Rosemary Collyer

From Ballotpedia

Rosemary Collyer

Image of Rosemary Collyer

United States District Court for the District of Columbia (senior status)


2016 - Present

Years in position


Prior offices

United States District Court for the District of Columbia




Rosemary M. Collyer is a federal judge on senior status with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. She joined the court in 2002 after being nominated by President George W. Bush.[1]

Collyer also served on the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court from 2013 to 2020. Her term on that bench expired on March 7, 2020. Collyer replaced Thomas Hogan as presiding judge of that court on May 19, 2016.[1][2]

Early life and education

A native of Port Chester, Maryland, Collyer graduated from Trinity College with her bachelor's degree in 1968 and from the University of Denver College of Law with her J.D. in 1977.[1]

Professional career

Judicial career

District of Columbia

Nomination Tracker


Nominee Information
Name: Rosemary M. Collyer
Court: United States District Court for the District of Columbia
Confirmed 105 days after nomination.
ApprovedNominated: August 1, 2002
ApprovedABA Rating: Unanimously Well Qualified
ApprovedHearing: October 7, 2002
Hearing Transcript: Hearing Transcript
QFRs: (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedReported: October 8, 2002 
ApprovedConfirmed: November 14, 2002
ApprovedVote: Voice vote

Collyer was nominated by President George W. Bush on August 1, 2002, to a seat vacated by Judge Thomas Jackson. The American Bar Association rated Collyer Unanimously Well Qualified for the nomination. Hearings on Collyer's nomination were held before the Senate Judiciary Committee on October 7, 2002, and her nomination was reported by U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) the next day. Collyer was confirmed on a voice vote of the U.S. Senate on November 14, 2002, and she received her commission on November 15, 2002. Collyer elected to take senior status on the court beginning on May 18, 2016. She was succeeded in this position by Judge Timothy J. Kelly.[1][3][4]

Noteworthy cases

FISA court approves surveillance of Trump campaign aide (2016)

On July 21, 2018, the United States Department of Justice released a redacted version of the application it submitted to the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA court) requesting permission to surveil Carter Page, a foreign policy advisor for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The order authorizing the surveillance was approved in October 2016. The judges that approved the application were Rosemary Collyer, Michael Mosman, Anne Conway, and Raymond J. Dearie, all of whom were appointed to serve on the FISA court by Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush (R) appointee.[5][6]

See also

External links


Political offices
Preceded by:
Thomas Jackson
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Succeeded by:
Timothy J. Kelly

Great seal of the United States.png

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Federal judges who have served the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Active judges

Chief JudgeSara LioiChief JudgeTimothy DeGiusti   •  George Singal  •  Joan Ericksen  •  Kenneth Karas  •  Anthony Trenga  •  Louis Guirola  •  John Tharp, Jr.  •  Amit Priyavadan Mehta

Former judges

James Zagel  •  Jennifer Coffman  •  Thomas Russell  •  Dennis Saylor  •  Raymond Dearie  •  Robert Kugler  •  Mary McLaughlin  •  Claire Eagan  •  Anne Conway  •  Clyde Roger Vinson  •  William Stafford  •  Liam O'Grady  •  James Jones (Virginia)  •  Malcolm Howard  •  Martin Feldman  •  Michael Mosman  •  Thomas Hogan  •  Rosemary Collyer  •  Reggie Walton  •  John Bates  •  Susan Webber Wright  •  James E. Boasberg  •  Rudolph Contreras  •  

Former chief judges  

Great seal of the United States.png

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Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Columbia
Active judges

Chief JudgeJames E. BoasbergChief JudgeRudolph Contreras   •  Christopher Reid Cooper  •  Tanya S. Chutkan  •  Randolph D. Moss  •  Amit Priyavadan Mehta  •  Dabney Friedrich  •  Timothy J. Kelly (District of Columbia)  •  Trevor McFadden  •  Carl Nichols  •  Katherine E. Oler  •  Jia Cobb  •  Loren AliKhan  •  Ana Reyes  •  Judith Pipe  •  Amir Ali  •  Sparkle Sooknanan

Senior judges

Barbara Rothstein  •  Royce Lamberth  •  Thomas Hogan  •  Emmet Sullivan  •  Henry Kennedy  •  Richard Roberts (District of Columbia)  •  Ellen Huvelle  •  Rosemary Collyer  •  Reggie Walton  •  John Bates  •  Richard Leon  •  Paul Friedman  •  Joyce Green (District of Columbia)  •  Amy B. Jackson  •  Beryl A. Howell  •  

Magistrate judges G. Michael Harvey  •  Zia Faruqui  •  
Former Article III judges

Michael Boudin  •  Thomas Anderson (District of Columbia)  •  William Matthew Merrick  •  David Kellogg Cartter  •  George Purnell Fisher  •  Abram Baldwin Olin  •  Andrew Wylie  •  David Campbell Humphreys  •  Arthur MacArthur  •  Walter Smith Cox  •  Alexander Burton Hagner  •  Charles Pinckney James  •  Edward Franklin Bingham  •  Martin Montgomery  •  Andrew Coyle Bradley  •  Charles Cleaves Cole  •  Louis Emory McComas  •  Thomas H. Anderson  •  Job Barnard  •  Harry Clabaugh  •  Ashley Mulgrave Gould  •  Jeter Connelly Pritchard  •  Wendell Phillips Stafford  •  Daniel Thew Wright (District of Columbia)  •  Thomas Jennings Bailey  •  James Harry Covington  •  William Hitz  •  Walter Irving McCoy  •  Frederick Lincoln Siddons  •  Adolph Hoehling  •  Peyton Gordon  •  Louis Oberdorfer  •  Gladys Kessler  •  James Robertson (District of Columbia)  •  Ricardo Urbina  •  Colleen Kollar-Kotelly  •  Harold Leventhal  •  Alfred Adams Wheat  •  Jesse Corcoran Adkins  •  Joseph Winston Cox  •  Oscar Raymond Luhring  •  Fred Dickinson Letts  •  Daniel William O'Donoghue  •  James McPherson Proctor (Federal judge)  •  Bolitha Laws  •  Thomas Goldsborough  •  James W. Morris (Federal judge)  •  Thomas Penfield Jackson  •  Walter Bastian  •  Edward Tamm  •  William Bryant  •  Howard Corcoran  •  Edward Curran  •  Edward Eicher  •  Thomas Flannery  •  Oliver Gasch  •  Gerhard Gesell  •  June Green  •  Harold Greene  •  Stanley Harris  •  George Hart  •  Norma Johnson  •  Alexander Holtzoff  •  William Jones (District of Columbia)  •  Richmond Keech  •  James Kirkland  •  Burnita Matthews  •  Joseph McGarraghy  •  Matthew McGuire  •  Charles McLaughlin  •  John Penn  •  David Pine  •  John Pratt  •  George Revercomb  •  Charles Richey  •  Aubrey Robinson  •  Spottswood Robinson  •  Henry Schweinhaut  •  John Sirica  •  John Lewis Smith (Federal judge)  •  Stanley Sporkin  •  Joseph Waddy  •  Leonard Walsh  •  Luther Youngdahl  •  Barrington Daniels Parker, Sr.  •  Florence Pan  •  Robert Leon Wilkins  •  Ketanji Brown Jackson  •  

Former Chief judges

David Kellogg Cartter  •  Edward Franklin Bingham  •  Harry Clabaugh  •  James Harry Covington  •  Walter Irving McCoy  •  Royce Lamberth  •  Thomas Hogan  •  Alfred Adams Wheat  •  Fred Dickinson Letts  •  Bolitha Laws  •  William Bryant  •  Edward Curran  •  Edward Eicher  •  George Hart  •  Norma Johnson  •  William Jones (District of Columbia)  •  Richmond Keech  •  Matthew McGuire  •  John Penn  •  David Pine  •  Aubrey Robinson  •  John Sirica  •  John Lewis Smith (Federal judge)  •  Beryl A. Howell  •  

George W. Bush

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Federal judges nominated by George W. Bush

ArmijoBatesBeistlineBlackburnBowdreBunningBuryCaldwellCampCassellCebullClementCliftonCraneEaganEngelhardtFriotGibbonsGranadeGregoryGritznerHaddonHartzHeatonHicksHowardJohnsonJorgensonKriegerLandLeonMahanMartinezMartoneMcConnellMelloyMillsO'BrienParkerPayneProstReevesRileyRobinsonRogersRoyalSheddB. SmithL. SmithWaltonWootenZainey


AfrickAndersonAutreyBaylsonCerconeCheslerClarkCollyerConnerContiCorriganDavisDavisDorrEnglandEricksenFullerGardnerGodbeyGriesbachHanenHovlandHudsonJonesJordanKinkeadeKlausnerKuglerLeightonLinaresMosesMarraMartinezMartiniMaysMcVerryPhillipsRaggiReadeRoseRufeSavageSchwabSmithSt. EveWalterWhiteWolfson


AdamsAltonagaBeaBenitezBennettBoyleBrackBreenBrowningBurnsBybeeCallahanCampbellCardoneCarneyCastelChertoffCohnCollotonConradCooglerCookCookeCroneDer-YeghiayanDrellDuffeyDuncanEricksonFeuersteinFigaFilipFischerFisherFlanaganFloydFrostGibsonGreerGruenderGuirolaHallHardimanHayesHerreraHicksHolmesHolwellHopkinsHoustonIrizarryJonesJunellKarasKravitzMartinezMcKnightMinaldiMontalvoMosmanOteroPickeringPradoPratterProctorQuarlesRobartRobertsRobinsonRodgersRodriguezSabrawSanchezSaylorSelnaSharpeSimonSpringmannStanceuSteeleStengelSukoSuttonSykesTitusTownesTymkovichVan AntwerpenVarlanWakeWesleyWhiteWoodcock




AlitoBarrettBattenBiancoBrownBurgessConradCoxCrottyDelgado-ColonDeverDuBoseGriffinGriffithJohnstonKendallLarsonLudingtonMatticeMcKeagueNeilsonOwenPryorRobertsSandovalSchiltzSeabrightSmoakVan TatenhoveVitalianoWatkinsZouhary


BesosaBumbChagaresCoganGelpiGoldenGordonGorsuchGuilfordHillmanHolmesIkutaD. JordanK. JordanKavanaughMillerMooreShepherdSheridanSmithWhitneyWigenton


AndersonAycockBaileyBryantDavisDeGiustiDowElrodFairbankFischerFrizzellGutierrezHallHardimanHaynesHowardJarveyJonesJonkerKapalaKaysLaplanteLimbaughLioiLivingstonMaloneyMauskopfMendezMillerNeffO'ConnorO'GradyO'NeillOsteenOzerdenReidingerSammartinoSchroederSettleSmithSnowSouthwickSuddabySullivanThaparTinderVan BokkelenWoodWrightWu


