Seth Magaziner
Americans are struggling to pay their bills, and for too long the economy has worked great for those at the top while working people are left behind. As Treasurer, Seth put thousands of Rhode Islanders to work repairing schools and building affordable clean energy projects like solar panels and wind turbines. In Congress, Seth will support policies that will expand economic opportunity for middle-class families and those working hard to join it. That means:
- Lowering gas prices by returning big oil company profits back into the pockets of everyday Americans who are paying too much at the pump.
- Bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, and reducing our dependence on foreign supply chains.
- Investing in clean energy infrastructure that will lower energy prices, reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and create thousands of good-paying jobs, especially in the off-shore wind industry here in RI
- Extending the child tax credit to put more money back in the pockets of middle class Americans.
- Fighting for workers’ rights including the right to organize and to have a voice in the workplace.
- Expanding job and career training and apprenticeship programs to prepare Rhode Islanders for good paying jobs.
Rhode Islanders are struggling to make ends meet, facing difficult decisions every time they go to the grocery store or the gas station. Seth will focus on creating good jobs and lowering costs by:
- Lowering the cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies.
- Reducing gas prices by passing the Big Oil Windfalls Profits Tax Act which returns big oil company record profits back to consumers. Seth also supports temporarily suspending the federal gas tax, utilizing the strategic petroleum reserve, and moving swiftly to build clean energy infrastructure to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
- Making college and career and technical training more affordable so workers can get the training they need and employers can fill more jobs.
- Ensuring every child has access to free universal pre-school and affordable childcare so it’s easier for parents to re-enter the workforce
The COVID-19 pandemic caused devastating health and economic consequences including the deaths of nearly one million Americans, and shined a light on the importance of pandemic preparedness and strong public health infrastructure. As Treasurer, Seth worked with public health officials to ensure the state had the funds to respond to the pandemic, and advocated for policies to support the frontline workers who responded heroically throughout the crisis.
The importance of public health and the consequences of infectious diseases have never been more apparent than over the last two years. In Congress, Seth will prioritize public and pandemic preparedness by:
- Addressing shortages in health care staffing by investing in training programs, tuition reimbursement and student loan forgiveness for frontline workers.
- Addressing the social determinants of health, and ensuring that all Americans have access to adequate nutrition, clean air and water, and primary care.
- Ensuring public health decisions are informed by public health professionals.
- Promoting transparency and accountability in government.
Scientists are already warning that the next pandemic could be even worse. In Congress, Seth will champion pandemic preparedness by supporting policies to prevent the next pandemic by:
- Building a stockpile of improved personal protective equipment, tests for possible pathogens, and production capacity for therapeutics and vaccines for the known pathogens that are most likely to lead to the next pandemic, to be ready to scale them up and distribute them immediately.
- Improving air quality in buildings to prevent the spread of pathogens, particularly public spaces like schools, airports, classrooms, public transit, and hospitals.
- Increasing funding for scientific and medical research and making sure it is done safely and with security in mind to reduce biological risks.
- Ensuring strong, independent oversight of biorisk regulations, especially those risks related to dual use research.
- Building a 21st century early warning system to detect biological threats early and target resources to stop them before they threaten our health.
Since its historic passage in 2010, the Affordable Care Act has helped more than 31 million Americans get covered with health insurance and saved Americans over $2 trillion in healthcare costs. Since its expansion, Rhode Island has become the second-lowest uninsured state in the country. However, Rhode Islanders are feeling squeezed by the rising cost of healthcare- from expensive emergency room visits to the astronomical cost of prescription drugs. In Congress, Seth will:
- Protect the Affordable Care Act against Republican attempts to repeal it
- Support expanding the Affordable Care Act, so Americans have improved access to the care they need
- Fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices so all Americans are able to afford life-saving medications
- Support legislation to make the lower drug prices negotiated by Medicare available to Americans with private insurance, not just Medicare beneficiaries
Seniors are struggling to pay their bills and many rely on Social Security and Medicare. These programs are the bedrock of the middle class.
- Seth will fight to protect Social Security to make sure Rhode Islanders can retire with dignity and he will oppose efforts by any party to Republican efforts to privatize Social Security, raise the retirement age or cut benefits.
- Medicare is an essential component of our country’s economic safety net. In Congress, Seth will always work to protect Medicare to ensure seniors get the health care coverage they need and will fight for legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies. Drug companies should not be making record profits while seniors make tough choices about which drugs they can afford.
Women’s rights are under attack by right-wing politicians and an ideologically Supreme Court that just stripped the freedom for women to make their own health care decisions for the first time in nearly 50 years.
Seth will always fight for the rights of women to make their own health care decisions without the interference of politicians. That’s why he helped pass the Reproductive Privacy Act to codify Roe v. Wade into Rhode Island state law. In Congress, Seth will continue to fight for a woman’s right to choose and will support codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law. Seth is proud to have been endorsed by the National Organization for Women and believes there is no such thing as equality for women without reproductive freedom for all.
Ending gun violence shouldn’t be a partisan issue — and Seth knows that. Seth supports banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines, the weapons of war most often used in mass shootings. As Treasurer, Seth ended the state’s investment in companies that manufacture assault weapons for non-military use, and worked to pass laws making schools gun-free zones and banning high capacity magazines.
Seth is proud to be endorsed by the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence and be named a “Gun Sense Candidate by Mom’s Demand Action. In Congress, Seth will continue fighting to end gun violence with the same common sense approach that he has taken as Treasurer so that all children can grow up in a world free from gun violence.
Too many Rhode Islanders are making difficult choices between paying for gas and groceries, while billion-dollar energy companies are making record profits and climate change remains an immediate threat to our way of life.
As Treasurer, Seth created clean energy programs at the state Infrastructure Bank that have saved taxpayer dollars, created good-paying jobs, and helped small businesses reduce cost – all while reducing fossil fuel emissions.
In Congress, Seth will continue his work to lower the cost of energy by suspending the federal gas tax, holding billionaire oil companies accountable for price gouging and investing in affordable clean energy.
On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump incited an insurrection on the Capitol by telling his supporters to stop the 2020 election results from being certified. An armed mob vandalized our Capitol, attacked police officers, and tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Over a year later, we are learning even more disturbing and dangerous details and Trump is openly talking about pardoning those involved if he’s elected in 2024. Trump’s Republican allies are still fanning the flames of Trump’s “Big Lie” about voter fraud to pass more and more voting restrictions.
Our democracy only works when people can make their voices heard and elect leaders who will fight for them. As a member of Congress Seth will:
- Fight for voting rights in Congress including supporting the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.
- Hold Donald Trump and anyone else responsible for the January 6 insurrection accountable.
- Ban members of Congress from trading individual stocks so that they cannot get rich off of insider information.
- Support term limits for members of Congress.
National Security
Our government has no more basic responsibility than providing for the safety and security of our citizens. 21st century national security depends on a comprehensive, balanced approach to the full range of challenges including cybersecurity, foreign and domestic terrorism, and engagement with allies to combat destabilization abroad. Seth believes the bar should always be high for deploying American service members overseas, and our men and women in uniform must have the tools and support they need to do their jobs as safely and effectively as possible.
Seth supports continued humanitarian and military aid to the people of Ukraine as they fight back against Vladimir Putin’s immoral and illegal invasion of their country.
Putin’s invasion has demonstrated that our international alliances are as important as ever. American security depends on a strong Europe and a strong NATO who will stand up for democracy and against authoritarianism.
We owe the freedoms we enjoy as Americans to the great sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. They deserve much more than our thanks and appreciation – they deserve high-quality health care including mental health care, affordable education and job training, and employment opportunities as they transition from military service to civilian life.
As Treasurer, Seth created the BANKLocal program which encourages local banks and credit unions to make loans to Veteran owned businesses. In Congress, he will stand up for veteran’s healthcare as well as tax credits for businesses that hire veterans and expanded education and job training programs.
Americans are struggling to pay their bills, and for too long the economy has worked great for those at the top while working people are left behind. As Treasurer, Seth put thousands of Rhode Islanders to work repairing schools and building affordable clean energy projects like solar panels and wind turbines. In Congress, Seth will support policies that will expand economic opportunity for middle-class families and those working hard to join it. That means:
- Lowering gas prices by returning big oil company profits back into the pockets of everyday Americans who are paying too much at the pump.
- Bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, and reducing our dependence on foreign supply chains.
- Investing in clean energy infrastructure that will lower energy prices, reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and create thousands of good-paying jobs, especially in the off-shore wind industry here in RI
- Extending the child tax credit to put more money back in the pockets of middle class Americans.
- Fighting for workers’ rights including the right to organize and to have a voice in the workplace.
- Expanding job and career training and apprenticeship programs to prepare Rhode Islanders for good paying jobs.[27]