Theodore Boehm

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Theodore Boehm


Indiana Supreme Court Justice
Assumed office

Theodore R. Boehm was a justice on the Indiana Supreme Court, having retired September 30, 2010.[1]

Legal education and experience

Boehm received his A.B. in 1960 from Brown University his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1963.[2]

Professional career

After serving as a law clerk to Chief Justice Earl Warren, Boehm joined Baker & Daniels. In 1970, he became a partner. From private practice, Boehm transitioned into corporate law. He worked as General Counsel of General Electric Appliances and Vice President and General Counsel of GE Aircraft Engines. From there, he moved onto Eli Lilly Company. He returned to private practice with Baker & Daniels in 1995. In 1996, Boehm was appointed to the Indiana Supreme Court by Governor Evan Bayh. He was retained by the state's voters in retention elections in 1998 and 2008. [2]

Awards and associations

  • Chairman and CEO of organizing committee for the 1987 Pan American Games in Indianapolis
  • First President and CEO of Indiana Sports Corporation
  • Chair of the Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission
  • Trustee emeritus of Brown University,
  • Member, American Laws Institute [2]



Boehm was retained to the court with 71.1% of the vote in 2008.[3]

See also

External links


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Indiana Supreme Court
Judicial selection in Indiana2024 electionsCourts in Indiana
Current judges Christopher M. Goff, Mark S. Massa, Derek Molter, Loretta H. Rush, Geoffrey Slaughter
Former judges Steven David, Brent Dickson, Robert Rucker, Randall Shepard, Frank Sullivan Jr.