Payments in lieu of taxes
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Local governments receive payments from the U.S. Department of the Interior because they lose property tax revenue from federal land within their boundaries since local governments cannot collect taxes on federally owned property, such as land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the U.S. National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others. The payments, known as Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILTs), go to local governments to fund services such as fire departments, police protection, school construction, and roads.[1]
Fiscal year 2015
The table below summarizes how much each state received in PILT payments in 2015. PILT payments totaled $439.08 million in 2015, an increase of 0.5 percent over 2014.[2]
The top five states that received PILT payments were Western states: California ($45.7 million), Utah ($37.6 million), New Mexico ($37.4 million), Arizona ($34.4 million) and Colorado ($33.5 million).[2]
The bottom five states were Eastern states: Maryland ($106,398), New Jersey ($103,186), Delaware ($77,946), Connecticut ($30,521) and Rhode Island ($0).[2]
Payments in lieu of taxes by state, 2015 | |
State | 2015 payment |
Alabama | $1,131,049 |
Alaska | $28,482,595 |
Arizona | $34,413,828 |
Arkansas | $6,350,722 |
California | $45,793,923 |
Colorado | $33,583,582 |
Connecticut | $30,521 |
Delaware | $77,946 |
Florida | $5,271,756 |
Georgia | $2,512,499 |
Hawaii | $345,119 |
Idaho | $28,609,614 |
Illinois | $1,189,351 |
Indiana | $564,001 |
Iowa | $485,690 |
Kansas | $1,171,638 |
Kentucky | $2,146,228 |
Louisiana | $1,074,521 |
Maine | $313,804 |
Maryland | $106,398 |
Massachusetts | $111,640 |
Michigan | $4,646,379 |
Minnesota | $2,181,150 |
Mississippi | $1,833,943 |
Missouri | $3,695,781 |
Montana | $29,259,009 |
Nebraska | $1,062,481 |
Nevada | $25,244,861 |
New Hampshire | $1,885,851 |
New Jersey | $103,186 |
New Mexico | $37,466,124 |
New York | $159,770 |
North Carolina | $4,233,041 |
North Dakota | $1,523,807 |
Ohio | $655,758 |
Oklahoma | $3,053,052 |
Oregon | $17,716,801 |
Pennsylvania | $984,917 |
Rhode Island | $0 |
South Carolina | $598,646 |
South Dakota | $6,203,105 |
Tennessee | $2,140,169 |
Texas | $5,095,121 |
Utah | $37,619,551 |
Vermont | $1,009,992 |
Virginia | $3,740,282 |
Washington | $19,509,154 |
West Virginia | $3,082,021 |
Wisconsin | $3,376,781 |
Wyoming | $27,171,270 |
United States total | $439,084,000 |
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, "Payments in Lieu of Taxes by State" |
Fiscal year 2014
The table below summarizes how much each state received in PILT payments in 2014. PILT payments totaled $436.9 million in 2014, an increase of 8 percent over 2013.[2]
The top five states that received PILT payments were Western states: California ($45.2 million), Utah ($37.9 million), New Mexico ($37.6 million), Colorado ($34.5 million) and Arizona ($34.4 million).[2]
The bottom five states were Eastern states: Maryland ($108,292), New Jersey ($104,096), Delaware ($77,446), Connecticut ($30,934) and Rhode Island ($0).[2]
Payments in lieu of taxes by state, 2014 | |
State | 2014 payment |
Alabama | $1,023,078 |
Alaska | $28,548,370 |
Arizona | $34,497,956 |
Arkansas | $6,340,600 |
California | $45,298,833 |
Colorado | $34,530,642 |
Connecticut | $30,934 |
Delaware | $77,446 |
Florida | $5,311,455 |
Georgia | $2,450,254 |
Hawaii | $349,305 |
Idaho | $28,579,192 |
Illinois | $1,181,018 |
Indiana | $545,278 |
Iowa | $491,294 |
Kansas | $1,183,003 |
Kentucky | $2,182,678 |
Louisiana | $638,198 |
Maine | $316,231 |
Maryland | $108,292 |
Massachusetts | $118,864 |
Michigan | $4,611,245 |
Minnesota | $2,181,242 |
Mississippi | $1,825,109 |
Missouri | $3,477,166 |
Montana | $28,809,242 |
Nebraska | $1,053,278 |
Nevada | $25,439,484 |
New Hampshire | $1,908,034 |
New Jersey | $104,096 |
New Mexico | $37,677,905 |
New York | $160,767 |
North Carolina | $4,242,457 |
North Dakota | $1,525,912 |
Ohio | $600,939 |
Oklahoma | $3,042,242 |
Oregon | $17,680,594 |
Pennsylvania | $801,459 |
Rhode Island | $0 |
South Carolina | $575,919 |
South Dakota | $6,313,000 |
Tennessee | $2,121,952 |
Texas | $5,220,394 |
Utah | $37,903,225 |
Vermont | $1,019,729 |
Virginia | $3,614,508 |
Washington | $19,272,636 |
West Virginia | $3,108,857 |
Wisconsin | $1,600,968 |
Wyoming | $27,143,411 |
United States total | $436,904,919 |
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, "Payments in Lieu of Taxes by State" |
Fiscal year 2013
The table below summarizes how much each state received in PILT payments in 2013. PILT payments totaled $401.7 million in 2013, an increase of 2.17 percent over 2012.[2]
The top five states that received PILT payments were Western states: California ($41.4 million), Utah ($35.3 million), New Mexico ($34.6 million), Arizona ($32.2 million) and Colorado ($31.9 million).[2]
The bottom five states were Eastern states: Maryland ($99,591), New Jersey ($97,250), Connecticut ($28,900), Delaware ($17,828) and Rhode Island ($0).[2]
Payments in lieu of taxes by state, 2013 | |
State | 2013 payment |
Alabama | $901,119 |
Alaska | $26,458,503 |
Arizona | $32,203,852 |
Arkansas | $5,840,895 |
California | $41,445,228 |
Colorado | $31,986,266 |
Connecticut | $28,900 |
Delaware | $17,828 |
Florida | $4,968,346 |
Georgia | $2,286,091 |
Hawaii | $326,906 |
Idaho | $26,326,163 |
Illinois | $1,119,970 |
Indiana | $489,606 |
Iowa | $453,945 |
Kansas | $1,104,649 |
Kentucky | $1,949,675 |
Louisiana | $634,317 |
Maine | $299,779 |
Maryland | $99,591 |
Massachusetts | $111,203 |
Michigan | $4,187,945 |
Minnesota | $1,974,972 |
Mississippi | $1,580,410 |
Missouri | $3,079,132 |
Montana | $26,497,071 |
Nebraska | $1,120,561 |
Nevada | $23,331,913 |
New Hampshire | $1,767,252 |
New Jersey | $97,250 |
New Mexico | $34,692,967 |
New York | $144,520 |
North Carolina | $3,997,200 |
North Dakota | $1,374,438 |
Ohio | $554,833 |
Oklahoma | $2,794,607 |
Oregon | $15,578,762 |
Pennsylvania | $685,575 |
Rhode Island | $0 |
South Carolina | $470,359 |
South Dakota | $5,669,767 |
Tennessee | $1,877,039 |
Texas | $4,803,981 |
Utah | $35,391,052 |
Vermont | $944,378 |
Virginia | $3,263,807 |
Washington | $17,222,833 |
West Virginia | $2,892,560 |
Wisconsin | $1,304,986 |
Wyoming | $25,340,612 |
United States total | $401,756,129 |
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, "Payments in Lieu of Taxes by State" |
Fiscal year 2012
The table below summarizes how much each state received in PILT payments in 2012. PILT payments totaled $393.04 million in 2012, an increase of 4.55 percent over 2011.[2]
The top five states that received PILT payments were Western states: California ($40.2 million), Utah ($36 million), New Mexico ($34.8 million), Arizona ($32.8 million) and Colorado ($27.7 million).[2]
The bottom five states were Eastern states: Maryland ($102,393), New Jersey ($99,413), Connecticut ($29,612), Delaware ($18,268) and Rhode Island ($0).[2]
Payments in lieu of taxes by state, 2012 | |
State | 2012 payment |
Alabama | $805,176 |
Alaska | $26,894,462 |
Arizona | $32,886,575 |
Arkansas | $5,277,001 |
California | $40,272,053 |
Colorado | $27,724,576 |
Connecticut | $29,612 |
Delaware | $18,268 |
Florida | $4,891,669 |
Georgia | $2,242,635 |
Hawaii | $334,977 |
Idaho | $26,560,218 |
Illinois | $1,140,801 |
Indiana | $465,777 |
Iowa | $466,912 |
Kansas | $1,131,373 |
Kentucky | $1,835,766 |
Louisiana | $609,979 |
Maine | $316,048 |
Maryland | $102,393 |
Massachusetts | $114,403 |
Michigan | $4,150,498 |
Minnesota | $1,944,085 |
Mississippi | $1,611,979 |
Missouri | $2,736,800 |
Montana | $26,151,999 |
Nebraska | $1,131,384 |
Nevada | $23,917,845 |
New Hampshire | $1,800,869 |
New Jersey | $99,413 |
New Mexico | $34,805,383 |
New York | $152,301 |
North Carolina | $4,030,522 |
North Dakota | $1,418,453 |
Ohio | $521,866 |
Oklahoma | $2,740,199 |
Oregon | $14,004,966 |
Pennsylvania | $610,842 |
Rhode Island | $0 |
South Carolina | $405,963 |
South Dakota | $5,363,811 |
Tennessee | $1,826,471 |
Texas | $4,644,653 |
Utah | $36,038,626 |
Vermont | $942,220 |
Virginia | $3,113,070 |
Washington | $15,340,025 |
West Virginia | $2,953,219 |
Wisconsin | $1,087,158 |
Wyoming | $25,315,295 |
United States total | $393,044,454 |
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, "Payments in Lieu of Taxes by State" |
Fiscal year 2011
The table below summarizes how much each state received in PILT payments in 2011. PILT payments totaled $375.1 million in 2011.
The top five states that received PILT payments were Western states: California ($38 million), Utah ($34.6 million), New Mexico ($32.9 million), Arizona ($31.5 million) and Colorado ($27 million).
The bottom five states were states in the East and received less than $100,000: Maryland ($99,852), New Jersey ($97,394), Connecticut ($29,011), Delaware ($17,897) and Rhode Island ($0).
Payments in lieu of taxes by state, 2011 | |
State | 2011 payment |
Alabama | $721,010 |
Alaska | $25,490,863 |
Arizona | $31,546,890 |
Arkansas | $4,923,263 |
California | $38,025,813 |
Colorado | $27,022,334 |
Connecticut | $29,011 |
Delaware | $17,897 |
Florida | $4,660,743 |
Georgia | $2,072,956 |
Hawaii | $328,471 |
Idaho | $25,592,241 |
Illinois | $1,111,152 |
Indiana | $434,637 |
Iowa | $455,637 |
Kansas | $1,108,537 |
Kentucky | $1,553,048 |
Louisiana | $554,343 |
Maine | $303,652 |
Maryland | $99,852 |
Massachusetts | $101,403 |
Michigan | $3,988,603 |
Minnesota | $1,808,191 |
Mississippi | $1,560,083 |
Missouri | $2,546,022 |
Montana | $24,717,269 |
Nebraska | $996,651 |
Nevada | $22,942,298 |
New Hampshire | $1,750,215 |
New Jersey | $97,394 |
New Mexico | $32,916,396 |
New York | $127,278 |
North Carolina | $3,919,443 |
North Dakota | $1,452,758 |
Ohio | $521,039 |
Oklahoma | $2,639,362 |
Oregon | $13,062,332 |
Pennsylvania | $539,161 |
Rhode Island | $0 |
South Carolina | $394,712 |
South Dakota | $4,995,110 |
Tennessee | $1,695,519 |
Texas | $4,629,597 |
Utah | $34,659,277 |
Vermont | $911,147 |
Virginia | $2,791,489 |
Washington | $13,843,603 |
West Virginia | $2,863,940 |
Wisconsin | $907,936 |
Wyoming | $25,656,797 |
United States total | $375,158,254 |
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, "Payments in Lieu of Taxes by State" |
See also
- Federal land policy
- Grazing permits on federal land
- BLM oil and gas permits by state
- Federal land ownership by state