School board elections in Montana
From Ballotpedia
The following pages provide information about school board elections in Montana's public school districts. For more information about these school districts beyond their elections, click here.
The list is updated once per decade following the release of the U.S. Census. Note that school districts may have been created, dissolved, or merged since the last update.
For information on school board elections happening across the United States this year, click here.
School district list
- Absarokee Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Alberton K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Alder Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Alzada Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Amsterdam Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Anaconda Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Anderson Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Arlee High School District, Montana, elections
- Arrowhead Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Ashland Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Auchard Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Augusta Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Avon Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Ayers Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bainville K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Baker K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Basin Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bear Paw Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Beaverhead County High School District, Montana, elections
- Belfry K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Belgrade High School District, Montana, elections
- Belt Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Benton Lake Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Biddle Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Big Sandy Public Schools, Montana, elections
- Big Sky School K-12, Montana, elections
- Big Timber Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bigfork School District 38, Montana, elections
- Billings Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Birney Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bloomfield Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Blue Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bonner Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Boulder Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Box Elder High School District, Montana, elections
- Bozeman Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bridger K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Broadus Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Broadview Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Brockton High School District, Montana, elections
- Brorson Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Browning Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Butte Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Bynum Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Canyon Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Cardwell Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Carter Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Cascade High School District, Montana, elections
- Cayuse Prairie Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Centerville Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Charlo Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Chester-Joplin-Inverness High School District, Montana, elections
- Chinook High School District, Montana, elections
- Choteau Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Circle High School District, Montana, elections
- Clancy Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Cleveland Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Clinton Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Cohagen Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Colstrip Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Columbia Falls Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Columbus Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Conrad High School District, Montana, elections
- Cooke City Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Corvallis K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Cottonwood Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Creston Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Culbertson Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Custer K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Cut Bank High School District, Montana, elections
- Darby K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Davey Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- De Smet Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Deer Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Deer Lodge Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Deer Park Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Deerfield Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Denton Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Dillon Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Divide Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Dixon Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Dodson K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Drummond High School District, Montana, elections
- Dupuyer Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Dutton/Brady K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- East Glacier Park Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- East Helena Public Schools, Montana, elections
- Ekalaka Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Elder Grove Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Elliston Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Elysian Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Ennis K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Eureka Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Evergreen School District, Montana, elections
- Fair-Mont-Egan Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Fairfield High School District, Montana, elections
- Fairview High School District, Montana, elections
- Fishtail Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Florence-Carlton K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Forsyth Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Fort Benton Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Fortine Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Frazer High School District, Montana, elections
- Frenchtown K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Froid Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Fromberg K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Frontier Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Galata Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Gallatin Gateway Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Gardiner Public Schools, Montana, elections
- Garrison Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Geraldine High School District, Montana, elections
- Geyser High School District, Montana, elections
- Gildford Colony Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Glasgow K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Glendive Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Gold Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Golden Ridge Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Grant Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Grass Range Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Great Falls Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Greenfield Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Greycliff Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Hall Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Hamilton K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Hardin Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Harlem Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Harlowton High School District, Montana, elections
- Harrison K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Havre Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Hawks Home Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Hays-Lodge Pole K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Heart Butte K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Helena Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Helena Flats Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Hellgate Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Helmville Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Highwood Public Schools, Montana, elections
- Hinsdale High School District, Montana, elections
- Hobson K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Hot Springs High School District, Montana, elections
- Huntley Project K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Hysham K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Independent Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Jackson Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Jefferson High School District, Montana, elections
- Joliet Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Jordan Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Judith Gap Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Kalispell Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Kester Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Kila Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- King Colony Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Kinsey Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Kircher Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Knees Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lambert Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lame Deer High School District, Montana, elections
- LaMotte Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Laurel Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lavina K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Lewistown Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Libby K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Liberty Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lima K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Lincoln K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Lindsay Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Livingston Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lockwood School District, Montana, elections
- Lodge Grass Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lolo Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lone Rock Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Lustre Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Luther Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Malmborg Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Malta K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Manhattan High School District, Montana, elections
- Marion Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- McCormick Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- McLeod Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Medicine Lake K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Melrose Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Melstone Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Melville Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Miami Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Miles City Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Missoula Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Monforton Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Montana City Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Moore Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Morin Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Nashua K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- North Harlem Colony Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- North Star High School District, Montana, elections
- Noxon Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Nye Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Olney-Bissell Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Opheim K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Ovando Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Park City High School District, Montana, elections
- Pass Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Pendroy Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Philipsburg K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Pine Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Pine Grove Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Pioneer Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Plains High School District, Montana, elections
- Pleasant Valley Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Plentywood K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Plevna K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Polaris Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Polson Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Poplar Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Potomac Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Powell County High School District, Montana, elections
- Power Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Pryor Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Ramsay Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Rapelje Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Rau Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Red Lodge Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Reedpoint Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Reichle Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Richey Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Roberts K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Rocky Boy Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Ronan Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Rosebud K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Ross Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Roundup Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Roy K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Ryegate K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- S Y Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Saco Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Sand Springs Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Savage Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Scobey K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Seeley Lake Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Shelby Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Shepherd Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Sheridan Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Shields Valley Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Sidney Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Smith Valley Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Somers Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Spring Creek Colony Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Springhill Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- St. Ignatius K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- St. Regis K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Stanford K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Stevensville Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Sun River Valley Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Sunburst K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Sunset Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Superior K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Swan Lake-Salmon Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Swan River Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Swan Valley Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Sweet Grass County High School District, Montana, elections
- Target Range Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Terry K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Thompson Falls Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Three Forks Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Townsend K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Trail Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Trego Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Trinity Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Trout Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Troy Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Turner Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Twin Bridges K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Ulm Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Upper West Shore Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Valier Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Valley View Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Vaughn Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Victor K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Vida Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- West Glacier Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- West Valley Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- West Yellowstone K-12 School District, Montana, elections
- Westby K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- White Sulphur Springs Schools, Montana, elections
- Whitefish Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Whitehall Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Whitewater K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Wibaux K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Willow Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Winifred K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Winnett K-12 Schools, Montana, elections
- Wisdom Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Wise River Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Wolf Creek Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Wolf Point Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Woodman Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Wyola Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Yaak Elementary School District, Montana, elections
- Zurich Elementary School District, Montana, elections
See also
- School board elections portal
- List of school districts in Montana
- Montana Department of Education
- Public education in Montana
- Montana