New York 2014 ballot measures

From Ballotpedia

Three measures were certified for the November 4, 2014 statewide ballot in New York. All three were approved. Two were legislatively referred constitutional amendments, and one was a bond issue.

The 2014 legislative session began on January 8, 2014 and concluded on January 7, 2015. The state does not allow initiatives or referendums; therefore, measures must be referred by the New York State Legislature. According to the New York Constitution, a majority vote is required in two successive sessions of the legislature in order to qualify an amendment for the statewide ballot. As for a bond issue, Section 11, Article VII of the New York Constitution states that a majority vote is required in the legislature in order to qualify bond questions for the statewide ballot. The measures must be passed by the legislature at least three months before the general election.

Topics on the ballot include:

Historical facts

  • Between 1996 and 2013, an average of one measure has appeared annually on the ballot in New York. Therefore, 2014 was an above-average year.
  • From 1996 to 2014, the number of measures on a statewide ballot has ranged from zero to six.
  • Between 1996 and 2014, 20 of 28, or 71 percent, of New York ballot measures have been approved by voters.
  • Conversely, 8 of 28, or 29 percent, of measures have been defeated.

On the ballot

See also: 2014 ballot measures

November 4:

Type Title Subject Description Result
LRCA Proposal 1 Redistricting Creates a redistricting commission to draw district lines every ten years Approved
LRCA Proposal 2 Legislature Allows for electronic versions of bills rather than requiring paper copies Approved
BI Proposal 3 Bonds Authorizes $2 billion in state bonds to fund technology upgrades in schools Approved

Not on the ballot

See also: Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
Type Title Subject Description Result
BI Bonds for Environmental Infrastructure Act Bonds Authorizes $5 billion in state bonds for clean water and air infrastructure and natural resource protection Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

See also

New York

External links

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2014 ballot measures
I&R States

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Political topics
Flag of New York

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State of New York
Albany (capital)

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