School District of La Crosse recall, Wisconsin (1992)

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School District of La Crosse recall

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Audrey Kader
Robert Kuechmann
Roger Winter
Kenneth French
Roger LeGrand
John Parkyn
Recall status
Recall approved (Kuechmann, French, LeGrand, & Parkyn)
Recall defeated (Kader & Winter)
Recall election date
July 14, 1992
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 1992
Recalls in Wisconsin
Wisconsin recall laws
School board recalls
Recall reports

An election to recall Audrey Kader, Robert Kuechmann, Roger Winter, Kenneth French, Roger LeGrand, and John Parkyn from their positions on the School District of La Crosse school board was held on July 14, 1992, in Wisconsin. Voters recalled Kuechmann, French, LeGrand, and Parkyn. Voters retained Kader and Winter.[1][2]

Recall supporters

The recall effort was initiated following an 8-1 vote by the school board to approve a plan involving changing school boundaries and busing students to other schools in order to achieve a higher rate of socioeconomic integration. Kader voted against the plan.[2]

A group called the Recall Alliance organized the recall effort.[2]

Recall opponents

A group called the Coalition for Children opposed the recall. Jim Birnbaum, a lawyer in La Crosse, led the group.[2]

See also

External links


  1. Zimmerman, J. (2013). The Recall. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (pages 109-110)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 La Crosse County, "Coming Together through Public School Choice," accessed August 8, 2024

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