Philip Padovano

From Ballotpedia

Philip Padovano

Image of Philip Padovano

Prior offices

Florida 1st District Court of Appeal


Philip J. Padovano was a judge on the Florida First District Court of Appeal.[1] He was appointed to this position in 1996. His term was to expire in January 2017, but he retired in 2015.[2]


Philip Padovano graduated from Florida State University in 1969 and went on to receive his law degree from Stetson University College of Law in 1973.[1]


Philip Padovano worked as a private practice attorney from 1973 to 1988. After this, he became a circuit judge on the 2nd Florida Judicial Circuit. He was the Chief Judge of this court from 1993 until 1996, when he was appointed to the Court of Appeal.[1]



Padovano was retained on November 2, 2010 with 55.70% of voters in favor.[3][4]

Main article: Florida judicial elections, 2010

Past elections

He was retained by voters in 1998[5] and 2004. [6]

Noteworthy cases

The FSU football team -- sanctioned by the NCAA -- playing Virginia Tech in 2005

See NCAA v. Associated Press, et al

In October 2009, Padovano wrote a 26-page ruling which says that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) must release the documents it used in the course of deciding the sanctions it ultimately levied against Florida State University’s athletic department over a cheating scandal. The documents had been requested by several Florida newspapers. The NCAA argued that the documents were private because the NCAA is a private organization. Padovano, however, said the documents must be made public because “The appeal by the university is a matter of public concern. It is not tansformed into a private matter merely because the documents the university lawyers used to prepare the appeal reside on a computer owned by a private organization.”[7]

See also

External links


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v  e

Florida District Courts of Appeal
Judicial selection in Florida2024 electionsFlorida Supreme Court
First District

Joseph Lewis  •  L. Clayton Roberts  •  Bradford Thomas  •  Ross L. Bilbrey  •  Lori S. Rowe  •  Stephanie Williams Ray  •  Timothy D. Osterhaus  •  Susan Kelsey  •  Thomas D. "Bo" Winokur  •  Robert E. Long Jr.  •  M. Kemmerly Thomas  •  Rachel Nordby  •  Adam Tanenbaum  •  

Second District Stevan Northcutt  •  Nelly Khouzam  •  Patricia Kelly  •  Darryl Casanueva  •  Craig Villanti  •  Morris Silberman  •  Edward LaRose  •  Daniel H. Sleet  •  Anthony K. Black  •  Robert J. Morris Jr. (Florida Court of Appeals judge)  •  Matthew C. Lucas  •  Andrea Teves Smith  •  Susan Rothstein-Youakim  •  J. Andrew Atkinson  •  Suzanne Labrit  •  
Third District

Kevin M. Emas  •  Ivan F. Fernandez  •  Bronwyn C. Miller  •  Monica Gordo  •  Fleur J. Lobree  •  Thomas W. Logue  •  Edwin A. Scales, III  •  

Fourth District

Robert Gross  •  Cory Ciklin  •  Martha Warner  •  Melanie May  •  Dorian Damoorgian  •  Burton C. Conner  •  Jonathan D. Gerber  •  Spencer D. Levine  •  Mark W. Klingensmith  •  Alan O. Forst  •  Edward Artau  •  Jeffrey T. Kuntz  •  

Fifth District

Eric Eisnaugle  •  Brian D. Lambert  •  Frederic Rand Wallis  •  John M. Harris  •  Norma S. Lindsey  •  Adrian Soud  •  Harvey Jay III  •  Scott D. Makar  •  James A. Edwards (Florida)  •  Paige Kilbane  •  Joe Boatwright  •  Jordan Pratt  •  John MacIver  •  

Sixth District

Jay Cohen  •  John K. Stargel  •  Keith F. White  •  Daniel Traver  •  Jared Smith  •  Paetra Brownlee  •  Mary Alice Nardella  •  Joshua Mize  •  Carrie Ann Wozniak  •