Rory M. Christian

From Ballotpedia

John B. Maggiore

Image of John B. Maggiore

New York Public Service Commission


2021 - Present

Term ends


Years in position



Elections and appointments



John B. Maggiore is a member of the New York Public Service Commission. He assumed office on June 22, 2021. His current term ends on February 1, 2027.

Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) designated Christian chair of the New York Public Service Commission and CEO of the Department of Public Service on September 30, 2021.[1]


Rory M. Christian lives in Brooklyn, New York. Christian earned a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the City College of New York and an M.B.A. from Baruch College. His career experience includes working as the president of Concentric Consulting Group, the New York director of clean energy of the Environmental Defense Fund, and the director of energy finance and sustainability management of the New York City Housing Authority. Christian served on the board of GRID Alternatives.[2][3]

See also

New York State Executive Elections News and Analysis

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External links

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  • Footnotes

    v  e

    Public Service Commissioners
    Elected (by voters)
    Appointed (by gov.)
    Elected (by state leg.)


    Flag of New York

    v  e

    State of New York
    Albany (capital)

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