Robert Spector

From Ballotpedia

Robert Spector

United States District Court for the District of Connecticut


2018 - Present

Term ends


Years in position


Elections and appointments



Robert M. Spector is a federal magistrate judge with the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut. Spector was appointed to the court in April 2018, effective May 1, 2018. He filled the vacancy following Magistrate Judge Joan Margolis' retirement.[1]


Spector obtained a B.A. from Colgate University in 1993 and a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1996.[1]

Professional career

Judicial career

District of Connecticut, magistrate

Spector was appointed to the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut in 2018. He joined the court on May 1 for a renewable eight-year term.

See also

External links


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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut
Active judges

Chief JudgeMichael Shea   •  Kari A. Dooley  •  Vernon D. Oliver  •  Victor Allen Bolden  •  Omar A. Williams  •  Sarala Nagala  •  Sarah Russell

Senior judges

Robert Chatigny  •  Vanessa Bryant  •  Alfred Covello  •  Janet Hall  •  Alvin Thompson  •  Stefan Underhill  •  

Magistrate judges Holly Fitzsimmons  •  Robert A. Richardson (Connecticut)  •  Robert Spector  •  Thomas Farrish  •  S. Dave Vatti  •  
Former Article III judges

Janet Arterton  •  Ellen Burns (Connecticut)  •  Peter Dorsey  •  Christopher Droney  •  Warren Eginton  •  Mark Kravitz  •  Alan Nevas  •  Dominic Squatrito  •  Richard Law  •  Pierpont Edwards  •  William Bristol  •  Andrew Thompson Judson  •  Charles Anthony Ingersoll  •  William Davis Shipman  •  Nathaniel Shipman  •  Jon Newman  •  Jose Cabranes  •  William Timbers  •  William Kneeland Townsend  •  James Perry Platt  •  Edwin Stark Thomas  •  Warren Booth Burrows  •  Carroll Hincks  •  John Joseph Smith  •  Robert Zampano  •  Gilroy Daly  •  Mosher Blumenfeld  •  Robert Palmer Anderson  •  T. Emmet Clarie  •  Jeffrey Meyer  •  Sarah A.L. Merriam  •  

Former Chief judges

Robert Chatigny  •  Ellen Burns (Connecticut)  •  Alfred Covello  •  Alvin Thompson  •  Stefan Underhill  •  William Timbers  •  Carroll Hincks  •  John Joseph Smith  •  Gilroy Daly  •  Mosher Blumenfeld  •  Robert Palmer Anderson  •  T. Emmet Clarie  •