S. Dave Vatti

From Ballotpedia

S. Dave Vatti

United States District Court for the District of Connecticut


2021 - Present

Term ends


Years in position


Elections and appointments


S. Dave Vatti is a magistrate judge of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut. Vatti assumed office on March 22, 2021.


S. Dave Vatti earned a bachelor's degree from Columbia University in 1989. He earned a J.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Law in 1992.[1]

Professional career

Judicial career

District of Connecticut

S. Dave Vatti joined the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut as a federal magistrate judge on March 22, 2021.[1]

See also

External links


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v  e

Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut
Active judges

Chief JudgeMichael Shea   •  Kari A. Dooley  •  Vernon D. Oliver  •  Victor Allen Bolden  •  Omar A. Williams  •  Sarala Nagala  •  Sarah Russell

Senior judges

Robert Chatigny  •  Vanessa Bryant  •  Alfred Covello  •  Janet Hall  •  Alvin Thompson  •  Stefan Underhill  •  

Magistrate judges Holly Fitzsimmons  •  Robert A. Richardson (Connecticut)  •  Robert Spector  •  Thomas Farrish  •  S. Dave Vatti  •  
Former Article III judges

Janet Arterton  •  Ellen Burns (Connecticut)  •  Peter Dorsey  •  Christopher Droney  •  Warren Eginton  •  Mark Kravitz  •  Alan Nevas  •  Dominic Squatrito  •  Richard Law  •  Pierpont Edwards  •  William Bristol  •  Andrew Thompson Judson  •  Charles Anthony Ingersoll  •  William Davis Shipman  •  Nathaniel Shipman  •  Jon Newman  •  Jose Cabranes  •  William Timbers  •  William Kneeland Townsend  •  James Perry Platt  •  Edwin Stark Thomas  •  Warren Booth Burrows  •  Carroll Hincks  •  John Joseph Smith  •  Robert Zampano  •  Gilroy Daly  •  Mosher Blumenfeld  •  Robert Palmer Anderson  •  T. Emmet Clarie  •  Jeffrey Meyer  •  Sarah A.L. Merriam  •  

Former Chief judges

Robert Chatigny  •  Ellen Burns (Connecticut)  •  Alfred Covello  •  Alvin Thompson  •  Stefan Underhill  •  William Timbers  •  Carroll Hincks  •  John Joseph Smith  •  Gilroy Daly  •  Mosher Blumenfeld  •  Robert Palmer Anderson  •  T. Emmet Clarie  •