisseyMackenzie MurphyKaley PlatekSamantha PostAdam PowellEthan RiceSpencer RichardsonVictoria RoseBriana RyanMyj SaintylMaddy SaluckaMaddie Sinclair JohnsonAbbey SmithAlexis ThackerJanie ValentineJoel WilliamsSamuel WonacottTrenton Woodcox

Flag of New Mexico

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State of New Mexico
Santa Fe (capital)

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