Sherry R. Fallon

From Ballotpedia

Sherry R. Fallon

United States District Court for the District of Delaware


2012 - Present

Term ends


Years in position


Elections and appointments



Sherry R. Fallon is a federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. Fallon was sworn in on April 25, 2012. Prior to joining the court Fallon was an attorney for the firm Tybout, Redfearn & Pell.[1]


Fallon earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1983 and earned her J.D. from the Delaware Law School of Widener University in 1986.[1]

Professional career

Fallon was an attorney for Tybout, Redfearn & Pell from 1986 until the time of her swearing in as a federal magistrate judge in 2012.[1]

Judicial career

On April 25, 2012, Sherry R. Fallon was sworn in as a federal magistrate judge on the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.

See also

External links


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v  e

Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the District of Delaware
Active judges

Chief JudgeColm Connolly   •  Maryellen Noreika  •  Jennifer Hall  •  Gregory Williams (Delaware)

Senior judges

Joseph Longobardi  •  Richard G. Andrews (Delaware)  •  

Magistrate judges Christopher J. Burke (Delaware)  •  Sherry R. Fallon  •  
Former Article III judges

Greg Sleet  •  Joseph Farnan  •  Sue Robinson  •  Leonard Stark  •  Gunning Bedford  •  John Fisher (Delaware)  •  Willard Hall  •  Edward Green Bradford  •  Leonard Eugene Wales  •  Walter Stapleton (federal judge)  •  Jane Roth  •  Kent Jordan  •  Edward Green Bradford II  •  Hugh Martin Morris  •  John Percy Nields  •  James Latchum  •  Caleb Layton  •  Paul Leahy  •  Roderick McKelvie  •  Richard Rodney  •  Edwin Steel  •  Caleb Wright  •  Murray Schwartz  •  

Former Chief judges

Greg Sleet  •  Joseph Farnan  •  Sue Robinson  •  Leonard Stark  •  Walter Stapleton (federal judge)  •  James Latchum  •  Paul Leahy  •  Caleb Wright  •  Joseph Longobardi  •  Murray Schwartz  •