Tandra L. Dawson

From Ballotpedia

Tandra L. Dawson

Bronx County Family Court


Present officeholder

Term ends



Tandra L. Dawson is a judge for the Bronx County Family Court in New York. She was first appointed to this position in 1998 by former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. She was reappointed to the position in 2005 by former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. She was most recently reappointed in 2015 by Mayor Bill de Blasio for a term that will expire in 2025.[1]

Dawson previously served as an acting justice for the New York County Supreme Court, Criminal Term in the 1st Judicial District of New York. She was appointed to this position full-time (serving in the Integrated Domestic Violence Court) in 2007. Her term expired in 2015.[2]


Dawson received her B.A. degree from Spelman College in 1978, and her J.D. degree from the Brooklyn School of Law in 1983.[2]


See also

External links


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