Robert Mallano

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Robert Mallano

Image of Robert Mallano

Prior offices

California 2nd District Court of Appeal Division 1


Robert M. Mallano was the presiding justice of Division One of the Second District Court of Appeal in California. He was appointed to this court by former Governor Davis and took his oath of office in August 2000. He was retained by an election on November 5, 2002, on January 1, 2007, and on November 3, 2010.[1]

Mallano was appointed to the position of presiding justice by Governor Schwarzenegger in May of 2008 and was sworn in on June 4, 2008, at the age of 68.[2][3]

Mallano retired from the bench in February 2014.[4]


Justice Mallano graduated from Yale University in 1960 and Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley in 1963. He also studied law in Rome. He is married to Kathleen Baker Mallano.[5]


Justice Mallano started out as the Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles County. He served in this position for 3 years and then practiced private law for 11 years. In 1978, he was appointed to the South Bar Municipal Court by former Governor Brown. In 1980, he was appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court and was elected presiding judge of that court in 1993 and 1994. He was then appointed to the appellate court in 2000. He was also a member of the Judicial Council and the Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics.[5][6]



Mallano was retained in 2010 with 67.9% of the vote.[7]

See also: California judicial elections, 2010

See also

External links


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California Courts of Appeal
Judicial selection in California2022 electionsCalifornia Supreme Court
First District

Mark Simons  •  James Richman  •  Kathleen M. Banke  •  Teri L. Jackson  •  Marla J. Miller  •  Ioana Petrou  •  Tara M. Desautels  •  James M. Humes  •  Tracie L. Brown  •  Alison M. Tucher  •  Therese M. Stewart  •  Jon B. Streeter  •  Carin Fujisaki  •  Gordon Burns  •  Monique Langhorne Wilson  •  Danny Y. Chou  •  

Second District Audrey Collins  •  Frances Rothschild  •  Kenneth Yegan  •  Arthur Gilbert  •  Thomas Willhite  •  Victoria Chavez  •  Judith Ashmann-Gerst  •  Helen Bendix  •  Lee Edmon  •  Anne Harwood Egerton  •  Gail Ruderman Feuer  •  Elizabeth A. Grimes  •  Luis A. Lavin  •  John Segal  •  Maria E. Stratton  •  John Shepard Wiley, Jr.  •  Victoria Gerrard Chaney  •  Carl H. Moor  •  Dorothy C. Kim  •  Brian S. Currey  •  Lamar W. Baker  •  Elwood G. Lui  •  Natalie Stone  •  Rashida Adams  •  Victor Viramontes  •  Hernaldo Baltodano  •  Gregory Weingart  •  Audra Mori  •  Tari Cody  •  Gonzalo Martinez  •  
Third District

Ronald Robie  •  Harry Hull  •  Stacy Boulware Eurie  •  Laurie M. Earl  •  Elena J. Duarte  •  Louis R. Mauro  •  Jonathan Renner  •  Peter Krause  •  Aimee Feinberg  •  

Fourth District

Judith McConnell (California)  •  Eileen Moore  •  Kathleen O'Leary  •  Douglas Miller  •  Art McKinster  •  Manuel A. Ramirez (California judge)  •  Joan Irion  •  Terry O'Rourke  •  Richard Huffman  •  Thomas M. Goethals  •  Carol D. Codrington  •  Richard T. Fields (California)  •  Marsha Slough  •  William S. Dato  •  Michael J. Raphael  •  Joanne Motoike  •  Thomas A. Delaney  •  Frank J. Menetrez  •  Maurice Sanchez  •  Truc Do  •  Martin Buchanan (California)  •  Daniel H. Bromberg  •  

Fifth District

Brad Hill (California)  •  Bert Levy  •  Chuck Poochigian  •  Mark Wood Snauffer  •  M. Bruce Smith  •  Rosendo Peña, Jr.  •  Donald R. Franson, Jr.  •  Thomas DeSantos  •  Jennifer R.S. Detjen  •  Brian M. Hoffstadt  •  Kathleen Meehan  •  

Sixth District

Patricia Bamattre-Manoukian  •  Adrienne M. Grover  •  Julia Craig Kelety  •  Allison M. Danner  •  Mary J. Greenwood  •  Charles E. Wilson II  •  Cynthia C. Lie  •  Jose Scher Castillo  •