Rudolph Hargrave

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Rudolph Hargrave

Image of Rudolph Hargrave

Prior offices

Oklahoma Supreme Court District 8


Rudolph Hargrave was a judge for District 8 of the Oklahoma Supreme Court. He was appointed to this position by Governor Boren on October 10, 1978. He served one term as chief justice, beginning on January 1, 1989.[1] He retired on December 31, 2010.[2] Hargrave passed away on April 1, 2014.[3]


Hargrave earned his J.D. from the University of Oklahoma in 1949.[4]


Awards and associations

During his term as chief justice, he was elected by the National Conference of Chief Justices as vice president of that conference, the first Oklahoma Supreme Court justice ever to serve in that position. He was also a member of the Seminole County Bar Association, the Oklahoma Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the Oklahoma Judicial Conference.[5]

See also

External links


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Oklahoma Supreme Court
Judicial selection in Oklahoma2024 electionsOklahoma Court of Criminal AppealsCourts in Oklahoma
Current judges Douglas L. Combs, Richard Darby, James Edmondson, Noma D. Gurich, M. John Kane IV, Dana Kuehn, Dustin P. Rowe, James R. Winchester
Former judges Tom Colbert, Rudolph Hargrave, Yvonne Kauger, John Reif, Steven W. Taylor, Joseph Watt, Patrick Wyrick