Patrick Duffy

From Ballotpedia

Patrick Duffy

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Prior offices

United States District Court for the District of South Carolina



Patrick Michael Duffy was a federal judge on the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina. He joined the court in 1995 after a nomination from President Bill Clinton (D). Duffy served on senior status from December 27, 2009, until April 1, 2019, when he fully retired.

Early life and education

Born in Charleston, South Carolina, Duffy graduated from The Citadel with his bachelor's degree in 1965 and from the University of South Carolina School of Law with his J.D. in 1968.[1]

Military service

Duffy served in the U.S. Army from 1969 to 1971.[1]

Professional career

Judicial career

District of South Carolina

Nomination Tracker


Nominee Information
Name: P. Michael Duffy
Court: United States District Court for the District of South Carolina
Confirmed 72 days after nomination.
ApprovedNominated: October 11, 1995
ApprovedABA Rating: Unanimously Well Qualified
ApprovedHearing: October 24, 1995
QFRs: (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedReported: November 9, 1995 
ApprovedConfirmed: December 22, 1995
ApprovedVote: Voice vote

Duffy was nominated by President Bill Clinton on October 11, 1995, to a seat on the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina vacated by Matthew Perry. The American Bar Association rated Duffy Unanimously Well Qualified for the nomination. Hearings on Duffy's nomination were held before the Senate Judiciary Committee on October 24, 1995, and his nomination was reported by U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) on November 9, 1995. Duffy was confirmed on a voice vote of the U.S. Senate on December 22, 1995, and he received his commission on December 26, 1995. Duffy elected to take senior status beginning on December 27, 2009. He fully retired on April 1, 2019. Duffy was succeeded in this position by Judge Timothy M. Cain.[1][2][3]

See also

External links


Political offices
Preceded by:
Matthew Perry
District of South Carolina
Seat #6
Succeeded by:
Timothy M. Cain

Flag of South Carolina.svg

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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina
Active judges

Chief JudgeTimothy M. Cain   •  David Norton (South Carolina judge)  •  Bruce Hendricks  •  Richard Mark Gergel  •  Mary Geiger Lewis  •  Jacquelyn Austin  •  Donald Coggins Jr.  •  Sherri Lydon  •  Joseph Dawson (South Carolina)

Senior judges

Joseph Anderson  •  Henry Herlong  •  Cameron Currie  •  Terry Wooten  •  Robert Harwell  •  

Magistrate judges Robert Buchanan  •  Paige Jones Gossett  •  Thomas Rogers  •  Shiva Hodges  •  Kevin McDonald (South Carolina)  •  Kaymani West  •  Mary Gordon Baker  •  Molly Cherry  •  
Former Article III judges

Thomas Bee  •  William Drayton  •  John Drayton  •  Thomas Lee  •  Robert Budd Gilchrist  •  Andrew Gordon Magrath  •  George Seabrook Bryan  •  William Hiram Brawley  •  Clyde Hamilton  •  William Traxler  •  Dennis Shedd  •  Charles Henry Simonton  •  Henry Augustus Middleton Smith  •  Joseph Travis Johnson  •  George Anderson  •  Patrick Duffy  •  Margaret Seymour  •  Henry Floyd  •  Henry Hitt Watkins  •  Ernest Ford Cochran  •  Robert Chapman  •  John Lyles Glenn  •  Francis Kerschner Myers  •  Charles Wyche  •  Falcon Hawkins  •  Robert Hemphill  •  Donald S. Russell  •  Charles Simons  •  Charles Weston Houck  •  Matthew Perry  •  George Timmerman  •  Julius Waring  •  William Walter Wilkins  •  Ashton Williams  •  J. Michelle Childs  •  James Robert Martin, Jr.  •  A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr.  •  

Former Chief judges

David Norton (South Carolina judge)  •  Joseph Anderson  •  Margaret Seymour  •  Terry Wooten  •  Robert Harwell  •  Falcon Hawkins  •  Robert Hemphill  •  Charles Simons  •  Solomon Blatt  •  Charles Weston Houck  •  James Robert Martin, Jr.  •  

Bill Clinton

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Federal judges nominated by Bill Clinton



BaerBarkettBattsBeatyBenavidesBennettBerriganBieryBlockBormanBreyerBrionesBrysonBuckloBurgessBurrageCabranesCalabresiCarrCasellasCastilloChatignyChinCindrichCoarCollinsCooperCoteCurrieDavisDominguezDownesDuvalFriedmanFurgesonGarciaGertnerGettlemanGillmorGilmoreGleesonHaggertyHamiltonHannahHawkinsHenryHolmesHoodHullHurleyJackJonesJonesKaplanKatzKernKesslerKoeltlLisiManningMcKeeMcLaughlinMelanconMiles-LaGrangeMooreMotzMurphyO'MalleyO'MearaOliverPaezB. ParkerF. ParkerR. ParkerPerryPonsorPoolerPorteousRendell • Riley • RobertsonRogersRossRussellSandsSarokinScheindlinSilverSquatritoStewartSullivanTatelThompsonTimlinUrbinaVanaskieVanceWallsWellsWilliams


ArtertonAtlasBlackBlakeBriscoeTena CampbellTodd CampbellChesneyColeCollierDanielDavisDennisDlottDonaldDuffyEconomusEvansFallonFolsomGaughanGoodwinHeartfieldHuntIllstonJonesKingKornmannLawsonLenardLuceroLynchMcKinleyMoodyMooreMoskowitzMurphyMurthaNugentO'TooleOrlofskyPogueSessionsC. SmithO. SmithSteinThornburgTunheimWallachWardlawWebberWhaleyWinmill






AikenBarbierBarzilayBermanButtramCarterCollinsDawsonDimitrouleasFletcherFogelFrankGraberHellersteinHerndonJamesJohnsonKaneKellyG. KingR. KingLasnikLeeLemelleLindsayLipezManellaMatzMcCuskeyMcKeownMcMahonMickleMollwayMordueMorenoMorrowMunleyMurphyPallmeyerPauleyPolsterPoolerRawlinsonRidgwayR. RobertsV. RobertsSackScottSeitzSeymourSheaSilvermanSleetSotomayorSteehStoryStraubTagleTarnowTraugerTraxlerTysonWardlawWhelanYoung



